tt taaannl - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (2024)

tt taaannl - University of Hawaii· 2015-06-02· a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (1)


OBERT GRIEVE & CO.livery Upilniln) Jlornlnj;,

FIVE DOLLAKS I'tiK aa.mj.u

la. u nS In

TO. II .....- 9k nJ 97

Thrr Good Doctors-

The da" the I boi crew..-- - n Lime MtiL

,re tic docT- - be bare mot-- t to Ao

W..J .al:h of a hearty utt.At 4 n I root them ait aato.

Aid prt: then a I cab;Ttuxr's Ir- - Wet aaa Ur Owlet,

T!irr- - lr. Ihet, he trie my !,.1 Vaow yrw tJU" mi h ,Tmr stomach Is pm, ani jvsr Hm rs frj;;W sbqm xule TWlf (oi cr."

AatlDr Qalct be fcl y Til,Astf be p"; shale hla head.New sow dear ir. 1 nut tarlThaiya rc at J J bd."

Br Dr Xcmit tor nr.Cf aj tb crrw

Tor b" asLJca and urt, as be fa H ire,balevrrrov das!

newlratballacfettfcat.And alio I rtj ! bti.

Ana I laafk in tbe face of coM er beatFor be hare the doctor aM!

Atd c I "ma then, ap afaia.Abd prat them a 1 Cava ,

There'a Dr. Ilrt sad Dr Vatic.Aid Dr Xrrr-vaji- . fctvtl.


jiciucuk hi cuv win i niui tiiklaaliion for oneriUc companies comncacu

eraVn an nnrmlti Ia!pi 1m1hIii (ilimlMien."

l ct j e i it--ii j i i

- t J 1 I 3 1..n iauu uiu idub a hi cat uutii .u.a ut ci- -C llllVa.CU llUi JUS JL1 IMC ulua

a.alr.1 lit nw.Tt1

It? rcsu.l iron ibe proper oae of copper.licrcq recommcnJt trutmcnt of infections

wcou oi liuLs wiui corner fiuinniie. az;a iiie

miMtHftn I nc inn i it nMfHiMrr tnuie cnuaren swaj irom ecuooi alter in

hum cunuincaiortu uavs: cnicccn.and racznpa leve tbeir con tapons power.J U1T5.

ljciiacss nn. to wLicL a Itill Lad lecn

doic to uic Gcuior, ana rcceirca in rcpij

cw uDooaa tor uie unusu .mtv is in irtLe be&bou. and will le a

amor-plate- d larUtte tin!, Tbe vessel isiv.wv loos, am is io Dive nnn oi

borse power; which, nader pressure, can

111 VSi uLniua OI

if the work oi cbauce and not of a reas- -LTeaior, since u.e animals upon n uve

would furnish sn easier and mere rapidcf locomotion, and the vast electrical

of lin ntilizcd for the transmission of

Lodj fall fixm crag to crap, until it

MJt; fcwj wmu na icauiu tuiaalas;, lifted the jounister by the car,

uie Tvjousiieu matinee uiax loiiowed.

Jown a chasm. Tbcrc was no chasmIkt J Firtt J'rrif,

York wl shortl v be finisued. The Welles

eiTie. i ue entrance cn isroaawaT is oirp pnporuous, ieinz unca wun rntr

The cost of the site has been 200.000.

are excellenX throaghent the bnilding.are 1 eleratcrs. I caDahle of raisior

artesian well, scdV over 1000 feet io the

an v Tnt Y inaT-ilw- ln niniA Tttitrtfamous fiTcamore known as the Virgin's

at xteiiopoiis, wcrc Aram uirew up id.

r urn irienair Kniai nnnne uift nirnt io

m heraelf with tLe rliild in Uie Itollow nftrcsk, and that a kindly spider so coin-

bcfenie at tbe inanguration of tbeThe nnforturatc part of tbe tale is

the tree now shewn as the real articlenrtt JntJ nnti'l almnt IflT lliM Mrifnsl

milcnes Itirncn. in lann. was an anna.

heat, and, thonch the sun was not very

a newspaper enuuea iue &mti jvumca.a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor.


a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steamcaw huiil. Auuui it iuib au ivi.

his experiment Lave been ccDtinned vj

i j : ijawl a bailqcarts an boor.

ocpricir iue a piece oi uun reus an ana

as an oracrc. This forms a c&66er and

i r . r

III. 11 iUUUL UU LUC Ul U1V fCllVtoxne lime, uu ine oaooer cvroi v cotcfcu

tuinie or xnoisien mc coior ii ncccssarj.t.a L

between tbe paces of a folded sheet of

ox eacn siae oi uie icai. any coior mayused. Bornt or raw sienna works the most

t Deintablc shirs, acccrdinr to Capt 1L B,

tbe firs Uci ass soods and first-cu- ss passen.niwecn jaxore ana ice lauca states.seppcecs these ships to be built of steelto be divided into at least 10 compart- -

rr ana I eel; every compartment to navee means oi ncmninr in air ana oui

t if, as an ndaitiona security, all the

vessel wui nou even u everr oae oi uennanmenu naa a iraciore in il. i Dere-- is

this absurd in this supposition. It isuun prooaoie max ail iieavv ana coarse

be excluded from the fast mail and past--er steamers. It will be ouW necessarv. incase, to see that the compartments of tbeiow dects are witnont cciccx, anaio

vater. and thna adont the old Chinose

ir. i Dm. siiirni at an mmti vnnra winredaced to a miniia&ai, bet no sifetj canCOaraateed "srhere Bteamers are nai ashore,aoeoiren iiappens.

VOL. XVLTL-- No. 7.1

ijasiitrst gxrds.

TRAXCI5 M. HATCH,ttornoy t Xa v tc.

hU yo. 11 Kaahamana Mirr-l- ijrS.B.DOLX.

Counsellor t Lav and lSotaxy PnbUcOffice at the corner of Fort and Merchant &trect. Ho

cola Is. g

EDWARD PRESTON,Attorney and Counsellor at I.w,

y 6S Fort frtreet. IloaoliilB. KI

WILLIAM O. SMITH.ttrm:v at L4tr o nr.KcitAVT


W AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney and Counsellor At-Ia-

Art-n-t io take AeVfiowkdairat of Instruments for

sr. ". Kaahamaaa MwcU IImora.a 1 yr


asd Notary Pnblle. Attend all tke.Conrtt of tbe

1 A. SCIIAVrKR --V CO..Importers A. Commission Merchants

i IIonolalB, Hawaiian llaid. IJ

it. i:.3iciTYRi: v iirotiii:r.GROCERY. TEED STORE and BAKERY

Corner Kin sod Fort Mrm. llonolsla.

avii.ii:ie. V CO..Corarrcf Fort and Cncrn MeclK llcoolala.

XA&btr, Paid i, Oils, Kail, Salt and EuUiinj


Offirt -- Corner Fort and Pervtanla Ms Honolulu.9.U

Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.u VorrT MrefTn nonolala. ly

iiii,i.i: .v co..Slip Cband!ersa&dCom&usonatercaaau.

lttportrTt andlvakra In General Hrrtbandlt. JonA. N. CI.i:(-I10I- A Co..

lKfoKTCBa XD nxatxa isOouor a! IVCorclinxLcUno,

WIS Comer tjnren and Kaahnmaaa Mreet. ly

J. U.KAWAINTJI.Acent to r AdEnowledjpnrnts to Labor

ContractsFor tbe District of Kona. Office over tbe Totl Ofl'ice.

- -ci:cu. linoiv.


Altd forkloe AcVnowled-men- tt of Iutlnamrtitfforme irunsoiuua,

O No. Kaabwaann SU Honolnla. n. 1 ly


Hot oil Wino Sonlor.UNION SALOON,In tbe rear of tbe 'lltwalUniSaMtte" owUlnc.941 No. a Mfwhant Mwt, ly

cii.vs. x. ci;i.icii,OTATIY 1111 iTiTCT.

Arent to tale Acl:itowlrdf;acnta to Labor ContricU

GENERAL BUSINESS ACENT.OSre In Vale' BiOcL. comer Qaccn and KaabsmaanMreft, iionojaia. ia ly

WILLIAM ATJLD,Ajjcnt to laLe Aclcnowledcnients to Con- -

tracta lor aaborIn ibe DiMrifloI Kona, Ilatidof Oaba,at tbe OfficrofIhf llo&olala Water WorLe, foot of Nnnane Mrert


jajils noiip. rKoriuirrort,CDRIER OF FORT AftD HDTEl STREETJ. HOHOLUIU.

Tbf txt Ale, Vtnr cad Lienor co&ttanlly on htnd.yja uirrry Maw aiiacncqioiar uoui j

c Aro.".Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer

in General mercnacdiseAnd China Good. In the More, comer KI&c

w 0BT05. . a, orrosc;. AORTO A C'O'S

Vtore. ItroTe lUncb Flantatton. Dealrra In Cbolr Groceries ana rrorifion nno orami vorcciioir.

ly .

ieiciiako r. icki:rt.ATTOKKET AJfL COTJ3TSEL0K AT LAW

Will attend tbe Terms of Cenrtt on the otter InlandMoneTtoletadoBortpareotFre,bold. CrTlCE

Si Merchant U-- 2donr from Dr Mazm aid's.gjf t a co.,IXTOErERS AND C0MUISS103? KZE CHANTS

OU llonolaln. Oabn. 11.1 ly


QBten Mrett, Honolnla. II. 1. ly




cxara ru.cvKU.3L i. IK IV I.A A CO.,

Sugar Factors and Commie si on AgentsllOBOlalB. II. I. lv a co.COMMISSION MERCHANTS

And Importrn of and Dcalear In Hay. Grain, and


For tbe Mate of California and 1 otV OfEe atthe or mbop Jt to-- llonoiain. w u


KEECHANDISE.Iz3 Qarrn Mreet, Hoaolala. IU 1. ly

S. M-- CARTER,Acent to taVe Acknowledcments to Con

tracts for labr.Officr at r 31. h. Dock. ErnUnadr. Uonolalo II. L


F. T. LENEHAN & CO.Importers and Comminlon Merchant.Wt Nettann tnm. Honolala.


Druggists Sc Tobacconists,WHOLES' ALE AND RETAIL,

39 N'tioann Mrc. Honolnla. 3

MRS. A. M. MELLIS,raahionable Dreu and Cloak Maker,

IM Fortstrert, Uonolalo, II. I.i ly

j, ji. viiit3i:y ji. i. iDcrUlEooni on Fort Street,

Uffirvls BrerVEkKt. comet Hotel and Fort tri-r-

a ly Entrance. Hotel Mrrct- - iswts.



near. txia. c. . iwIj 11 IV II it s a-- cooui:,

baccceor, to 1.kwxk Dicuox,IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER

And all Vlndt of Balldin? Materia!..Fort Street, fJ ly Hoaolala.

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO..Importing and Mannfactwrinfi Stationers

rnbuaben. Aew--s laiers. uoosBinder and Paper Rnlora,

IS A3 Merchant Mrert. lionolmln, H. 1. JDIl.I.IM-llAT- f A CO..

Xt?0ETEES AND DEALERS IV HA ED WABECatlerr. Dry Good. Fnlati and Olla, and General

aierrbsadiM',HI No. 57 Fort Mreet. llonolaln. ly

WM. O. SMITH,Stoclx. 23roltor.

V X Xercbant Ilonolaln. II I.Sncar Plantation. Railroad. Telephone and

other Corporation StocJts, Bonds andsimilar secuxitiea Booeht and Sold

on Commission. Money Loanedon Stock Securities .

HooolaJtt. II. L October Xrt. ttfJOS. E. WISEMAN,

Real Estate Broker & Employment BnxeaaKen la Kooma. Cottacea, nonara, and relU and lew

nai cauie la au paru ei i&c tkiscncnn. ampwrneat found for tbor teeklns work to all tbe Tarloaabranebe of boainoM eoirueeted witb the Inland.fjy N. B. Local DoccipenU drawn. Bills OollecUd,

Buokf vnd Acconats kept. sndcncraloQccnrk traatnctd. Fatrouac vollcited. CoaualHloat moderate.

Honolaln. ll. i.


Soblnson'a f BaSldlt?.QnecB btreet, Hoaolala, U. L

acxxTa maTbe Glasgow and Honolnln of Pnckrta.John Ilay A Co', Urrrpool and Loadoa rackets.Tbe Waikapn rianutlon.The Spen-M- rianuxlon. HIlo.HakiXaa riantailMa. UUo.Sllrrlee. Tait A VTaUoa. ilachltcrj.Tbe Fsaloa tberp Eanch Company . !6

r. c mix. x.r. srooiox.AI.I.EA A ROIIX.tfrV..

At KoVtaMnTa Wharf,

Dealeri la LtUEbar art all kiadi cf BrdUicfMaterials. Faitt, Oils, aaiu, iu,cac

aenrra or ratwyiaiUALEAKALA,




SU Hooohila. Hawallaa Ialanda. ly

TIIOS, Ai. T II K U Jl ,uroansv xaxctacttbtso

STATX0 KEE, MEWS AGEKT, AIDpapek xtrirs,

Merchaat &k a ear Fort, and Fort SL near HotcL Dosolala.Oaho, U. L

Also. rahlUaer of the Hawaiian Almanac and Aetna!and Hawaiian JJirtctory and Calendar. Ac

ThMercJuit alreetSure, The Fort atroet Store wiBwUl b Ierou4 la GcncratVmorace Fine Sutienery,Stationery. BUxk BooWBookj, Artlata Xauxiab.jve-- a ana maaisy irpanHToy im 'urynaaus f ly

fastness gards.






Awcklana,ESSRS, I. R, ROTHSCHILD I $01$,: ttOIW

The flrlenlal Rank vrprtloa, i i lndnaitn nixta laavrnrs tx

IloMt; Kons;,Sydney, tad

JVelhonrar,And trap net a General Banking Bbmbw. 890 ly

i: ---.

1 1 ixc iico*ck,ATT0RNET AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII.

H tni nromptly collected ljr. S. PRATT At CO.

Aactieseers and General CommUtten Kcrchaata,Beam Block, Qoem btrect, HonolB)atlI. I.

ecUl attention riven to tbe Mle of ReaUnd Ter- -Fontl Property.

rrAdiaBceatadconCoBelgnmenta.nia lyD. H. HITCHco*ck.

Attorner at Law and Notarw PaallcHat opened an Office In lUkt, where be will promrdry

nm tn mil uu.iitctp niriPini IO U1ZB.Will allmd all lb Torma Af tti (Ih-l- miA

wilt alrt attend the Local Ctrcnlt Coorts in Kay.fcrRVEYIXO DONE PROMPTLY. ly

Dr. N. B, EMERSON.pilYsICIA" --VXD SURGKON.X Con nltatlon Roomt and Kraldccce No. S KaknlMroet, corner of Fort.

reOFr'ICE HorReH 13 10S a. m ; 14 to n,tx THeohone No. VC9 If


Surveyor and Civil Engineer.Id tr Address I1qbb Pot Office. sm


limii Fort Enmt.OFFICE HOCKS ): lol!:). l:lloJr.! eTELEPHONE aei.M

A. ElilS,Stoclx. Srolcoxr!TII.I. Ill A' OR SEI.I. PUXTATIMX

at Sl.rVct lot for C.. omCE WITH E r..DAM. Anrtlonrrr. ff31r

M. S. GRIKBATJM & CO.mrom-EB- or

Gc&erl Mercliajidla. and Cnmmiaalon Morchunta.HcjioItJri.H.1. ly

M. IS. GRINBATJM & CO,Commission Merchants,

No. 1S4 CnlirornU St-- San rnt.rlaen. C.l


Dry Goods, ralatr. Oil. and lieneral Atmbandfre.Sly Comer Fortand Klnc Mf.

JNO. A. HASSLNGER,Aont to taLe Aclcnowlodcmenta to Cen

tracts for La nor.ft2 Interior Office, lloni lain. ly

n . r. Cirrus. r.rjcMt, jxC. BREWER & CO..

SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Hoaotnlc. Hawaiian Islands. lyA. W. PEIRCE & CO,


Praed Oss and Loacea,Ifttj Davit' laia Killer,

' No. 40 Qdcco bUnoaolalB. ly

i- - av. .iuvn.Commission Merchant att General Dealer

1b Dry Goodf. CtrocerIei,lIardnare,Matloiiery,Patent Medicine, Perfamrry, and

t. Ian? ware.w ffAUl'Kr. MA CI. ly

DR. E. H. THACHER.No. VHi Fort Street, nnt dotir sVore M. Dickjon

. ooicirarB uaiiery.iSatisfaction fruaranted In Pzic and

Quality ofPare Nftratf Oxide la sdmlaUterrd for pa!nle

Val fo teeth.JAMES 31. .MONSA11KAT,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law.attention paid K ike nerotlatlnn f I,oauO

ConreyaDtlBr. and all mattrra sppertalnlnr to Real V

(.Ettate. JNotary Pnolle and CommJaalonor of Dooda

and rtcn York.

riu:o. it. iavii:k Co..Latx JaXiON.Giutx A Co.


aD arsT ronLlord'a and the IiTrmonl I'ndernTitrr.Itritifh and Fort I m Marine InrBrance Company,And Northern Ccnpany. ictt 1



AGENTS FORrioyal Soap Comp'y.wo .o. z ynccB ?u nonoioia. ii. i, iy

Goo, Jr- - W oils,mrowrxa as vtilti fx

General Mnsical Mercnandlse. Palntin?a.Lnrnrincv Chronoa, dce sw &.

The Cheapot place to Bay


made to order.

'107 rort Ht HowolwlM.1IV.I. mtos..

Importers of General MerchandiseFROM


UXITSD STATES,No. C5 Merchant Mr ret, - - Honolala, II. I,


m and SIS CalL'ornla otreet,

S A r R A N CISCO..n

Iilaad Prdw- - S lyV.JC.CAmX. . aTBKKTO!



Dealers in General Merchandise,No I.

AGENTS FORThe Kohala SscarCo. K. IIaltead.orWala4S.aTholIiUnSosrarCo:The Alexanders Bald-

win Plantation.Ilantnkna PlaaUtloa.

The Jllichco*ck A Co,







Plantation.A. If.Suiih Co.

loa,KaaaLJ. M.AIexaader.IIalks,


The fnlon lavnraneo ComnaaT of San Francisco.The New Enrfand Life Inraraace Conpaay, of ZWtoni ne maae jaanBiacxar.BC --o.. o. ixwton,1). M. We, too "a Patent Crntrlfoffal Machines,The New York and Ilottolaln Packet Line.The Merchant!' Line. Ilonolata and San Francfx.

Jarner . CfWeratt4 Mrdlrinea.Wilcox Uibb's, slpzerMantfactariBsCcaipaay. and9ti Machlars. ly

Qomtsfk jjrodurt.

KATJPAKUEA PLANTATIONk7 qaaaullee lo.iutparcbaeere. oy

W&ly c Arosu.


C R EY &. CO.,jVoMafacturer antt Dealers

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,aV.(ie, atvias; sireci Hoaoiaia.

IWf. Matton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders left a-

Bolle A Co'f. Qneea Street, will meet wlta prompttenuoo. ly

SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep SkinsaflOXWAmTOX R1XD AVD FOR MALEL from the well known

Wal men TaaRery, r. Parker( arr1111 Tannery, S. Lymia. rroprtesor.

A. g. CLEG HORN A CO.. Agtsta.

.TiirrrtoroLiXA.t market.





Dr. tm'




C.WALLER, ProprietorKImi; Street, llMsdala.

Choicrtt Meats from Finest Herda.


MAKF.E Sc. C0KPA3TT,paiai Manufacturers. Waihee. Maai,


The Terr Best quality of 1'AIAlfrom I TAB0,

a. a.

Uvlar to extent of Uad.ul ca.

rurutec ruautiem u ail eaipieyera or law,fuanary jairare cn isppuca.

by Post will

SAT7SAGE tS" ds.Ij imn. rrean am pvneef orser.




arrora py




nltleatej bru,tuaicrmciiiiruTUii otbeio,

Orders Receive PromptAttention




ED, C ROWSHonseandSign Painter, Paper Hanjr, dee

ytS ly No. 107 King Street, Ilonolaln. 3

Morolinnt Tailor.No. S3 Fort yt,. below Dr. SUngfnwald'a. ly


Itorae Mioelnr, Carrlnc work,IMantntlon TYartalnerr, e.

9ii 5hop on King ee, next Catl Jt CookeV. ItJOHN NOTT,

Importer and Dealer in Store, Rancea.Metal, lloise FsrnlbIt)gGooda.Crncke(y.Glataand

China Ware. Practical Vechanlca, Ilonolalo, II. I.i iy

J. M. OAT & COn SAILMAKERS,Loft In A. F. CooVe New f BaUdtnp, foot

oi .vnnasn cirrri.Honolaln. II. 1.

Flaga of all descriptions made and repaired- -PIONEER STEAM

Candy Manufactory and Bakery3?. HORN,

Practical Ccnfectioaer, Pastry Cook ana Baksr,J iioiei street, oetwecn Mnintt iad rott. s ly

onx asvsLCTR. s. axauts.G. ENGLTNG & CO

No. 5 Naaann Street,Tinsmiths and Plumbers, Dealers In Stores

Ranges. Tin. t Iron and Copper ware, keep cmunity on hand s fall ssorment of Tinware, Gal,ia

laed Iron and Lead Pipe India Rnobcr He, Xc fte.MSly



.V n U.llrr1CiMl.r.,In.t Hnnft.4 L..4Cutl.pMachlnory of Every Description

FulinUr aneition ptii It Ship' SlietimItUs(

fJDRHOKkHKnlMHiMintntiliHin. 3 ' JN.r.BTJRGESS.

Miop ob Hac fctrwt. orpotlte Ro?.Efttmilr. cirrnoo 111 Vlod. f baUdinc.. lVlfB ro

rrn tttlra. Itrpalrlop oi cTrry 3rrript!oa done lathe Vett pa.ible minorr, and at reasonable rater.m It

CABINET 3VX Si. IE 33 XI ,AinKra ?irrri(

One door below notel Hml.Fvrnltnre of all derrriptlon. made and repaired on rra

eoaaoiv inwt. im nni.ioiDFDin



troltoreAVare-Koo- a No.! Fort M, Work bop atthe old tUnd on Hotel fctrctt,

Order from the other Iilandi promptly attended to.

PHOTOGRAPHS !a;aix ntiiTTtn inn theHaiu of sttendlnr to Photonsnhr. I am now

pre m red torn to anr rari of theUwmo. to make Vie p.

I'ortraiteS or any kind of work belonHar toOnly productlonp will be niade.

1. 1. VIIA?l.Honolnla, March SMh. !TO Sm



Stores and Ranfrcs. Tin, Sncct Iron andCopper War.

Keep. Coavlactlyon hand a bnperlor AssortmentTin War?. OalTsnlzrd Iron and lead pipe,

Important NoticeHAVIXC ITItrilASKO T1IK



LADIES.' GENT'S & CHILDREN'S SHOESastonishingly low prices cash.

Call early obtain a cod reletUon etcry articleaoltlatthi lowcat pM,thl rrice toenrnre

Immediate .ale. J,H sot



of9f) ly


of M. G.


at lor

to is1U be aa

HNSaUs- St


Hit 1 IH. II. IIOl'M: AND IIKAVTSHIP, Wort, Mouldt- n- rtltt, PJinlnc KbIn,Anchors and Anvil, n paired. Ofneneckr, Crank Axleand n Axles made for the trade on rraeoaibHterais.

Heavy Wagons for Traction EnginesASP

ARTESIAN WELL TOOLSWith all their nttlr.;, a fcpeclally.

All Onltn rromply AtlmM Io, and WvrliTKaninirni,

tV vhonnll. P.nlmul. I. Ih. mr nt Vr. f.eourn iianmjTJiin. mam

G--. S3S7 EST- axtr Conttsnsly

On Hand and For SaleAt reaeonale terms a romplete ctocV pf

lll'ltN M'UKIA,

AE.1.f Vltltl Kill TI1IM Jl IM.S,

OaV, Asb and Hictorj-- I'lanV,

WLilc WcoJ, Cumberland Coal,

Paints, Vamibhes, Horec-Sbo-

RcSccd liar Iron, '.ctaTAII orders promptly flllod."



P. A. COSTA, Proprietor- -

Late Chief Steward cf Stair. ' Laellke-- '

IJii.wiD ltv Tin: day ik i:r.u OXJL KEASUNAULB TEKJIS,

The Tahla ts tappllcd with thcbeit the Market afford,

tir Meals at all hours of the i yr


No. 71 Fort St, above Hotel St.,KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND

An aptvwtment of the fcet French andCalifornia niansfactaredConfectionery

Which he oOrrt for tale to the trade, or at retail.


To be had in the market.


Wl ai


103 Fort Street.Has determined to offer her entire

Stock of Trimmed andTJntriramed

HATS & BONNETS!Childrens Clothing,

LadiVs' White and Linen Suits.

V.TAJL&rgt Discount from Harked Price for

Cash, in order to make room for her

icw k Flciranl StckTO ARRIVE.

This ooportBslty Is one nut often offered a, the floodsare all u tood order, and


Mrs, WilkainBonWoaM eametU) ak her fatrona to



Greatly Eeduced Prices

Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson,- -VA IB1 Fort HI--. Ho.lail..T

ULOCKS AXD MAST HOOFSlTUTEST IUOX !TlUPPI3 BaVOCUJL Jfetalllc Iro. blcajrDed ' Btoc. Patent EaaMaxrjua pwdih, .fail wnn.m o, rfa...


New Steam Bakery !


iraaTV eSTHAM UAltKIlTOn King Stroot,

Bext4oorloIIoo.J M(

All tinds of IIREAn JInnraclnrrd of thfhet qnallly onlr.

ttT Order rrelted fcy4Hona oa. XcSSKlnr1111 ISLAND OltDIKS SOJ.KTE1I. Jrr


Honolulu Planing

Honolulu, II. I,

Ua& all t!&6l el

Mouldings, Brackets,

IISteam Mills,


window Framos,Blinds, Sashos, Doors

And all alnd of Woodwork rlaUli.

Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing!Al-i- , uisna or

Planing and Sawing,Morticing and Tenanting.


Order front ths other Itlands solicited.HftBOlnrn. May g. 1!C. J tm




Tablets, Marble Mantels,WashsUnd Tops, and

Tiling in Black and White H&rfcle.



Jlsnnmrnti nii-- t Ilenilloitr t lrnnrtl ntttlltret.

Ordcn from lh- - other Nland promptly attt ndrd to.

MRS. THOMAS LACE,No. 19 Fort St. Honolnla.


Sowing Machines, and CcnulnoParts, Attachments, Oil

and Accessories.

White, New Home,

Davis, Crown, Howe, andFlorence Machine?,

Howard's Machine Kcedlcs,

all kinds & sizes; all colors;

miiKs' jm.K r.x ii, machine cotton.AO EXT KOU

Madame Demorett Reliable Cut lajer rattern.and raMleatlorts. Dealer In

Rlflr. Il.tolt. (Isnr. and Sporting Uood;Mint, Cap.. A MVtaltr CarttWses.

KEROSENE STOyES!in ait pirtf

air Mr Mock of rtocii.tlrsr Holder. Tobacco. lcm w oid at miT riat s. vz

kino Asn roirr streets.


Itoncl*t for t'asli, a Large StorkOF- -

Firsl-Cla- ss Harness Fillings!1. now enabled to tnannraetBv

Tlao Best Uai'iioBsrilODCrCD HERK. .

Cheaper than any HouseIX TOWN.


TOf 1IAYK SKKX HIS tiOHDS."Hae Marjeand iKwble Iftrncr.

s.(mnini irq aiw iiirpf,Expreas and llsntatlon Itarnef

DHdW, Walpa, Curry Combs,Itnhcs. ppors lret(!iir, etc .ctr

Moadloan Saddles.THE BEbT IN THE IfcLAXPS.

ter R e oat rint? done In the bent niaaaer. and at theLoaerl Katca. Onlj lint I Workmen Employed



Varied AssortmentTO BE

FOUND US HONOLULU !We are Conttaatlr in Icdpt of

Fresh. Supplies !


Most Reliable Manufacturers


P. Lorillard & Co.'sTin Tag Tobaccos,

Vanity Fair Tobacco andCigarettes,


Hollister fe Co.rThoTraU and Retail Tobacconist?,

Mtf ynjVAW


Boston Board or r&denrrittn.A GK1XTS far tkc Hawnllntn 11. wda.Jtl iy CBRiffta a ro.Philadelphia Board of rndenniterf.

AOKSTS for Ik Hawaii as. taUsMla,c. pRKWKnjfcco

i a. NOiurrcR.AnKXTritremcM Ilr4r TMdrwrlirra,

of Undrrariurf .Actat of VI mat roard t raderwrltrrs.

Claims inlntt Iasnraare ConraBles within tho lartdiction of the abora Boards of Vnderwrilers n Ul haveio oe ceninea io oy tit aoore Acentto maa taemalia. w ly

Insuranco TJotice.

THR AO EST niRTnK BRtTIIUSfartao UimM, rimuit TJfBttI. airecelred tatmcUmta to Red we iho Rale of Is

saranre aenrpen iionoialn and reels tn Ih racist, sadIs now prepared to la rolktes at tha lawstt rate,with a i oeclal redaction on frrlcht oer leeraTHEU. - DAVIE!!.

VMly AcrntBrlL for 3Car. Ia. Co.. Uaalted


ffinr. rXDrjiMuxcn n ixu ntKx aiJL rotated Atents of the ahore Conpasy. are prepared to lasarc Hk aralnvt fire J tone aM Brich.Bolldtnan, aadon MerchaaMll stored theretn, en

mot rarorsBje temoars of XB ly

for partlenlara apply ths



1L'lLltXf:K. XEfirnAxni.c. rrnn.M3 TUBE sad MacMaerylaaredi(:alort rirtonthe

A. JAniKH, Arent for the UawalUn IvUoda.naif


Had OIBcc, 50 Wall St, Now Tork.The above Vompaay baIeretahlUhed an Armey at

Honolala for the llanaltan lland,tbe Mndmlrned isaathorixed to accept ad write Slarlnt Kieki os Vrrchandtte, Irelcht,, Trrarare. Comsil,1no ami nails,at rsrreut rale, J. H, WALKER.

CTty Arent foo the HawalUn llarUNION INSURANCE COMPANY

op sa.i rnAMrisco.

iNconron ated, isosCASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS

K.r Ih. Hawaiian 1.1. nd.. I

Tbe City ofLondon Firo Insurance Co.. limited.

CAPITAL, $5,000,000

HAVIA. E..TADI.ISIir.n AX AtiCtcr ATfor tbe Hawaiian I.lard., tkt nader

atenrd nmuml imu lna,i ,n n.lM.l&cs.'Metchandlre. Knrnltnre, MachTnery. on the eaMtlarorable Irnna.

I.r. l'mmpllj AdJn.trJnndl'ajaMf Here.


L to tnmre



: !

la tn H . L .


Acent for ths Hawatlan lalaada.

Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance wiTEiiTiun.


On Cargo. Freight and TroaauroFrom Honelaln to all parts of the eld

and vponCotiMiem, ly Spcclnl lrrmllon !

On the moat favoraMe termsJ S. WALK EH.

Wll Agcalforlhe Hawaiian


ire and Marine Insurance Companyor m; ziut.t.Mi.

c.viMTAl. : : x :

liAVixti iiNTAni.iMir.i. ax ai:m:tmillonolwli, for the Hawaiian imnds, the nnder

l7ned ire meiureii lit rik are imdnclMnr, storre, arrhOMrfh and on

term,.narme if itk on car-- o. rrvia nottttrary pronta

ana commit on.loc- - promptly niljnte ami pnjnblohcre,

TO ly J 8 WALK Kit.


INSURANCE CO.Assets, - 531,101,000

Claims Paid, $88,714,000i?tTAni.iMii:r as auksit inHam: for the Hawaiian If land., and (lie nn

denlfraed are prepared to write rlk. ajrahi.t

Finn ox Bru.nixcs, jieroi xbisk .v

niVELLIXCStn faTorable terms llMelllux ttllanDetached dwelHcr" And ctteottliBrfd for a )niolof three years, for two prrmlama in adrancc.promptly nitjntett nml pnynblr lieee.

184ft. t!881


Capital- $10,000,000UNLIMITED LIAUIUIT.

fire Inparaaceot all drscrlptlono etTrltl atmoderate rate oi pmniain. oy tar marri-ne- u

J. . WALKER, A --rut fift nawallan lUndr 8. Ths lioral InaranceComnsT haa the larmte

net nrpia of aa j lira Company In the world 81 1 ly

GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

FOR TUN AGeneral InsuranceCompany of Berlin.

Anoin issiiiimi: oii'amiTnr. e.labll,Lr4 a (leneral Aceary here, and tacnndcr,lrned, General Agenti. are aatnot laeii to ttaeItl.k, cnlnt the Dnasrr, l the lhe

Mmi lle.MNnbl. R.le .nil .at Ih.Wmi rnlrwmble Term

mir r A SCHAtrtB CO.. Oenernl Ar nt

WILDER & CO.,Honolnln. Haw nl Inn llnni, A.e it-

er I A cent of the

Mutual Life Insurance Comp'yor yr.w lonu,

Largest, Safest and MostECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO

IN THE WORLD!Cash Assets, over 800,000,000 I

ferKateaotln.nrancc applr!oUen'l Arent.

1 E tltilANSjlltlUat Aient



CapiUl of tbe Corapanr a Itr.erre .ICekh.marVC.nnll

ToUl Rclch.nark lPMaJJUl


or iiAJinriiii.Capital ol theCoapan j A Beree IUh n'mark SWJ i. II SPJXJ


or wnmBTHUR.CanlUI ol the Compear . . Irene- - WUJUO

rilllKM. ol tbe above lara. eorapanfea lor the Hawaiiant.ii.4. ... .reared to ln.ara DBlldinr rarBltar..jiercnanai.e ... rvauv, -and Blee htlll.. and eeaMie m ma naroor "znn-- i aw.or daraare emm tne raoei ""ra"" "'


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.

isconroBATKii, 133.Jkt OhSal Purely Mutual Life Itiurance Ca in

Uie Untied Unlet.

raliclti Iinel It a moit faronblt Tirnu.

Example .rX.a.r.rrellar. I.itIieSCRED AGE. K UFE

PLAN:1 Annnal premlana continnca rollcjr S rtata 3 dareS Aasnal oreralinu continae Potter I rear. 1 J dajeS Anneal .rralual coflUnse Poller . yeare S7 dire4 Anneal veenUuaa continae roller 8 jeere dajaSAnanal premlnatf eontlnaa Polley 10 jeere fid daje

AsMota. SIO.DOO.OOOILanne. raid thraetrb Hra.lalat Aseuej-- ,


q rortniE IIAWAIIAMILAJDsosts lamsH axd xzbcisttxe

Inauranoo OompanyEstablished 1 800,

Bcaosrcee of tb. Ceaoaara at Hal DeeeraVer. ItaSl

1tntalMheTlke4. XZjmpa.

-- rirendudBaerree , .l.Slad Anndtr Peac... . "javt hMreene rtr. BraacA...w -A Hrrenn. life md AnnnityBeacthea.. f3TA

v wnnnrarnir.iaCBtB A m .'tis Aienu feete B!;a Iillad.


gnswsatt JfneVrix.

Tk m& .iih. freTwcittl


TlllTlllOCtSnWriliH IMIMTAL $5,WW,omt

l, TV aWr Unnn, k... ae e.t.fci,n f tn

Afenc Wee. um nr. ni ymifi r. tk. KM. rretite of everr)eecreotao.eilit. tne lu.4fit 1 T WATMUrow J. A- -

aasBf e a BaBaBaBaBSsah. ttSasabbw, aaSaaaaaaaaaaa saa

Wj IraSuSArwCtOeSil!! A. JAECER.Ae-sI- MlUwa'



De,lre to call In nnrtieaUa netentM, ol neiWr.TO THEIR

Tontine Investment Policies lWahh eenula U. ' Ia4hnuM. Claawe,'

o Beetrlerea. tm Irawl m K .nli reena leancer -- f Tm h tint.

Tbe r.llft ir4 lhe.Mntoal l.te.nent r.llrr. t tn. nml laalilli Cnnatnnie. i naa.1ha a a, nnernw, an4 fr. MlVt .r i aara.peenptlj; Mia ..4 faarrf hf a I

SfT fee faeUH, raaaatro,. wttea . m nil mB. W. LAI1C.

A OcaeralAleM laa th H..aU lafceanln


niRT TREKT 1SVTC KI.New Goods of Various Descriptions

isChinese and Japanese Ware!



m SETS OF TWEIl fL.lirSSilk Handkerchiefs hemitttched.

Ul eirfeea anrf njellue.A TlXt ilMdITJIKNT or

Japanese Lacquered Waretlo, e. t Itlrr "r lr.


Beaver SaloonH. J. NOLTE, : : : : Proprietor.

fWj. ,n ..nnc. la hi. tn4 mm4 rWpnhnnt 1. seeaJ

That ho ha. thej bee, Salmwhere, flrniIaa. Rrrrhannt!a

.til o wmv4 fnl . n. itB p 9. aa anSm

InnteaU. iala.i T at annnml f Sea ' a I

Tilt nxr.T a.nUB. orTobaccos,

Cigars, Pipes andSmokor's Sundries,

I bom h. . ceanil .hall. Ii i.i. l,nl ihii. anktrWlea,lm tr.n atlatnij.a.4 Htatlaeetnlinae

lt ol Kenwalek A IWk'

Gelclirate.1 IiillianI Tal.Ii

U CoaSMlad with th tMMwwn, rof the ea can partirtyoi mm



Largest Stock and MostComplete Assortment

la thr llaa.i.Aa the yrtntrt portif. ..f r ( k . t tmm

Irt kl4f ' trr tM.i,


Only the Bost Quolitv.OLE SUEVT. r Till



Cron I'crfHmcn Co, Iynl(Hi.


ManuractaHnp; Chenalatn.

HUMPHREYHomeoiathic Mesicine Co., New Tori.

G--. Groon,MooMirsT t

Angnst Klowcr ami lirrnun Sirup


Manaated n.. he Bael' Sr.k' rr vt.v .(

Physicians' Prescriptionsi; prcarrri iri-i- ' lwia

ai aj h- -r f 7"t t J

mmm & coWholesale & Retail Druggists.Ml S. StTAS' T la.


Soda Water and Sarsapariilo

Hate nm E.eall. BaeWi lePaetr, ae xc!lett' " Fubw

Only Pure Fruit Acid

Pure Fruit Flavors, and

Pure Filtered Water,lacnixriii: rsiMBin.e r

THTAC liKl.llliita nKllsinuX



rloo.lJ Ceata pet Dwceav

XLWiiiiinA liiv ul. - --e.,WHOLESALE 15BKETJIL


Tobacconists.anVaTTASC TaT.

Tl.'i','.!, r)" n '. I i

tt tmt tn1Bfatnw-Ue.- -, im tn l 1!Wtlaiii teeeW ten. .r Tse. e MmloU.a. IntWI .ox TSK sTrthall.. lto ea . eat asav attaMdMa. taaannlIMdlta. ertfteaieannjaan)J'wwmrm, .7W ?9wm nni.oAocnaram l,ar aeawi

ejojr- BBtneHfABsO aW 'antat SIJr1WISPae' JQgn2jr

ThspWSs nfi hi a !' sH iaiwa aaw awJa,

feKjeSlBfeaanarJ iaannfV hS ahS Sj M0lttf teaBSBBaSel''1S,eSS!

CataanasTafa'aiarai. daraSs Sj

vr-- s. caasHtix & sac.COJtISStOy WSRCK.S.STS.

K. W. SSTXstAlTCX.RswriiaaroamtaaaT


) BmI. aS'Ra'JsBtAksT B rSSU

JL in ntj or mtr. mr--raanaanx net. raeaa, reoe.

1 SB viTn..eA".iiilfwj V WCa.a'eeWTni

a 4 .


ml5r Aik

Sn ,eJ.j.

FislieiritMi tft'Oailla,

SlTm.T TH2 SX7TAI1SS XStXamrrrsT rex

IHsbet Craald. af I at tats V,t..whim an

Nets and Sofoos to Orr,"niee 'J.. le wu aaa'ii.Bj

Cottsa is iikrhtt-rtha- a Hirsnwri IhaUsvttUmJxfnBtnt.

natVarvaUgr 4 la Ik. Cateaat aa.fc,.

American Net and Sln Oej.

erT sttanuv immINDIA- RICE MILL,Zliuoa isi FrrnsatSts, Sssa rraanatrat.

rs.iir . nn. i.a, .ea., tm e,A naaam mmf ' sjie . , --e, r aMaaaa--

na a- t-


Cleansing and ("ellshmrRSo iaaaiaisaaT

ami Prossiie f txUs

Wm. M. CREZHWOnt." nlr-in- l laanrmB.alanuT

Mr. J. T. WATERHOVSC.taT" wn w 'f - ar K


hmmm io an wmm k asm -

slwWhaa aanSB aSaVsMk

4Wt J - Wmmm as mwm m a m

mmm9V-- . -tS Wfrm-

aflllJW'fJ'l Ok av, .

Kfjlssjwf ' r.

frrmm "T" a - fmn--. MHhd-- fHO'atllaH. lmia Jsmt. ' r

m ftafim - tmiXmmhaW tfe aR ajatr V.. , -' f ajHfa!3UI

m&mA aiK rT ' "IW t . - sia 'f dr

aSBatbaa lkt "

awl 4iel

Ui 'mm M .mna l ,.m a

gi.nt fv a av,- m

Taj ra- It m-- fc.- r-

SllnSaSlB I' '

smw .

mW iresaa- - r

atilWi rr-- '

fcaas ft - --

eaafl rJstrut a

M4 fa hon" 1w.-



Corner Beale aai UmS Sti,

K. TATIOB rn. MIITaT SOanX. a,,


j eat- - ns 'n

Rf . 1ST K.nul , .



BnanaatSarft? tSnajsfaSBRI



BaA-lr- B




arctit LiraiHt ara.aM.Ht.MrarM - rh

SMetLSraM. annum --

tin aaorte M Mb. aaamranf oant iieaaiin aa

ataiaMiLLnana ti nwIHIIIir 90 ana, a anaaUfa S"aF tiBasj WsmV 'MBW'afefJ

W Ur niM&saail4aaM









arr fm ssa-- .mint iiHhsjihh -- tmtHj XSiWll IPvaljM MWaa- - djMi14aNai

IHwaM A aaaaataiaaaMiat

WaMa . mi-fh-





am. m.

-- s. a.

' a a

--e. ,


a s

waitliiiiisSanPaatat Nrff

d y e n t i i n aO N C TTSi.nl3aa4g htreenaM'7 CarSoc nr,wK

lufliala. Cdaaair.

N. Vg".',1.....! ; a'jjg.tnaftaJe'saSWa

rfamlfea.aTXnt- . raw aaata . e.

tt taaannl - University of Hawaii· 2015-06-02· a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (2)

HMM Maty aa e an will fce i at

fa. IU1 w f- -r Jr. f LOT So

Le7e.lE. tW.ManaU'raf latWWe.

m ormnr, nwy ma. I"

ft. aa f KW ii u

jnn (fc BnnaneBaaenB


r tvr rrnMn tah.n.j wall

jnM w M VP WSMt nMnnawna pwi tor tawna. ta. mifiiir

IwlHij Xtwrt lraaatl.i.rt

Iieese m Fehrcuy. 1SS3.

rf aM.ltUMKI.TAIU-- Jt 1 til

i, mmmgm iiou Mixniicir.

r .atJturCft. Hi ii itwi.'-BniKt- c


Sim mSLw it


will Kr

W HMi,Jt 3d.rVHtkyer an- MUtnl tbat

a pifMi nil na Ifr. hiWn. ii1awa.a,..'nt T "Wter

tlr lt da mi

LOAX!mmrAtcmazT or i;

MWU. A 9th.r fa IwMkf iaa Br ! for m;


i aw- ti iwJ at Tita-er- y .f an f ki m mi ar.fcim

the 9mmm art fro

tows h KJLAI

I 1 i ! !.f aJliMi.Mike HawMv. 1W inl

mm, 1ii mini nmroUiSSI



1IIT1IU-Iill.- ll



uMMftahmKniillliH.-Wt- l


111 lBrllilM


tl-aa- -






ttgreda&llj wliaxitAatM lias Lcea

nnom isKliOGt

ftt W awiwft contact-WaV Mi WnfcLeK, numiiii; vjnn

1 iliaiFiaWaaBafc. laiji u fa*g!, wahrtM, U Ifcc

mmma aMiiaii t b tLm as salm.aUuoIImM atCaliHU. UvUUHDC is

law MMMc ftiavU ur to

amil Mil 111 im


raw aim amenta and

aY ilk aal' - Bill

1t!,!1km tk ml





the taper


f the

ttiAl it1!,


Ivmuk and o- -

h; iixi; avnrL. ESarU

1 d bsrUndtOFftl proMlvatTla nfajtCPfWT- -


fntr fin, and

i UinllTF wamJ:fnwaattcfBijmrcr

uiEmmmlUb and alur Jan.

tr tofeaTptimiftmfrdtrfm. Ooe int law!

n il mind RaJi Mnaea butaL llctmm frtn MiiBli cnwiimrc twrctrf ! I fxMlMPA. mar atlacL

a waaa, IwBaaFtBlw.iiiMwMarapiim ntiliIHrMMBtTrMBa. Wboi the

wacfcij tlx aaHxnt to

"""j Bwit nanooal, u we- W cmm sat lanv GtoatA mtirp

lilt a twA. aod en hatanfayI MHwW irfucirirfuttriviacinu

I f t batiko I taulT.US m M. IkU nn lirat ofllialaf BtatUiatneaiu: ft kf I iLewin aid Mi, fanBlr fcg fe far fund and clodiiBc

a liand fa a an faradariM iatamta,birt u inra oflaaBBm m laaiij rOtr ana iLc t--, piMa inrther.

aaawA na w faxmdr Mnhinii uul of &3a tauSf k aaaaiaT to rntoce Uial familr to

mo Molall cane. TheUrals nd uf the

and atanatan. lluv tW.'.t feta thrtNufcvtMaaA In 4ik adnoe it waa licunl.wi aawai a., u II vaa to

artlilattnaiiaBt of tbr raocof

Owr letter.Hue. retain a, 1SS3.

btaiattii Lara returned fur thebenefaaii llir aaaatja tfae rBafatT u secial, the.crw crwuic aud tltf? nucai crindmc. IAf Iia- -' ratafee La a naOe apao bia fan in an- -

otjtai ad tLe abaiidaBt 5idd ofH atrocaa of HQo are faa Ltoaninf; the brat In

MUatdo. UaWUvaarcruilnuVocai of JIx.un, jwi nm uk- lauora 01 ia jjot, Uier arer-- a n ami, Tnaimnimitud try aarile lataij corrrJ wli Uatii aand. rullrd in aad orrraytm vtteanronnl oomroaite ruller, viueh an.aaaa aiiuWj. Tida not the Gortxn-aae-

Israul: a fur Hilo tnal aocJd benetonralrteta and road, f UKaraalaai toand onasdeaS tbe unerriu of llaaaiif- j a wwwium undrj antra.SaBy. .nr scjerruor aan e, Lre,itauC araj cimW

TO tcidcr m oaoiitid tn a wlailaaual andliUBtJ - U a. f !. IS frrtimaa,S J aim In aur marl. I'aauaon brldla laca IrraUuLvrlliiirv tnau andVCTSit "T ra"mt omditlon.InaJtanBibndce aa alniod cumnlmd . it u isMsruandUlart aide, tbe abotmrou are of...ruaMiiT. inriaaonrxon tbD abot-Mi-

al Kawxiimi if twroplrtl ui a fabstantulaetintiWaaanraT lUbrabsnrffl be 3D fortaSanlWvaioriaara.a&iJ maraan n nuu an- noa- - at wort, on Uiewmaumui u ur Utmaiinro-"-"

iaxiFd aa itklioootli- aa tbrr areim ceuml rn iiur Arnold, tbrre woold U no

T.r14!" anuopau- - streets,coodbndewadisnlroada,aifar a feapnro- -

a Xkdatire araaopriaticna.7beaunrae tear roaunetiCMl isbn-ntl- T

aad linniimrr.


AM waa kllantr- rnulfanbranprof iwot. 11 Iwioi.i, r.mjaaAmandtfcincs booiba, atth a qnnVIins ofMwa raw, inaacu mentor tbeUliannar

.ii u I . l . . 1 . . f L. .

IbccreatvnaiXof Ibesacblof tbe7tn vas tber tnend Im road nptruorotliitealnaaS. AD oor i.'. of torticnOT and Ukrmaqableof all riitamalniai ot rararnt. The- twi otooranwi. All tbe

imhu uu nina net, tnan tbe mvito Uk fa. n buns tbetbe hum t&alissl and artlatic manner, nlendld4ictoywi luuLrd Irout the valla, atai every

Hons aaarrantro ao aa to cUdden tbe rjt and toaaaaM. Jdra. law laM,ureani inmaczufintnt atrleac and tbe createst lulilcneaa received hex

an ,r-- iioi, vrui air. iuue.reoawattbe ftaxlesnen vnb curdialnr and CKnalaaanl. lb irtreatmienla nere of tbe bull and

rraii ana an asiored uiar rxsaxxa andaaaw, aiun aosui conterae orlasoasaaulr tbe yocne to a juxt. and it mai Irr upriemnlj emilUK of O, when all kftw arfswum stmua ui caTxnj; enjoiviil a twa timeseneraOt. 1 adS add Mas, for the bencdl of tbeww uiia.uinuuiEauenteFs brandr,laLrj, wine, rem, ale and beer in abraduce,t not ana vt tlx csesU nbQnted Ibeaajiof cTtiUtntion

Tbe IwririraTi EmtndJ. Capt tbe harbor jeatmlay afternoon. S3

turn IVst Townsad. Tbe arpearanoe of tbeWMaT.abovancabeaTj list to caraudlncmirTand lirffcamtKm waa obtained tbat tbe"AcrwUliadanrrwineawl tun atf atroni SX. cales

auli btmrj aras and Annnc tint war ofIteidianeutaUieearEo'liad abiflad. Iuawaa cuoocabsrtd and i i f twitwaohxaa Iwtwaen tacmdcoa tollTX Gar. Cal--

renortt fmsber tbat be aaued Patraita'of Fnca.

fanwad a cfanrT bouont cp whicb bxkletl TerrJe.r'' Marj Tlor. IbotKji

ttiaai in JO JS.MO W.aridcoatrnnednst3witbrnaaaJcj patt, cecienobd bearrrain and



















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Ir m Rmuinir to read the extracts fromAmerican papers on the fnliject of annex-

ation nhieh the Premier's P. C. .Utertitirlavs More its muteis together with itsdiatribes again t the Opposition Press forpnblishing the foreign ratracts whichdilate upon the King's condnct in general,and hit unrwjmlarity aliroad as well a athome.

Ma. Htsct .V. P. Chette has gone to

AVashington, as Minirtrr ltesident, to snc--

ceed the late Jndge .Ulen. Ur. Smito.who wxs sent there to ai"t concerningthe treat v. holds a temporary appointment

as Charge d'Affaires lmt he may remainto Mr. Carter

Tlienlxeenf Hawaiian Ministerat Wash- -

tnwim 7c in fifiTtfrmlitA nnn. Xlltll H saIatvof SC,000 and a Secretarr who salary isSi50 a year. Sir. Carter was in Washington in lS754i as joint uonimiisionerwith Mr Allen in negotiating the presentTreaty. The knowledge of the facts andrnrrmn5taiiee attending that negotiationwiU no donht be useful.

Since his retnm from alnngtonmlf.Tr Via lice iwiAn unmnnl in ihn Kerriee

of the Hawaiian GoTemment as Ministerof Foreign Affairs, but most of the time asits diplomatic representative abroad.

A vest graceful act was doneonMonduyby His Majesty. Col. Tnpnian, a dis-

tinguished savant, who right years agospent many month on ther-p-. islands asChief Astronomer of the Transit of onusParty of 1871. passed through in theZmbirttui. He has lately been in charge ofthe Transit of Venus Party in N'ew Zealand. The Colonel called on His Majestyafter the Coronation ceremony; was mostcordially received, and on parting was in.vested with the order of Kalataua. Itwas a most graceful act, the Colonel hasin his scientific writings, embalmed thename of Honolulu, and many of its most

citircns m a history that willnminent as the. English language lasts;a more wortuy or proper snuject lor decor-ation conl (1 not have been found, it wasan honor to the Colonel to 1k decorated, itis an honor to the Order to have so dis--tingnised a man as a member. Conferringorders npon men of such calibre addsdignity to the Crown and to the nation,and we must give unqualified praise tothe tact andj'arei'rai're of the King, whichprompted him at a moment's notice toknell n mark of honor to so distinguisheda stranger. AVerc all orders and honorsitestowed with like discrimination the Hawaiian decorations would lo held in verytugn estimation.

SrncH is silver, silence is golden! andfollowing that old adage to the letter theworthy lVeniier has for the la- -t few weeksrefrained from uttering a word on thecharge which Messrs. l'ih'po and Xawahihave brought against him. Letters havebeen pnbUshed ovit loth those gentle-

men's names stating in set terms that thestatement of Mr. Pili'iio, was true. In thatstatement it was charged that Mr. Gibsonapproached lhox- - gentlemen with proposals which were nothing short of regicide.HowU it that the Attorney General can allow snch statements to iass unchallenged?If Sir. Gibson has lieen maligned in thismatter he should lie cleared, if ho is notmaligned, he is indeed a traitor, and morethan that, a grossly deceitful man, forhe was trying to sting the bosom that hadnourish ii him. To iiass this matter byin the manner that Mr. Gibson does, has livery ugly look; to the outside world itseems as if Iim had no defence to offer, asif he hopMil the subject would wear itselfout and moreover, as if he considered,under the that the leastraid was the soonest mended. Unless thePremier leaves the country before thenext session of the Lenslatnre he willundoubtedly hear of it again in a mannerby no means agreeable to him, and he hasceased to have that solid lincking which heused to liavo when leader of the onposi

ii. i i 1 ,tion. .uiw uuunjipy x remier

War is it that the lmilding and othercontracts are no longer asigned by tender?At one time it was a common thing to seein the newsjiapers "Tenders required";this especially marked the Wilder admin-

ihtration, now snch a thing is rarely ifever seen. There are very ngly whispersabout; by and bye the whispers will lie- -

couie a roar, such dealings have nothingto do with the "disappointed political soreheads"' that the Premier's organ is so fondof alluding to, but they are creating awiae spreaii uisconient among n most in-fluential and important class of our community, viz: themastermechanics. Thesem*n complain, with justice, that the pub- -

work gets into the hands of a favoredfew j tome even go to the length of sayinga rrwif few. There is no doubt that insome instances work has lieen done as welland at least 23 per cent, cheaper than the"ring would do it, when the Minister ofInterior has been forced through Ten'shame, to go outside and get it done. Wewould recommend an investigationinto the manner in which this branchbranch of the executive has lxen carriedon: and to compare the rates paid, withuie remuar market rales, it is to lie iinrmithat the attention we have called to thecondition of affairs may have a propereffect npon the Ministry; we speak in be- -

nau 01 a class 01 men wuo are truly tholune and sinew of the country, the mastercarpenters ana irauaers.

Xow that the Coronation is over, the cryfor activity in matters connected withworks of public utility will be louder thanever: even that very small section of ourcommumty that was too frightened to express its opinion against that lamentablefolly, and so kept quiet until the show wasover, will now heartly join ubdemandingthat the present incumbents of officeshould et vigorously to work, and dosomething for the good of the peopleat large. Tho-- e who have uniformly andconsistently condemned the Coronationcan go a good deal further; they not onlycan demand that works of public utilityshould be vigorously pushed forward, butthey can condemn the present Cabinet aslieing ntterly unworthy of the slightestconfidence tithcr by the people or theKing. However that is a matter which wcwill refer to later: at tho present momentwe wish to call attention to one very prominent matter which has been very seriouslynegieciea lor many years past, ana which,as things now are can brook no delav.

A good harbor is a most vital thing touie prospeniy ot the country: a good har-bor can be as easily injured" by the carelessness or neglect of man, as any othergilt which nature has given to him, andwhich he ought to keep in order. Xaturenas smrnuea Honolulu with a very tolerable harbor, it is not macnificont in extent like the harbor of San Francisco,Sydney or Millford. Irat it answers ourneeds very well, and we should do every-thing by art. in order to make it moreenicteni. luis we have not done. Thoughthe part through which tho river runs isstill doep, kept clear, wc presume by thecurrent, around the wharves it is nndoubt- -

Uy silting up. ear Foster &Co's wharf,where some years aeo there used to be 20foot of water there are now barely 14 feet.Xear the harbor buoy there are only 19foet Tho other day a large Tessel, theZTrnwraa, in spite of all the efforts ot theHarbor Master, and all the earn that lmtook, could not lie brought nearer than 100foot from tho wharf t tho expense thus en-tailed on the owners was very considerable.

Dredging; operations should have beencommenced long ago: the reply of theMinisterial fugleman may bo that the Government cannot orcogu the harbor withtheir hands, and that at the presentmeni there is no lredffe. Tho reply of4J ir:- - Ari -- "It .

thotuA thev ma-a- t a iriipwrist lain Aa--

have ordered a drode, they gave their at- -Mit-iu- uim ui uju expesaimra 01 moneyfor a ooronatioxi foil v. thrv ilfmtp? thfull sireiiirtli of what little powers ihpvpossess to tho bolstering up of that folly.

tw uiuiucj ami uie jnteresu Ol memerrrmtiTo ccainxumty-i- n xtoway is thismora patent thro in UiU matter of tbe bar- -

1 1 C1A1WI ...-- n -- n.1 Annm vmldIk- - got into tlie country before FebruaryLclOt JCXVJ, UUl 11 will tnae a lerj inuciilonger time to get only an $8,000 dredge.1 v, r fWl VmlntEV in teteh ft few .1th

grade 'Japanese officials can go all the. . T 1 1 - t,4:i1a mvJlH ill M) ' ajKUl IUIU Mrtta, will, l, l ijuw

deal longer to get the dredge. This isonly one more instance of how incapablyibo" imtmii Pjilnnet have carried on thebusiness of the country: let us hope achange will come.

The --Blatant Coronationists"' have hadtheir day, it were charitable to hope thatthey enjoyed it. The consistently right-

eous Opposition will have theirs, and may

the Palace Party enjoy that also, at latestwhen the bills have to be paid. Theirdenunciations and criticisms'' have not

proved utterly of t and will provemore effective every day as the peopleawake to the co-- t of this worse than nse-la-

display.Space and time forbid that in this arti

cle shonld lie elaliorated an exhaustive ex-

hibition of the evils wrought on this peo-

ple by the present Ministry, first, in theirefforts to obtain power, and next in theiruse of that power when acquired. ThePremier who climbed into his place byunwearied repetitions of his devotion totheKinc and native people, has rewardedtne former uy exchanging mecnaracier oidocile sycophant for that of exactingdomineer, and the latter by letting looseliquor and leprosy throughout the islands.up wuo preienupu lowra lemoua lur uivnative race led the way in the first greatalienation of Crown Lands.

As to foreign affairs more particularly, dowe not remember the difficulty with ourenvoy in Paris, and was there not on thoCoronation day a Minister appointed toonrmost important loreum posi awaiuoKhis credentials until after the show? Onthe same day, were there not three oceansteamers at tho wharves, their businessretarded and everything out of gear onaccount of tlie snow? our main streetmade temnoraril v passable for foot passengers, though plentifully besplashed by thegalloping marshals, while the merely busi-ness streets were impassable for mud andsludge, and this for the show? And theshow what was it? Tho feeble explana-tions and lame apologies of the Premier'spaper proved of none effect in collectingausemecs, trie lniroaucuon 01 me uoysfrom the Ref ormatory,araongst the schools,or the invitation ol one lodge to tne mem-bers of another failed to swell the procession, the solitary Special Envoy failed toredeem the bombastic brag about thehosts of distinguished foreign officialsnot even one special correspondent of theforeign press came, for the purpose, al-

though it does seem that the significantnotice that invitation cards need not bepresented at tho entrance succeeded intilling the ampitheatre somehow andthen the crowninir act of all. how was itreceived? f Avid i7oi. One oversight atleast our astute 1Tenner was guilty or, liedid not remember the value of n wellorganised clacque, a feeble shuffling of feet,a few hesitating raps of umbrella pointswere the only indications of applause, thedn7urr were neither numerous nor hearty,in fact a failure.

In fact the spectators of tho crowningof the dread King may be easily dividedinto threo classes, viz. officials bound induty to be present, mere sightseers whowanted to sec so unique a show, and otherswho went to show off their finery andcriticise that of their neighbors.

Thank heavens this is over, possiblywithout any immediate results worse thana few score colds in the head from wet feetand a few score extra cases at the policestation.

AVhat dhUaic may next lie invented forwasting public money, who can bay. Ofthe past, this may be said, the nine months'administration of this Cabinet has beenan entire failure, its epitaph will soonbe written thus, rAiLrsc

Ditjsg the Legislative session of 1682,two items which met with great oppositionfrom tho Conservative side of the house,were passed. Both items were stronglysupported by the Ministry and especiallyby Mr. Gibson, the Premier; these were$10,000 for the Coronation and 520,000 forthe entertainment of foreign'ofBcial guestsand incidentals. Ten thousand dollars ofthis money can and has lieen disbursed forCoronation expenses; every dollar andconsiderably more has been used Tip: asto the actual expenditure of this sumthere can be very little comment. Havingbeen voted. Ministers had a IyoI right touse it as to its advisability it is quiteanother thing, Ministers are not bound tospend every appropriation: for instancethat celebrated Chinese steamer snbsidy,thonch voted in 1880 was never used. Butupon the expenditure of that 520,000, therewill be and is a good deal to be said. Atthe time that vote was passed, tho Premierwas dazzling the king and tha Legislaturewith visions ol numerous titled personageswho would come to his W show.There were to be deputations from theUnited States, Europe, Japan, China, Siam,Burmah and the Isles of the Sea. Hadthose golden visions ever been realizedthe 820,000 which was voted, would havebeen by no means adequate to the proper entertainment ol these distinguished guestsa ', who fortunately have never become

guests in . The public will no doubtkeenly, scrutinize the manner in which the$10,000 has been expended, it will wantto see that everything has been done inas economical manner as possible: but itwill require a surplus to lie handed overrrom the vote lor tne entertainment oiforeign official guests and incidentals. Allthe Premier's despatch writing, includingthose very nmnsinz documents in theForeign Office, London, all his schemingand weii-nig- n irauauient use oi publicmoney, (for tho expense of Mr Kapena'strip to Japan, though charged to the Immigration fund, had no more to do actuallywith immigration than it had to do withChoctaw Indians! all the brazen statementsput forth in the Premier's well paid organ,have resulted in what? in bringing tothese shores Jf Japanese centlcmen ofvery moderate rank, in mating them veryuncomfortable by the isolated position theyhave been placed in, and further in caus-ing them considerable annoyance and en-

gendering ill feeling between them andour Court for tho manner in which theyhave been treated.

In the accounts which the present Cab-inet will have to render some day, and thatday is uy no means so tar distant, theremay appear an item, "To entertaining fiveJapanese gentlemen and incidentals, ."

Xow we certainly hope that thosemuch to be pitied gentlemen received aproper entertainment, that they lackednothing of the luxuries of life: but evenentertainim; them on a liberal scale, andfurther allowing handsomely for inciden-tals it is quite impossible that $20,000couiu nave tieen spent, a very uoeraiallowance would be $1,000 a week, whichwould come up to $o.000 for the period oftheir stay. There will then bo $15,000 leftto pay back to the public treasury.

it is quite probable tbat some astutemember of the Cabinet thought when theAppropriation Bill was passed that theinsertion ol me word --incidentals" alterforeign official gnests, would leave an opnortnnitv for nsinir a nortion of thfS1U.U00 for other purposes, lie readingoi tne item, however, quite sums out thathope. "The entertainment of foreignofheial guests and incidentals," incidentalsoi whatT the Coronation 7 Oh no! incidentals pertaining to the entertainment ofForeign official gnests." The present

Ministry struck out (he clause allowingthem to transfer; if any money out of theei,tju has oeen spent lor any other pur-pose than tho entertainment of the saidguests, the Ministers are ftnounlt) liablefor the misuse of the fund, and whetherin office or out could Be forced to pay upto the country out of their private means.This it is that the country intends to looksharply into, the ITemier has had his fun,unless lie has very carefully curtailedhis expenses, he it is who will have to paythe piper for the music

Pardoned.Tbe foUoTinc is a lit of tboea prisons? par

doned by the King. The data! refer to too year Intrbich tbs mm ffcre sentgriCTi --Igw, Kixi, larceny,ITi years 1S79, Kekoa, larceny, 4 years USGL

veara l&Si. Georce Biha.larceny, IS nxH4 B. Martimiz, larceny, g mm;Ah Cbee, upiain, 0 moa.; All ml Kftnrmil, deadly

ij.i.ip'1 --infl.i; n. r.i,;.nrv,Tiraent. 3 Tears: Kvlxa. laroenv. rears: Im Cbomff.larceny, IS xaos. 1882, Jobn Aj, larceny 6 tsc&;ltila, larceny, 1 year; J. NUa, larceny, lyear;1U Mot Hone. dmfllTTig, 2 yean; X. G. Dahlia,1 arceny, 1 yean Joe Castillo, larceny; 1 yean Pedroraid Joe Mrninez. larccsiv. ce va&r each? Hooxla- -1 tic Iatceej, raos.: Iuno Ana, larceny, 1 jaanO.B.Kalanaxae, adultery: Ah Tin, barfriarr, 9

sdb iron. AajiuaBiiaain, imattu.

CROWNED!Kalakaua's Coronation

Accomplished !



MouJaj the llth insL the tlT set ifart for tbeCoronation of His Majesty has come and Rone andwith U the cares and fear of those most anxiousrecardinc the fnil accomrJishinent of the crownin follr. The day preceedini. rain poured intorrents and aeeined to presage ill for the presenceof a large audience. On the morning of the 12th

the skim cleared, the ron s bright face gleamedabove tbe horizon and Although the sUea werecloodj and streets nroddj. tbe weather was pro--

pitionfl. At sunrise salutes were fired by the waterbattery at the foot of Richard Street and a largegang of priftoners were engaged strewing rushesalong King street, the route to be taken by tbeprocession. Tbe towers of the Palace were gailydressed with flag and banners as was also theGareminent House and the war and merchantremels in the harbor. From all tbe consular

flags were displayed, and tbe city fromward must hTe presented & rery fluttering appearance, m

the ritocEsaios.The first item arranged officially on the pro

gramme for the day was tbe procession, and tbevarious bodies to compose which were ordered toform on King street at a. m. Hon. J. A. Cammina was the Grand Marshal of the day asbktedby Mr. Charles Lacas, Clarence Macfarlane, ?apuTripp, John Colbourn and Harry Whitney, lueFiro Department was promptly on hand at thehour set, bat a wait for nearly a half an hourafter tbe time for starting became necessary, before the Grand Marshal gave the "for ard.'The procession morcd in the following order:

Police under CaptAins Tell and Fcblbebr.Iloyal Hawaiian Band,

ltoyal Cadets.Members Fire Department, without Apparatcw.

Industrial N&ool Band.Teachers and Childn-- Public and Pri rate School.

CollegiansMembers of Mormon Church.

Secret and Benevolent Societies.Free Masons.

Island Delegates.The jirocesfjon was almost entirely composed of

people from the rants of tbe native iiopulatiohsome of the foreign societies in the ranis beingrepresented by two or three members only. Thetotal namber ot people who took part in the pro-

cession including tbe school children, was GX) andwas seven minutes in passing a given point. TheBtieetsvhicb had been strewn with rushes in themorning were wet and muddy, and the mud soonappeared upon tbe upper side of the rushes andserved to bedraggle tbe dresses and underclothingof the many native ladies and chiMrrn who walkedin the procession adding greatly to their discomfort, The route traversed as short, being onlyfrom the Bethel to tbe Palace along Kins street,and did not take bat a short time for the processionafter starting to reach its point of destination.


The members of tbe Legislatare, Officers of tbeGovernment, the Clergy of tho several Churches,and the public generally, who had received cardsof invitation to witness the ceremony were seatedin the building into which tbe Pavilion, where thefinal act of coronation as to t&Lc place, extended,designated as an Amphitheater. This Am pint eater or Grand Stand was m shape andocupied a space covering over 300 feet of ground.The interior was filled with fifteen rows of seatsextending around the building and afforded seating capacity for 3J00 adult people. Decides thefacilities offered in the building, tenrows of chairshad been provided for tbtfvacant spaa acnm theinterior betnetu the facades and which was flour-ed entirely across, affording further accommodations for 2000 more people. Entrance was obtainedfrom the lEichards street or northwest side, and apassage through the center of the building allowedfree egn-s- to tbe Palace Gates on the wwU Theroof of the btrncture was supported by thirty-si-

posts, and was 20 feet in height in front, and 1C

feet in height at the back, thus allowing an unob-structed riew of the Pavilion to all the spectatorspresent. The upper port of the facade of tbisbuilding aa arched in form and ornamented bya succession of small heraldic shields, emblematicof the Tarious countries on the globe, and theshields were surmoonted by flags also indicative oftbe nationality displaced on the shields. 1 he frontof this amphitheater waa thirty feet fromthfi sides ot the Pavilion, thus lying near enoughto enable the assembled multitude to see and hearall connected with the ceremonies.

the nviLiox.In tbe pavilion the aogust ceremonial of tbe

coronation was to take place. Tbis building wasoctagon in shape, and approached to orientalismin style and finish. The roof of the pavilion was14 feet in height, surmounted by a dome, also octagon in anapc ana supported oyeignt reeaed col-umns. Placed restinir on coved but.treiues. The dome of tbe building was,-a- beforestated, also octagon in shape, and was ornamentedon each of the eight sides with colored shields dis-playing tbe one of each of the eightgreat nations ox tne woria, America occupying toeccuunj pusauuo, urea. jnuun io ngui oi centre,Germanv to left of centre, the others on tho panelled fronts prepared on the remaining five sides.Flags of tbe different nations surmounted tbeshields the whole being surrounded with wreathsand circles of the native leaves. The ceiling oftneoomewas ncmy ornamented ana displayedthe artistic taste of a master in frescoing. 'I hecentral piece on the reilmg was a representation oftbe Hawaiian in tinted colors, sur-rounded bv a curtain of cauze. the edces of whichwere draped, and drooped gracefully from thejointure of dome and supporting columns. Theoctagon shape of the dome gave to the interioreignt stues, eacn oi wnicn was ornamented witn adrawn panel, each panel bearing the name of aKing of Hawaii, the name of the present sovereignbeinK also apparent. The name f each soveresgnwas painted in golden letters, surrounded bywreaths of ferns, and each surmounted with agolden crown, the whole presenting an elaborateappearance, surmounting tne dome was an oc-tagonal shaped cupola bearingalofta upcar shapedfiniaL

Entrance is obtained to the pavilion from thePalace stoou bv means of a planked Dossace whichbridges the distance between, also patterned afterEastern or Oriental style and ornamented by twoelegantly turned am)horat or jars, which displayedon their sides figures of nereides in the abandon-ment of the kla. The entire cost of the twostructures is in the neighorhood of 9,000, and theftuDstanuai manner in wnicn tncy nave been namrenects creait on tne constructors.


Tbe troops were posted all along in front of thePalace Walls on each side of the steps, and saintedas the Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Officialsarrived, seated on tee yeranaa was inscellencr It. M. Daccett. U. S. Minister lEesident,His Excellency J. H. WodtJiouso, Her BntlanicMajesty's Commissioner and Consul General, lira,and Miss Wodehouse, Mons. Feer, Commissionerof tbe French Jlepublic, Mrs. and MUses Feer,Count De Louner, Cbancelier of the FrenchLegation, Countess De Lou vie r. ConsuU F. A.Scbaefer, Italy. J. IL Paty, )krlgiura,D.A.Mc-Kinley- ,

United States, A. Unna, Denmark, ll. W.Laine, and Mrs. Laine, Mexico, J. C Glade,

Vice Consuls Thoo. 11. Da vies and Mrs.Davied, Great 13ri tain, W, PfiugerandMrs,Pfla- -gcr. xtussia. mere were omy tnree ladies presentin the consular circle. On the town sido of theentranoa sat His Excellency the I'remier and Mrs.F. H. Uayeelden, His Excellency the Minister ofFinance, His Excellency the Minister of Interiorand Mrs. J. E. Hash, His Excclluicy theAttcrntyGeneral and Mrs. Preston, Hon. J. S. Walker andMrs. Walker, His Lordship the ttishop of Olba,Got. P. P. Kano, Hon. J. Al. Kapena, Mrs.

and daughter, HoelC U.liinhopandMibSCI reborn, Hon. S. N. Castle, Hon. IL A. P. Carterana Miss Carter, His Exctlkncy the Japanese Am-bassador and suite, Hou. Godfrey lihodes andAirs, xuiodes, xion. is. ii. Austin and siu Austin,Hon. P. Kanoa. Mrs. C Ii. Wilson. Cant. Havlevand Mrs. Hav ley and many others. OatheWai-kik- i

aida sat CaDtain H. Wilson of the U. S. K.Captain Edwards of 11. Ii. M. S. Ma- -

tint, utptain raarson oi tne u.a.o. wathttstttand Captain C&ateauminois of the French CorvetteLimttr. The line and staff officers of tbe war ves-

sels above mentioned also occupied seats on thisveranda. The Pavilion and Ampliilh(aler,luokedTury tawdry, with a lot of little cheap flags, idiow-in- s

Terr plainly the effects of Sunday a heavy rainwhich had also washed the white off the boards oftbe Amphitheater, making it more bke a stablethan ever. Tbe Amphitheater was well filled, verylargcij iui USMIE&. vri uie lureigaierrj present itwas noticeable that Terv few of the Ut of onr rit- -tiens could be seen, uive tho&e who ara In govcrn- -meni employ. ne eaect looainx xrom uie i'aiaceveranda, was anything but impressive. At halfpast eleven twenty-fou- r large Kahilis were broughtant of the Palace and stationed on each aide uf th abridge oounecUng tbe Palace with the Pavilion.

rax both, rnocissxox.About a halt an hour later the Uoyal Procca&ionissued from tne i'aiace in tne following order:Marshal of the Hooaehoald, Hon. J. M. Kapena.

Marshal of the Kingdom, Hon, W. C Parke.Chaplain of the Household, llev. A. Mackintosh.The Honorable President of tbe Legislative As

sembly, Hun. bodirey unodue.Tbe Chancellor. Hon. A. Francis J add.Princesses of tne Wood and Consorts.

Bearer of the King3 Jewels and Decorations.Bearer of the Sceptre,

Bearer of the Sword of State, Col. Iaukea.Bearer ot the Crowns, Col. J. H. Boyd.

Bearer of the 1 lobes.Bearer of tbe Palaoa.

Bearer of the Puloulou.Bearer of tbe Torch of Iwikauikaua.

Bearer of the Kahili of Fib.The King's Chaniheriain-Thei- x

Majesties the King and Queen.Bearers of Hex Majesty's Train.

Ladies in Waiting to the Household,Aides de Camp.

Tii fiTMnni of tbe Frinoesses was the littleKaialani, dressed very prettily in li&ht bloc cordedidly-- trimmed with lace, pale blue ribbons in herdark hair. She was followed by Miss Barnes, hergoverness, and had on each bide kahili bearers ;Tbe Vahiiif were whito and bad excessively handsome stems of native woods, next came tne ina-ff-

T4k"l nan. A, S. Qfghorn. The Prin-cess was dressed in brocaded white satin trimmed

ith rwH and feathers. Sarah Btfrnhardt doves.scarlet satin shoes. The Prinoeed lihnotaUniand His Ex. Govexnox Domisls followed. ThePrincess dress waa of gold brocade, the frost partof white satin embroidered with gold, and a heavycxixason Telvtt train ; tha head-dre- was of deli-cate white feathers tipped with pearls and goldloaves. Then followed the King and Queen, theformer in a white military uniformith J Jr. (wMMAnt- - Ytnrin? on hu breast a nrofu- -

toon of native and foreign orders. Her Majestywore a white satin skirt richly isiubroidered in gold,and a Hn"" crimson and black velvet trainiriicmed with ermine, also richly embroideredwith onLl-- Th Oiuen vore a diadem and lookedTerr dignified. The King looked ill at ease llieirMajesties took their poauan in front of two crim-son and gold chairs in tbe parittoi. and facing

Waikixt. and the conpaztT, as vboirn in tbe ac-

companying diarjam:

1. tilt.




IlnXaWy.5. MftiYfail of the ItotLSfhold Hon. J. M. Kipi-Bi-

. siaraniioitiie Kingdom II on, w. v. lime.& Chaplain of the Hocfehold Rev, A, Macklnto-h- .S. PreidentoItheLeffiatnre-rio- n, Godfrey RhodetT. Chancellor lion. A. FraneU J odd.f. rnncetLlllnokaljnl and Governor Domlnlt.P. Prineeee Uktllke and Hon. A. S. I'leghorn.

10. IMncea KaiaUot and Nia Barnffi.11. IWrer of Klnf Jewelf-C-oL J. II. Koyd.12. Bearer of Sword or Mate Cot. C. T. lantra.IS. Karer of Royal mantle Gcvrrne Krkanllke11. Bearer of the Crown Kawanauako.15. Dearer of the riljoa Knhlo.

After their Majestiefthad thus taVcn their placestne cnoir sang tne louowinc antnem. tne locauonof tbe singers and the rarroondings greatly marring tne euect oi tne really good voices :

That Vfay band ha)l lead oarchwn Chief and Kins.incsp. v uoui loc rorpwe oi nia me ana mieLet the Ile lneirae in wnlf and Jot.send bealtns nnto the People of th Kin?.It wealth aod thrift come flowln from afar.Let the nations rejoice In tbe freedom of the Uie.And peace and cowl will forever blets the land.And the glory for all ajrs evermore. Amen."


After a f infare of trumpets, tbe Marshal of tbeHousehold, in a Tery loud voice and with ridicu-lous emphasis and declamation, proclaimed thestyle and titles of the King. The manner in whichthis waa delivered mined altogether tha effect oftbe scene. The following is the text of what heRaid;

Princes, Nobles, Heprcsentatives, and People ofHawaii assembled I here proclaim unto you thatuavio, xaamea, ivamanaiaapuo, juauinuani, .aloiaehuokalanL LuraialanL Kalakamr. the Kine.Generalistiimo. Ke Alii Kara. Hoano. Ka wela. Kamoe, Ka Ikiihaipuhilaninuu, Wohi Kuakahili, Ha-k- u

o ka Poni ana 1 Moi, Hakn o ka Ohiako a meka 1 alaoa l'ae, Kukuiaikeawakea, Kama Aln

Atua,Grandmaster of the Uoyal order of Kamebamcha

ist,Grand Master of the Koyal Order of Kalakana,Grand Master of tbe Hoval Order of KaDiolanl.Grand Master of the lloyal Order of the Croa-- of

itawau,Knight of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria,tvnignt oi tne uraer oi at. iazanis ana ou Jiau

nee of Italr.Knight of tbe Order of the lied Eagle of Prussia,iuucui ui loo uiuer oi mnneonw oi uennuik.Knigbtof the Imperial Order of tbe Chrysanthe--

mam oi Japan,Knight of the Order of tbe Crown of Siam.Knight of the Order of Su Michael and St. George

oi r.ngiana,Knicht of the Order of Leonold of Belcrinm.Knight of the Order of Vasa of Sweden and Kor--

wav.Knight of the Order of the Conception of Portugal,

Knight of the Order of the Lion of the Nether-lands.

Knight of the Order of Liberator of Venzuela andBolivia, rretadent of the Privr Council of State.the Son of tbo Alii Kapaakea, and the Alii e,

is the rightful oocopant 'of tbe HawaiianThrone, and Sovereign Chief of the HawaiianIslands and their dependencies, aa heretoforeclaimed by hU predecessors, chosen by the Noblesand Keprescntatives of the Kingdom, and tbat yourender unto His Majesty all fealty and loyal obedience unaer ma laws ot uie itcaim.


Princess Poomaikclani then advanced and pre-sented His Majesty a Puloulou and a Palaoa borneupon a cushion, ke Kukuiomoiokauikaua and thoKahili of tbe King Pili as symbols of ancient ta- -

preraccuieiutncv, wmcu being accepted uy J lisjuajesiy were piaccu utsiuo iub iiirune anu re-mained there dorinc the cercmonv.

Tbe Chancellor then advanced, and standing be-

fore the King said: Sire, is Yoar Majesty willing torroinrm yoar previous oaui i

The Kim reDlied. ' I am willinc."Tbe King then left hla throne and advanced

towards tbe Chancellor, raising hU right hand and

Kin" of the Hawaiian Islands, havinc on the U'lhday of February, A. D. 1974, in conformity withthe Ttrovisions of the Constitution of the Kinmlom.been duly elected by tbe Legislative Assembly oftne Hawaiian imouus in tne .Legislature ox tuoKimdom assembled to the throne of Hawaii, andhaving on the following day taken the oath pre--Hcniwd or Article :h oi uie uonsutuuon. do nereovof my own grace and motion solemnly reaffirm thesame, and I do hereby solemnly swear in tbepresence oi Aimicutv tiod to maintain tne (joniutution of the Kingdom whole and inviolate, and togovern in couiormity luerewiui.' i ne tung mensigned the oath and returned to tbe throne.

The Chancellor then placed tbe sword in thoKino's hand and said: "lteceivethis Kinclr swordas the ensign of Justice and Mercy. 'Ibe Kingrecertcu tue aworu, passeu it ohcjc to uie uuancei-lo- r,

who passed it to tbe Noble in charge of it, andhe was ordered by the Chancellor to unsheath it.and he tben unsheathing the sword carried it nakeddunnr lue rest ol tne ccremonr.

Prince Kekaulike then advanced with theIlovol Mantle and nlaced it in the handsof tbe Chancellor, who placed it on tbe King'ssuouiuers. iue riaanc oi una icaiuercioait ormantle on the s boulders of tbe King was the mostececuve pan oi tne certmouv, and tue cioaK loou-ed graceful over the King's military uniform. Inplacing the cloak the Chancellor said: "lteeeivetbis ancient Ifoval Mantle of your predecesnors astue tjifiigu oi inowieuge and vt isuom."

Tbe Chance llor then put tbe Itiug on tbe fourthnnger oi iiis juajesiys ngnt uano and said:

Keceivo this lting, the Ensign of Kingly

Ibe Chancellor then delivered the Sceotre tothe King and said: "lteeeive tbe Hoyal Sceptre,tbe Ensign of Kingly Power and Justice.' IbeirJiaiestie tnen became seated.

Prince Kawananakoa then advanced with theCrowns, the cnoir singing tue following Uyron:

Almighty Father I n e do hrlngGold tad ceiii for the Kinjr;Tare cold for the true Chief,The aympol of tmc Love.Gema of tbe hidden mine,(learning forth a glory;The clorj of nnfoFdlng leles.That grow la wealth and peaceThat come to crown I heir King,The heir of the farthect ajtCboeen bjrTfaee,AImlhty FatherTo whom tbe honor and the glory.

Amtm,The Kmc rose and tbe Honorable Godfrey

Hhode President of tbe Legislative Assemblytook the King's Crown and raised it up before thepeople and placed it ra the hands of tbe Chancel-lor, saying: " I present tbis Crown to tbe rightfulKing of these Islands, approved by Acts of the legi-slative Assembly in tbe Legislature of tbe King-dom assembled of tbe years 1880 and 1882." 'I heChancellor then placed it in the King's hands say-ing: " lteeeive this Crown of pure gold to adorntue uign station wncreinuiou oast been nlaced.'

The King then takincup the Crown by tbe centreornament wim one nand Placed it on nisown Lend.and taking up tbe other Crown in the same way beplaced it on the head of tba Qaeen. This act wasaltogether marred by tbe rather undignified wayin which the crowns were taken up by the King.In coronations where the King crowns himself it1a usual for the monarch to take both hands andin a solemn manner to hold tbe crown high iniiuuk, aa tug irwucui ui iuu ueuuuaiure Qia IDthis case, but by taking hold of the small buttonor ornament at tue ton. tne cnect was rather mm.ical than otherwise. On crowning the Qaeen tbeKing said : " I place this Crown upon your head tosnareitne nonors or my inrone."

A prayer was then offered by tbe Householdl iiapiaw, iter. a. jiiacuniosn, aa loiiows :

Almightv Father, who crownest thv faithful ser.vantavttth mercy and loving kindness, look downupon these thy Servants. Kj. toxica and Kino--u$i,tho now in lowly devotion bow their headsto Thy Divine Majesty; and as Thou dost this dayset crowns of pure gold uixm their heads, so enrichtheis royal hearts with Iby Heavenly Grace, andcrown tbem with all princely virtues which mayadora the high frlations wherein thou hast placedthem, and Thine the honor and tbe glory for everanu ever,. w.

115 ALL":

'1 heir Majesties then resumed their places upontho Throne, at the conclcsion, and Kignals fromtue raiace towers announced tne event, and a rov- -

.1 malma-i- rnini vna fn.m (I, .. W.4A lttl..lunchbowl, and tbe war ships in the harbor, thesaints from ibe Ji being especially noticeablein lit) rettoiianoe.

The Choir then sang Jaa following Anthem:Cry out O Irlcs, with Jot IWith load rounding prater,I'ato tbe A J mighty FatherWho gave anion to the I ileaWho gave them places on hihAmou;; tbe mighty of the earlh-Y- t

ho hath led oar Chief aud KlnxAlooi tbettatha of tbe world,And led Hint to a Throne

i i Bp by Thee, O God'lathe hcarta of hl Tvortle.TT OBI U lalfa with Joy,

. Vuh knd Bonndintr pralte,Unto Thee, Almighty Father 'For all agee. evermore.

J men.

The Coronation Certmouv ha vine thus btencompleted, the King and Qaeen, attended as be-

fore, retired to tho Grand Hall where they disrob-ed. Following was tbe form of Procession leavingtoo i bvijioo:

Marshal of the Household.Marshal of the Kingdom.

Chaplain of the HonHeboid.Tlie Honorable Pretodent of the Legislative As- -

semDiy.Tho Chancellor of tbe Kingdom.

Tho Governess of Hawaii.Princesses of the Blood and their Consorts.

Dearer of tlie Palaoa.Bearer of the Pulouloa.

Bearer of tbe Torch of Inikauikaui.Hearer or the Kahili of Pili.

Bearer of tbe Jewels and Decorations.Bearer of the Sceptre.Bearer of the Crowns.

The King's Cambcrlain.Bearer of the Sword of State.

Their Majesties tbe King and Queen.Bearers of Her Majesty's Train

Kahili Bearers.Ladies in Waiting to the House hold.

Aides de Camp1"here was a small attempt at a cheer at one mo

ment but it was not tasen up. ine wnoie anairwas viewed with profound silence, except from theguns, band, and one ancient voice which indplgedin a mh.

It was understood that there would be a recep-tion after the ceremony, but after tbe visitors wait,ing sometime it was announced that the Queenwould not receive, so tha ladies did not enter thethrone room. The official and other gentlemenwere presented and the King withdrew, and the re-

maining guests departed, many thinking bow un-

easy must rest the head with such a crown.

A correspondent from Maui speaks of childrenof 10 aad 12 being drunk. The same fact has beennoticed here. Last Friday night a boy of about 12

appeared on Xauanu Road, far gone in liquor.Tith a bottle of gin sucking out ox his pocket.Tbe police should take cognizance of such matters.Tbe boy should have been arrested, but that is thelast thing our worthy force think of doing ao longas the drunken manor boy hat a dark akin; butlet a vhite man take too much and Dear on thestreets, half a dozen wbidtlea are blown, the tayr- -

lMB"m oi uie taw appear aa iuicut as uko wi aliogsbead of Jamaica sugar and the unfortunatevictim of ardent spirits to incontinently walked o9to anoear before Judge Uielrtfoal GloriooaJvfree and js&ep&fcBt country.

Tho Treaty,

Hosoixiu, January 25, 1883,

Editos Girrrrt: I have read with interest thereport of the Congressional Tariff Commission up-

on the subject of eugit, published in the Hmniienttasttti ot the 3d instant.

It is very decidedly protective of tba refininginterest, and correspondingly adverse to the sugargrowing and manufacturing interests seeking theCnited States markets from beyond its uridic- -tion.

The Committee recommend a specific duty to belevied according to the value of the sugar, as perPolari scope or analysis, on and below all sugars,including No. 13 Dutch Standard. These sugar?,on account of their dark color, are cot in demandfor consumption, and only made so by being re-

finedupon lbee the Commission recommend aredaction of tbe present duty of HO per cent,bat for these there U no customer bat the refiner.The seller has not the benefit of competitors, butmust sell for what his customer is inclined to give,

who has the facilities for refining them and put-ting tbem into competition with rogars introducedat a much higher rate of doty; for ttcoMiii, aboveNo. 13, the Committee rccoramend a higher rate ofdoty to be imposed wwwV? fo th ewr. withoutregira to tue ininntio xsiae. sugar is saleablefor consumption over the counter upon its color,and not its valoe. If tbe customer finds the arti-cle offered handsome and sweet ho asks no ques-tions aboat tbe Jirtt of sweetness, and most like-ly neither he or the grocer knowanythingabout it.

iwtn oi tuese classifications protect tne renninginterest and ara adverse to the introducer flret,there being but one class of buyers of a perishablearticle which must bo sold, the seller must acceptthe buyer's terms. Avourf, the increase of dotyand change from intrinsic value to color enableshim to prepare and plaro in market his mo.echeaply bought article than his corapctitarwbohas paid the higher doty can do. I do not discussthe policy of this system as a state policy, but it isevidently probating to the refining interests andadverse to foreign interests and adverse to the for-eign prodnoe. 'I hrongb tbe courtesy of the UnitedStates Consul, 1 have also read the argument ofMr. Brown for tbe abrogation of tho Treaty, andam miiy aware or me strong itueot oppositionwhich is now setting against it.

Mr. Brown makes statements that have beendisproved time after time, and seems to have no

States officials at this end are collading in coun-tenancing fraud. If he supposes that everybodycan bo bought, and has learned this lesson of hu-

man nature in bis duties as special agent of tbetreasary, he has been very unfortunate in the classof officials with whom his duties have broucbtbim in contact, ibere are both united states andHawaiian officials that are not to be boaaht, andthere are merchants and planters both here and inthe United States whose truth and intecntr wouldnever perpetrate or connive at the frauds chargedon mem by Air. itrown. ue denies tnat tne

sogars in tbo San Francisco market, knownas Hawaiitn sogars, were as good as since thetreaty. Insert that, with tbe exception of 1867,1SG3 and 1?G, they were, by my own personal ob-

servation and by the testimony of tho UnitedStates Custom House records, collated by a manof unimoeachable truth. Ibe sucara in the excepted years were chiefly contracted to the old SanFraDclsco refinery, and not !o exceed No. 12 Dutchstandard in color. To bring them down to thiscolor la many cases they nad to be bouea witnmolasses. Bat throuch all tbe Team, with this exception, sugars were better iu color before thansince the treaty, by the general observation ofthose who handled them here, sustained by theUnited States Custom House records.

He asserts tbat vacuum pans and centrifugalswere not in general use before the treaty. Heraagain he U mistaken. Centrifugals were inventedhere, and for tbe last 25 or TO years I have knownof no plantation drawing their sugars in any otherway, and vaouam pans were introduced into thelarger plantations generally before the treaty.Upon Kanpakuea, Onoruea, lido, Kohala, Lahaina,Wailuku, Waikapa, Waibee, Oroe ltanch. EastMaui, Haiku, Koloa, Lihue, Princevilla and Kau,comprising about all the large plantations. Atthat time draining by centnfa*gals was the onlymethod, and I think no other method of finishingexcept by tbe vacuum pan was practiced .by theKam- - Tint neither of thefts methods of boiline ordraining are refinery processes, any more than theliming and skimming of the open train n ith the oldslow method of drainage. Boiling in the vaccum

does not iliminato impurities any more than itSan in the open train. Neither does the rapidseparation of the molasses from the grained sugar,tbe solid from the fluid, any more than the oldslow method. The only thing ubich can be con-strued as having any approach U theaddition of lime or houio defecating substance towhich the grosser impurities attach themselvesand ara removed bv akimminc: but all this is donehfjore tbe joico goes into tlie pin, and whetherimuned in tuo vacuum pan or open tram.

It i done bv the farmer to his marie ioice bvadding eggs, milk, or something withsimilarprop-crtie-

It removes the grosser impurities but heknow s nothing of technical renning. lto has neverheard that it must be filtered through tenor fif-

teen feet of pulverized Animal charcoal to removethe coloring matter, and other processes to makeit white as it comes to as in the form of loaf,crushed or granalated sugar. 'Ibere havo been noabuses or frauds of tbe kind set forth by Mr.Brown, the government and planters nave

aimed to fulfill its provisions. A committeeof the Legislatare of 1S80 could find no case of thekind; Iwa chairman of that committee and fullybelieve what I write.

Tho commercial benefits of tbe treaty, too, aremo trial but not eaual. If the sugar consumerrealized all tbe benefit, what would tbe HawaiianGovernment get in return for relinquishing dutieson nearly alt good, tbo growth and product of theUnited States? If the planter could get no morefor his sugar, when be could scarcely make expen-ses before, what object could the treaty bo to himwith increasing expenses? Bat ho did expect toget more for bis sugar, at least a part of the da tiessaved, and he has sold to the refiners on tbe Man-ila standard generally, tbe purchasers allowing forthe duties In the pnoo. The Government has re-

couped itself for its relinquished duties by itsgrowing commerce and increased activity in all Whilst tho United Statea has reapedits reward by a five fold exportation of its productsto tho islands. And a corresponding increase ot itscommerce.

For ID shins in 187C the treatv being in onvration tbo last third of tbe year, it has forlSPJnear- -jy jr). me roiiowin? inuieoniy caTern i?u nuu

but tne increase nas goue Btcaauy on.175. IStfO.

Animals t J Si,S3Clothing, bate, boots, etc 1T6.188 R6,IS9Palldlng materials , 2!,V W.287Floor,.. , W.WT IW.RSFl-- h - 17.591 35,257

Furnltore 27,7 73.WSlralnand feed iisGroceries and provision! W,4' S79.79I

AtrlCQltnraltooU,bardnareetc 105S m,o&Lumber -leather H.6!! 57.S86Talnta and oils 03,549 W.7WSaddlery, earrla-r- materials, etc. ii,csTobacco and elaars.... 57,1 ioa,in

I have no later table- at hand, but probably theamounts would be much greater, and this repre-sents only San Tranciwo. A line each from Boston ana iew iotk ot noout turee vessels a yearvia Capo Uotn from each port, represents only apan ot tne commerce irom me east; large naanu-tie- a

of nooda ara sent lir rail and fathoms via SanFrancisco, and The Eastern States markets haveshared largely In the growing trade.

Tlie benefits of this treaty nave been mutual be-

yond expectation, though, perhaps not equal, bothnartiea have been benefitted bv it. in its commercial aspects only. These only have been considered ana neituer your room or raj nme win nuawme to add more at present, tours truiy,


P.S. I wish to add a few words. BtJiHwjavqttrwas nrst applied by tue teniitans totnecruaesugar brought from Egypt several hundred yearsago it was practiced in Antwerp more than threehundred years ago and was tbence introduced intoEngland. The rurawt jxih was invented in Eng-land by Howard in 1812 long after sugar was re-fined. Its advantage is that it evaporated at lowtemperature. U takes place when tbe atmospheric

is removed at 115 and upward, and asfireseure boiling at ft higher temperature darkensthe sugar, the vacuum pan sugar is usually lighterin color tuan tuat ooueu in tue open tram, icevacuum pan since its invention nas oeen nsea gen'erally by refineries, and In later years has been in-

troduced noon most lanro plantations where norefining takes place. Ibe best and the worst sugarmay be, and is evaporated ana nnisneu in it. ithas no process of eliminating impurities any morethan tbe onen train and forms no rart of tbe refining process which ia dona by filtration, the ad-

dition of blood or other Hie constituent which tuo foreign substances adnere ana aroskimmed off or filtered out and the same is trueof tbe centrifugal. They are valuable improvements in evaporating anu uraining, out navo norefinini? finalities, and both of these methods ofmanufacture were used in manof acturing the sugai sanown ns aanawicu isiana augurs ueioretnetreatyand by tho United Stales Custom Houserecords tue w noio Tirouuct averagea a tiguier coior.or higher by tbe Datcb Standard, than since, ex-cept a part of tho years 1C7 and lSSi and thewhole of 1S03 when the tilantations were undercontract to the San Francisco Refiners for theirsugars not above No. 12 Dutch Standard. I thinktho planters generally regard Mr, Sprockets ashaving dealt fairly with them. Ho puys tbem tbeprice at which Manila sugar could be placed inSan Francisco, freight paid, be adding the dutiesin tbe price paid to tbe planter. In his letter tothe Chicago frO-un- Mr. Spreckels says the pricepaid by the consumer has been less since than be-

fore the treaty, and ho appeals to tbe trade andmarket record in verification ot the fact, I do notdoubt the correctness of bis statement. But if tberecommendation of the Conrressitinal Tariff Com-

mistion is adopted the consumers will be placedin tho power of as no outsido partycould compete with them. The consumers couldonly Le sayea irom exorbitant prices uy tneircomDetition with each other, or tbtir moral con--ECiousnesswhich cannot often be relied upontnat it is wrong to sen tor more.

The treaty continuing as it fs, stimulates tradeandindnstry both in the United States and here,and is a source of inutuil and creat benefits toboth the planter here and producer in the Unitedouies.

The refineries east and in California mav com-

pete with each other, but they will do that underany circ*mstances, treaty or no treaty, and pricuto consumers will not ue iiaeiyioueanecteu ex-cept by sharp competition, but tbe quickened in-

dustries of both parties stimulated by it will be,,tfv,lh SUIT

jjav Advertisem*nts

To Planters & Investors.A(jETLKM.VX, "WITH MA3n"1"

Plan tin- - and a tborosffh knoirledfe of Tropical Aricnltnre, IncladlnrEnpax, Tea, Cinchona, Cocoa, reppT, Cardamoea anaBice, will be glad to meetntlb tome one abosttolnveitor aettled In land tollable fa the growth of either ef tbeabove product. Win invent capital Inat'ompacyuBder

For farther Information, apply to the ED1TO& OFT11I5 PAPER til



bin, afac i jironiuj vmcvn trerr rifxieu ior mc m- -

IB1D5 jSC ALLEN rmMentHON J 3IOTT SMITH ..Vice doHON S N CAbTLB TreaaortrJ B ATHERTON SecretaryCMCOOKE..-- - ....Auditor

3. K. ATnERTOS, Secy K. S. Co.nonolglc Fabntary 13th. IBsa. OHlia

To the Proprietors of Sugar MiNs.

AS AGKNT 1'On FI11ST CLASSthv nndenlmt la ttrenired la Con.

tract for bnlldinr, not Air Fsrnfcec (wllh rrralaccordlas to the moat bclennae priadplea

which burn tht AIeja direct from the Itollen creat-ine more Meant tkms wkvn It l dried, eSctticj; para-mount object. via: .the m rim; of Fmet aad Labor.


For Hongkong Direct.The Al Dritl;!i Iron Stanrr

JitiC.T.Hook,Jfew doe From at Frantleco.

Thursday, Teb. 15, 1 o'clock F. M.For Freleht or paire. to

HACKFELD .t Co, Areola

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. .Tka I'.rarila Jt .aran Mara.


Will have Quick Dispatch for the abovePortFor Krrlsht or J'"ir. apply to

II r. A. SCHAEt-E- A CO.. Arral'.

FOR SAN FRANCISCOThe Al Ameiiean Brtjranllne


WillhaTe Quick Dispatch fortheahOTePortFor frrfcht or pajuse, apply I.911 WM.O lltWIX&C... Agralt.


J. D. Spreckels,Will have quick dispatch for the above port.

roc rrr ism or pa.sjso. apply toll W.M G. IRW1X i CO. Arfnte.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The rlar Amfricaa

iSclioonci VIVIV A.McCCLUM.1I. JTaMrr.

Will have Quick Dispatch for above FortFor lrtlaht or Pimm,, apply to

W O. IltWIX i CO. Hzmf


tM "Martha Davis,"Will Positively Sail from Hoston for

this Port 0N.IUXK loth.Orders alien prompt. r. and f taken al tbe Low

extltatea Apply toChAs UK EWE It Jc Co. N, ST

Kllhy Mreet, i(oton. ortfOHSrn C UltKUEK ACo, lfncet.1 Hoae4aIn

tiivie; table.'STEAMER LI KE L i K E

him;. utAsn.i:.bteamer LILeliLe will leave lluolola ach Toe5lay

at 4 r. 31., tonchlnsat Lahaina. Maalaea llav, NaLena,.Mannkona. ivawainae. UGp.itnruofl ana 11 110.

Ketnrntnt; Mill touch at alt tbe abov tortv, arnvln;at Honolulu each anday a. m.

t'mlll for lnnse .MoneyMe ihI(ItvW rtfn toottra xrronatn for Pafaffn.

and we particularly tall the attention to the travelingpublic to the nrcesetty of having lujraeand Fntjrhtfilalnty market); tbe Meamrr will not Ve reponsible

nnmarked Hna-e- , or for r'relsht or 1 'a reels.nniesa iteripieti tor

Freight Money Dee on Demand.In all caeea or frrlshl for parties nnt re ponlble, or

nuaiiwviH, inc iiriui inoarj win uc uucmiuiiqcr.lMC'KAIil-- S of l.IUt'OHSniid WIMCHMl?T

ii. v.i.-i.- .n mtt;i.For the party whom thevarcfor, or plainly lated li

the rrctlpt to whom they are cuUFlsueu.Alldemauil9fnriUiuacprloiemji'tb( niadi within

In noway liable for loss oraecIdcut tollvv tH.k.fttrllack Driver. Itoyt, and oeli ULr. will not be

allowed on board the Steamer on arrirrfl. an til after tbepaveencera have iktii laoutil



For San Francisco.mi.i.m)ii vri: vji.siiir


ii:aiiiiou.n. ioiMAM)i:it.Will leive Honolulu for fricisco

On or about Monaay March 12.



CITY of NEW YORKCotuiiinniter.

or about February 18th. 1883VorFre"fbt and apply tn

H Sc. II. HACKFELD A f O.. At uts.(MmmK tor .Milnmetit per strninrr en it haw

bentnretl, Frrenl t tinnre. In Hie l'lreiro(narriionie iirnr iir nirninrr 11 iinri.

Tho Agents here are now pn tolf'Mic Tickets to Sdn Fmntl?ni lletnrit,








Oceanic Steam Ship Comp'yTHE At BlilTISH

STEAMER " SUEZ,"VII1 Leave Sim Frnncisco For Hutiu-lul-

the !Kh day or each nioutli,Kftnrmnj; from llonolnlii on tbi 2?it lk Y

of caca month.Sn FriTKicoA;tnls. 1 II. MPItKCKELS Jt CKO.

.Market Mrvclllonolnla Agytl. W U. HIWINACo. tm


CUNARD LINEEstablished 1840.

Two Sailings Every WeekI'm: i.ivi:iuooi.:

From .Vew York every Wtdntulay,From Boston ere ry



RATES OF PASSACE:fcio, nuil Ho Uoltt


Hlffrogo. as fnrrriir.(Jood Accommodation, can alwajra 1 arrorrtl on

WILLIAMS UIMONU Co..,. an Franclaco.

lrj blate Slrvc t. Iloston.VEI1NOS 11. liHOWS m

i Cowllne Green, New York

Notice to I'ai-nsfr- from Aoatralla, NVw Zralaadand llonolnla The Canard Line allorda more than nana!fadlltii-- to throo','h pafKensrert fromLiii ' 3 ,mlntfnf7 01 V atnpa itrrxloutnL' an poe.L

J v uci.j iu im..tJ (lood accommiAtloua alaar .

VEKNON II. liUOWX I'llIf 4IoUoOri'en. NwYirk


WalolL jf W, Mfc Walmaln.Cn. Slecol Kalona,

aod - ItM.ltlimilellall one l irair..foeiaanasnana strcctfi I


ADX innr.

German remedylull

RHEUMATISM,Xeumbjta, Sciatica, LumlatjofVacla(Jte

Soreness of the Vhtt, Gout, Quinsy.Sore Throat, SiceUingj and

Sprains, Burns and Scald,General Bodily

PainSfTooth, Bar and HcadadiC, Frosted Ftet

and Ears, and all otherBains and AcJtes.

"Sa Prenantion oa eanb eonal Ur Imn'i fi.. ...aft, r. tlMpU and Utap External ileroedr. a trial

eaUUa bot tbe cotnparatlTclr irlalaz oailaj of 30 ctauani ewoiie aBffrrtne 1Uipala cm bn clean andpciltire proof of 11a claim.Direction! la Clcren Lasreacef


A. VOCELER &CO.,Baltimore HiL. V. tt. A,

HoUister 9c Co.,1 Areata ferthe HavulfM. Maa4r.


matter ot the Eantmptey ef FETBR laAWaTTav ,'otlce (t hereby ctwa thst a neetrax C th rrMten who nave proved deSta ajrslatt the tmH rvWTklB,tolbeaiwnntt $10 or nw, W heitL

the Clerk'a Offlee et the 9epmae Coon. - - m

ON TnVRSOAr. the riRSTPAY OT if ari"?r10 o'clock, a. m. to the rnrp" t eNrttaf mtttZlof raid bnkrpta ertate. D. K. TYTlZ

wpniv ,ktk: vnpmae ComIlonolnln. rebmary lh; 11.1IRCUIT COURT ratTRTn JrmTJ CIAL CIRCUIT. Uawailtn TiUndii 1. TsLt..'

AtChanberlef'ThLoealcl*tBlt Jndw.of th ESTATE Or AUQCST t6Shrr LI

ol ItanaleU Kasat, deceaaed.vra reaoineaaa hub- - im rruua an4 accalaMri. Mazy Ana Conrad I aad crank Bin. Adwwl

tratora of the ErUte ot Aaratt Ccmradt, hu ef BbZLlei, KaaaU deeeated, wherein they ask to V tomm5

M3V. and ehanre theiBrelre KJtl&JO. a4 ku2the atme may be examined aad approved, aad ttatfinal order naj be mad of dlrtrlboliTS of tha ViiaT.1remalntoc la their hands to tbe perms thmutKiZed, and dleharrlDff then and lietr emtlea froaTcfanhermponvlbtUtraflaneBi AdailaUtratAr. K

11 Is nrdered. that ATVRDT.thmhdrofXM4lA. 1'. Itn, at ten o'clock A. Mbe.'ore tk ufd JraSat Charabrni, In thCort Iton,at Kolrm. b an4aMfame here bv la appofnte4a tho time ud nfeemA.heario-fa- ld Petition aad Aeeoata,ad that all wtons tBtereted may thea aad tber appear a! afl,canae. if any they nave, why theaata s&Mhl aoika,rranted, and rajrre.ent rrldenee at t who artrnTtitled to the Hid peopenr. Aad that tali order, ta thEnrllsh and HawatUa lanxnaces bo pnbltahed miTttvfJj fa the Hawaiian ti ajtctto aad Knokoa iewM.pern printed aad pa Willed la lloaolalo. for lhrr twtseenlveweeka trivloQStothe tlma therefa anwiarWforaaldheariaf:.

Dated at Knloa, II I thi lat day or rV X tt. rtJACOB HARDY.944 Ctrtalt J ad re room. Jodklal cl*tait

SriMtEMK COURT OF THE IU.U Probt-- U Ueofthe Estate of C T DILLINGHAM. detead tiZUte. Order to how am on apj. Heatf of IHwdUvfor order of sJe of real ertate.

On reading and ftllnx the pettttoii ef It. Y.hatnandMn. L tfilllnrbam tbe dmlnlYtralonofthe yroperty of C. T IllUlnsnan, prajtns for as rdTof aie of certain ml eptate beleanK t W ',4deceased aad vettlns forth renal a lrral rraroat w

nch real etate vbooid be sold.It It berebf ordered, that the next of ktaof tattcM

ward and alt peroBa Interfiled In the said nutcn.pear before thU Conrt on THITRSDAT the tlt itrebrnarv, A. D. 18S0. at 10cloka. n. at th CovtRoom of thla Conrt, la Hooolaln. then aa tber Uhow eante why aa order shonld not W cranted for thra!of tech estate.And It Is farther ordered, that a eepy of tils order W

Cabined at Hl one week beforn the aaht day fla th ltawamx Oams: aewypoper Mbll.he.tlB vald Ilonolala.Iate4Honolaln. II. I.. Ftbrnarv &1,

IIKNJ. II Al'STfXAltert D, K. Ftt. Jim fee of ?aprem

Depnty Clerk. M3 31

IN TIIKSiriMtKMKCOL'irrOFTlIEKlnrdom. KalabMa, by tbe Urac

to4, of tbe HawaLUa laUaalfl, Kinr ToWlUlantrarke. Manbai of tk Klordon, rr bia Dvparjvttreetlnr- - Yon aro bertbv eommaadrtl to !it Defea4aat. iaeave be ahall file written anrwrrwUbtH iwratr dmafter perrice herer to be aad appear before ues.preme Oart at tbe January terra ibertof, to b boldeaat tbe Court Room of tie Conrt Hove, IIoaoh.Ia.tatbe lilted of Oabn, oa .MONDAY, tbe in day of Ju,air next, at o clock a. in hrm um kr taclaim of THERESA CAUTW"lUOHT, riataUf &Mnot dv iraru acr 'ihubi 10 law irnvr nrT ttaexetl petttloa.

Ana na yon tnea taerc tut m i tau mara ofyonr proceedloira tberroa.GE "linen, uoe.,i- w i vu Laief

(L a Jotiee of onr ynprrno ConrU at TJonolala,tbi atb day of JanaarT, A. D. 1983.

Jbo. E. Bituiaw Clerk.To n bleb cammoc tbe 3( art bat made tba foUowtar

retain: IlaTtn; made diligent aarcb foe tha wtttlamentioned Alrxaader J. Lartwrlzbt, Jr-- 1 hereby ntnntthtaanmmona not aerred aaA am aaabio la tadtbe aald Alexander J. Cartwrtrhr. Jr. ta thla Klarde

(Mftted) W C PAKKE, XanbalItoaoinla, Janaary Mb, 1W.llawallaa Iitaad- -. ")

Uabo. JI hereby certify tbattbr mtthln aad fonota? u $traeamlfaltbtalropyof tbeortlaavl anaiBwa usard

la tbe Libel for PUore. Tbereaa Cartwrlsbt ta. Aej.nailer J. Cattwrltbt. Jr , an4alfof th itanbari rwtorn thereto; aad tbat by reaaooof id tanaxTtrtlnrn. tbe Court, at the Janiury Termtfcmof, A Dl

lX did ordrr tho rate epatlaaed to tbo next AprUTerm. A. IX lsX, and that In the meantime aa altvatolcopT of aald ivammnna be printed a Prescribed by tbtbutne. reonlrins the raid mpendeat fo answer at tataald April Term.

Iu witaeia whereof 1 fcava bcrtrasaret my band this M say of lebnajr.V. D. "Wt.

jyo. K BARNARD.6t ' tletk; Snpreatt twrl

SL'L'ltllMK COiritT ur THKlarroUte la'aodefuaba

llawnllan Ittand- -. - In ra Ettatc of 3CASTUKEt:Nfdceaed. Ikfotn Mr. XeCa3yv

Onler appoinltni; time for Pnint- of Ulllaaddij pobllratlon of notice.

Wherea a doenmeat partnrtlaz to be a dalycopy of the lat VHI aad trtUmeat of Man

tlreen. widow late irf Olreston. Atnoadibars tatltt'oonty of Uloaceiter. Enlaad. deceased, and alas fthe proof, probate and RMer of raid Will at U p)Kof domicile of raid .Maty Orceo. In tho KesUtryaflka

fro hate DirUlon efthe Illb Conrt of Joctkc atMtdOlreilon, batlaj on tbe 77th day of Jaaaary .1. D. I95beeoprTaeotedtoMldrrobatrt'oortof the UawalUilsttnil and a petition forth Ftobate thereof hnvtacbeen filed by Vlllam L. Ureta of Hoaolala latbcIllacd ofOaan. praying that letter of adutnUtratJOwith the Will annexed be iMOt-- to tbe W W lltUat Ltircen.

It ta therefore ordered that SATURDAY th ITU. dajof I'cbroary A. D. la. at lu o'clock a, as. at tha ConfKimmof saldLonrtatMldUataolala. baaad theaaaMla hereby appointed the time for prmlaa aald W in aadhearlat aald application when aad where asy perroatnlcrtsttd may appear and coateal tbe aaaae.

It la fntther ortlered that notice thereof be trea. ofpabllcatloa for three coatecstlre weckala the litiiai tUxtrra. newspaper printed aad pnbLiU basaid lloianiala. I Jan. STlh, ISM.(8lsaed L.VWUENCE SliClLLT

Attest. JnatK of tha aprem toaxtE. lUaaAap. Clerk. C 3t

iitcnr couiix or tue ua- -WAI1AX Third JwttVi.t Tn.rrirt t.

I'robate. ltand of Hawaii. Iliaillaa Itlad.a.aIn tbe matter M ihm Eutr of CllAKLKt If ALL UrfNorth Kona. Hawaii, deceased

A Uaxnmrnt. pnrportla to be tbr tail Will aaftestament of t hnrtr Hall ileeraed. bartos oa the I(lav of Deeetubrp A. 1) !Me. loi, MVBrnt.m m.w

Conrt, and a petition forth proboieiaert muu im inn iiBin oi uctirr levraiiteaiary ia Hi

aab Hal) bstLn- - been filed by 11. L. sheldua.It herebjr ordered, that WEDNESDAY tbeS-- t

day of Kebraary, A. D ISO, at IU o cluck a, tru, cday, attbeCoait Uvom of uld Conrt. itkiuutSKohala, ia the Iland of Hawaii, be, aad the aaaee khereby appointed the time for provln-aa- ld Will aadhearts;: "id application when nad wher any penoaInterested may appear and eoatel tb aldwf,t.aa4the rrantlas of Uttcra teaUmentary

It I farther ordered that nolle thereof it xWea Hpnbltcatloo, for three tncceaalre week lata? OnztUr. a a "wt pa per printed and pnbiithfdllonolnln.

Dated N Kohala, HawaiL Jan. JKb, IftO.cii.rLks r. iiart,Jaitlce ofthaClrcalt Conrt

Third JoaitUl Dutrt -

SUIUK.MK CtUKT OF THK 1L.Ia tb matter of th Vaafc

raptey of LCM KEE 8A3I alUi CfM CUCNLnm Kec Sam alias Cam Chan, ot Hoaolala, haitat

been thU dar adjodlcnted Dank.rBpt nt a hearlas beftnMr. Jntttce McCalty, it wa this tU ordered that aatitbe zUen to the creditor of the aald Lam ke Sam tapreaent their claim aod pro tv their debu aad thai darpublication be made thereof, for tare conreratweeka, In the " lUnaittin Uaxette "

N'ow therefor notle hereby rites that THURS-DAY, tba IJth day of February A. D. IJ. at o'ekteka. xn. at tha Conrt Room of AIHoIaai If ale. HooataJa,be tba time aad place for all tncherrditora tatpuaad prore uld claim.

1(7 the Conrt. D. K. 1YFE Depaty CktL.Dated Hoaolala, Jan. lHh.a'eg. u 51

Very Desirable Property !

a s tHomestead altoate la Naoaaa Valley Ileaaaat c

tance from town, commaadtns fin view of thetown acd harbor Climate dallghlfaL

Main House Contains Six Koom-- ,

CutUsrc adjoinlmr, - lare Ktmrn--

lAboat feet t

1 ry Building !

1 Carriage House, Sorraata Roo.Stallsfor two Horse. Chicken

Hoaae, Wood Shed.There u a wrell of lh port.1 drlnUnz water aiU

food I oree Iimp. aod water laid froai the UovuaaieatWater Work,

The plait i. ta fiat ordre, KtU rcrod allhFruit and Ornamental ITrecs,

and adorned with Deaatlfal rwwera. Anyone wfrhlnz to parchaee at

a reatonanle price, call at thi oOca .rU1LLINUIIAX X I'O.

S Kort at,. I1Q..1.I., H


?S5 R ETHEL T.rr. DxTwasa KINO jtkuVV aU MERCHANT bT "1

T WOULD 1 1 Kis 1 YXTVY U ItX form the pnblie. Ikt. harlo? tuLxrzrft aj prcmUei,and. ta Introdaetair Ateaim Iwwer. wlu.aftnts--l-

"totk of Ineli lurry aad TmI, I iawprepared to attend tw

Repaiiing and Constructing Machfflerj,


Stock and Gun SmithingA fll'lIII-tLTT- .

JOB WOl.IWllr. .t- - pi

ThxnVlD- - lh linWllc for Data I favor. md bv atnattention tobalne-- , I hop to nurlta libera) atirpairoaas' tn'aemi.r'

Htm.lula t m lit WlJ. M. DAIGIX.


MHsiciil lnstraMeRt Maker!

TUNEll&ltEPALRBB-- omcc


TELEPHONE Ho. 70,Wtv,ldniot ret jveetfoJlT lufcrw tl aad

laLablbaU of tbe Hawaiian Ktazdoan. that In mFfto naoeroaa naevta. and a raanatev of aa aratVI aa hi U HO.


He Hat Drtf nnlned to RorwetrcHLi Wand Wtll-aoon- Bsataw


aad wtltn aaa Utaat. adrded a. aiaca uSltfaction tatla patrons. Ktatllan4eruata

mat ivLTmc sFMTwm t Tma mmH

wlldi Ut,, f the ta.t rear, Irat U&i '. rreieuea MtLaauiralTimereTaaa .

Bulala. mac ap tae IK:ur, Xo. ., inamaa!

' a au a. sm " -

tt taaannl - University of Hawaii· 2015-06-02· a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (3)

P. M


S.S.Co.'s Time Table for 1883.ros

r'rbll c.tjotSewTor.. UAastralia "i55c5Vofi?aaT .Xarrats Zealaoala. Marrtl

ion. ; ,.i

tr I fcydner.

raayasc.. i

r .

...JaljS ZealaBals J.5caret fwiofK- - iltA"i"rsV- fccftM

iaSur:" S5 of Mry .

rw"W YorV. PecirAmtttmlto



.OctCHNor 25


Bua iudnrl!. .thieconUBOrfonthfeTttitmJ lu Tn- -i I 'u,i n tht rm 0X111 of tt Cor- -

jcri .j ..tor ht.'iwcxpPrtMbeB-fltlrd-; ad lOLrcqorrtlj He . tl

L c fc a CommcTtUBr fcfltinwt tatb J V trf"-"- ,,TZr ntmhet ol cl in port

aJ cnlti ,inpIHi mrrcbiaU to n.sre d--

To airta': for la wk vmbt of tlit t'.Jf vry. sndC T from Twiiclreo

i general artwi ana the Vty( ? n! Kr--

I from Tcrt GimttK will, lomtor.

Tic depart am .ill domestic prudtKt. incd tb--

IT .lin;, ATTa. n4 ZmMM, ail folly lade.Tto' w. .1 probLij- - or nrxt dij for

tin rrui kj and the ncxiT-- l I arrive 1H be lhib; icou-- on tli ISta inrt- - itb oitn to the lllh.


Arrived.!- OS So- - ?Jodd, from b F

nt t3C T Hoot. JurlIrom i rAm fek C Jlnmy. JU, from St

I Jim bk. oret Qarea, from fori lmUfm bk EmrrltUC".Urr. from Port .mHr

I. I'H ZwtaBdU, Webber fnw dney

Sailed.Ambkll W Almy. Freeman. fr b F

3VAm bktae Eifa, Urowu. for h F

Vel in Port.

II B N b Mo tint Edrdih t Licks w Ettn Wllvon

I b S "W'acbrtt. IVrionFrrntb w fbtp Umier. ChatMDtfitol-

MCBcnivraoAm I Stoning Star. BrtyAm khtn Hope. ;rePBirlnc)

rr bk lltrmsBiL, IUtteo. In itrAmfctL.if Ore. IlabeAm ln DkVniA, W'entdAm bk Liuie Xtnh&II. DersmMii

Vm bt lrere. XelttrrcBr th UilocV, lv1ctofUUAm Kbr J C Ford, Lc UallicUrAm bin GcUTsbnrt. Thfclta)dHaw kJit Jeanle WalVer, CoderMocdAm brlr J 1) fcprrrVr-l- , FrieAm blc Kmnmld, OattrrAm bk I C .Marraj, JmiVAm bk Forest (ioern

MEMORANDA.Bwrtof&S2eIandU-Le- rt Sydney Jaa S5tb,aod

urltd at Iioaoinlo rrb iiooermie

t tbrouf hout the patsancco.

and fsirtrade expni- -


in fakir hav.s bbl xxrtatoe. S3 bbls lime Hbatr II ce macli, 9JU kf birl7 5(53 do bran, Oi bndl

zraln. 1 bndl tools, 313

feslmdt c

From 8aD FranciKO, Jer . Feb 9 TTDca Itqor,kirain, 4M baa appIca,VULa potatoes, 16 bla

";aj bread, SSbbla refisedea-a- r, HUea pymp.91 Jt polrs, W bbla lime, t't k onion. 125 cavtlocH, 63

pi Iron. M bbls cement, l'K bin 63 bxi cocoa

From aa Franclpro. per C T Feb bn) e - liq- -

mrri, aw c J cnatmoa, ftl pks tndte


wrtli--Cioal Mode




For l and 3UnU per Ibna. Feb S W Cati, Wnrede JUtiffin UrFltcb.Si: Madison.

For Windward rorta.prr Ltkrlikc, Feb 6 ' Camp-..-

Dr 1. ftf)o..lvSInKt'AoeUn,Jl'Drvtf.EU IIaIdw)n.A CAf under. F Lake. J Perrlman.

From Hawaii and iliol, t Iwalaul, Feb D IIrshjDB, W Uoodalc, Jttd Hoaplll, W II Patla, CcoTM' Lean and wife.

From ban FtincWo, ier Sum, Feb b II Foot, Mrs AW Uanh and Z children, A Kidd. wife and 5 children.Mrs Xoreden, 31rs 11 F Hebbard,Mri JHAtberton,narM and 8 children, Mni S OHmau, Ultt C Ullman,I II Atbcrtob, lira Sell;. Mr S X Damon. Mm He laVcrne and t ixhk. W (i Wood, E A Hall, 1 M Order,W O mltb, W H IU1Jt. wife and S children, I li J

ktQ-a- cblldren.F2l llatler, II behUfeler. JLoot, 31 Lome,!. W II Wagner, C J Copp, J Tbnmar. AHansen. A Knelff, H Faltb. J 31 l'arr.Jat

!)r?han, U Sheebsn. John ulliran. F Ilohnberc, A JJuLnaon. F Jfo, 11 Donahue, T rtlzrerald. o Scunlt-man- .

J Kahn.J bchrodcr.A 0 Webb. W E Ilodson.CNcDoBpil, E F ilorpliy.ri Vliinftr.

ban Frabcifco. per D C Marrae, Feb 8 A(roes-- -

U b H Moddard, W H IcLran. It Merri wether, II EAerrT.iliss France. M Lack. Sir Y. Williams, ChatWitllsmt, Mlf K Williams. 3Ilsa L Wlllltmi. W W

ri LC Thomas, D Holmes.C Mnlth.From Kana1,per Jamea 3takee, Febf? Gor Kanoa, A

Feje CsptF Grant and ife Jtcr II Bingham. Dr Dinatt

F r Kauai prJam- Maker. Feb - Mr L Thomas.AGoe-ll- a

Fnm Lahsina, per Seltlc Urrrill. Feb JO MasterII and E Tnrton, Misa X Horner, Master M liaMwfc.JOoldcUlDtMls Miiw Judge Kamatoplll.

From Kahalnl, per Kllaaea Hon, Feb 10- -1 T Tkora-lon- .

W 1 A Brewer and wife, c II Lecbtnau. N OltlaodtJ Iliicr W Goodman, Major V erks. W F Momh. L

From Kanal. ter Jai Makee, Feb 1- W A Whiting, ItAMcFle.Mi-- s raeeraa-uMi- ss SeboHrr. II Charms n,Dr Waiten. r M Whhnmn. J V Hbrad. W t Farretl, OT.tcomb,

From Macl and Molokal, per Ihna, Feb 11 WPr tilth Mica Ucdingtou

r.rban Francisco. trt XeaUudfa. tVb I'tJoMi.I B Weoler. U Letters, wife and 2 chlidrtn, J Luarnshq wni b i iinois ana wiie, a lioumson, r ivrri.l II L Dodge. M A Darts, II It HollUter. Mrs J Vi ooke and 1 children, U E Hoive and wife. U W ildi-r- CII Wvolmtnrton, H Von- u- II J C'randatl. G F Wllholt.

Edwards. lion II A 1' Carter, HiEzng1Mago-hfchir- o

ana sane ancr jneinue i omroyFrom Vlndwanl ForU. iwr Llkellke. Feb 11 Hon JParker, Father FoozoL Father Leouor, Mi.s Utile

mr hards. J li JIowTtson.T llosearrn. U w Wocc,D Toomey, W F Lomabcihcl. J Kanuamano. Mica

NlsAb"ona,M Holmes. J KMiits.C- Vllliamo. Wllaalllio. Knaklnf . J Milton, Mrs I N Makee. Mfxa KMakee. A bmitb. Mrs Vontempekr, Capt D Taylor. IIZrrbe MIfs M Kirkard. F Horuer, T V , MissAlbro. J Morse. J Mnrdotk, E Dal, Mies L Weed.

From brdner. prr Zealandta, Feb IS V II Martin, Olrivdlandcr, 1 DOarwood.W Lldgate, and W) In irausii

Inthlf Str Feb fib, to the wife of MrTboa Carey, aon.In this Ctr Tvh isb, to the ttlfe of Capt U M Xord

berg, a dangbterlathisdty FfbTtb, to the wife of K M Scrimjeonr,

t poa.

MARRIED.McLE AN LANDFOIU) At the residence of the

bride's father, Kabapall, Hani, r eb 3d. by the Kct T Hlloarr.MrGEoTMcLxaiE.of Miss Mixckta K, tecocd danghter of 11 N Landlord, Eso. Nocards

Pastor Cmxan's Sunday Sermon.At the Congregational Church. Fort Street, Mr.

4, A. Cruzan preached a sermon last Sunday andLt rennest devoted bis remarks esneciallv to eounmen. The pnacber took for his text the words ofHoly Writ "He thou strong therefore and showthybelf a man,1 found in 1 Kings 2. Followingis a synopsis of the sermon: ,

He thou strong therefore and &how thyself aman No wiser .words ever fell from human lips.This dying counsel of David to his son Solomonungui well oe uscn as a me iuoiu uy every man.What is strong, trae manliness? We and it in perf ection only in Christ Jeso. He was the one perfect man. And one object of Las earth-lif- e was toare the world an ideal and example of true man-hood.

Studying this pattern life, the first thing thatsUikea ns is the strength of Christ's character.True strength consists of pov er of will, of passion,of force, and perfect command of all these. Aman may have the strong passions and force ofwill, but it he has no control of tlieiu, he is a weakman. It is his mssions that are strong, not theman himself. lie is mastered not master. Thetrue meaeure of strength is the power of thepassvjsis which a man control i, or subdues, andnot the power of those w hich subdue him.

Chnst was a kind and courteous gentleman. Hewas equally at borne with the rich and the noble,and tbe poor and the despised. There was somethine winning in his manner, that crowdsthronged about him. Civility is to a man vhntbeauty is to a woman. It is a common mistake tosuppose that persons who are distinguished fortenderncsa and sweetness of dis position must lackforce. Juat the oppoblte is true. True courtesycannot be taken up and laid aside like a coat. 1 1

comes of goodness, of sincerity, of refinement.These are bred in sears, not in moments. Principles are the basis of all good manners. ( holy theveneer of courtesy can be learned from books ofetiaaclte.

Christ was earnestness embodied. He bad agrand k before Him. Wben but twelveyears of age. His was filled with thisearnfefetuess: "1 niUbt be about mv Father's business!" said the Into thispoured the whole energies ef His being. There isiKtrnt so important and so lacking. Tbe tendencyof most young men is to dissipate their energiesand btreucth. In education it is only a "suiatter."and In work a turning restlessly from one thing toanother. Saeces cannot be won in that way."This one thing I doI" is the motto ut tbe strongman.

Christ uas a tmre man. lie had no bad habits.In thought and word, and act the Naxarene wasparity incarnated. Jt is sickening to sec how lowand base men live: men created in tho image ofGod, drag that image in the mire, and feed oncdlal like animals TtorgcUing their nobler naturesthey live only for the sensual.

Chnst came, not only to give a perfect standarduf manhood, bat what is better, to loin handswith avery man In perfecting such manhood. Whatsaysuoar r or a many asareieu oy tue spiritox vou, luey are me sons oi uoo. '

Returned Conrtestes .

His Excellency .M. Sogi, 11 J. M.'s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to theCourt of Hawaii, save a return dinner to His Ma-

jesty's Ministers, at the Hawaiian Hotel, on theevening on the IHh hut. Among tbe guebts presenton the occasion were His Majesty, Their Excellen-cies, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Interior,Hon. M. Nagasaki, Hon. XL labaahi, Hon K.

Uu Excellency K. M. Daggett, AmericanMinister. H. U. Ms Commissioner. Major 1. HayWodehouine. Mans. Henrv Fecr. Commissioner ofFrance, Senhor A. der Canavarro. ComicissMonerotl'Drtugai, uuei justice a r rancia J naa, lion.A. a. ueguorn, uon, uias. ii. uinop, iiou. t. i.KsTtfsa- - Hon. C H. Jndd. Hon. H. A. P. Carter.Captain Henry Wilson, U, S. S. LaclxtvMt, Capt,F. Pearson, TJ.S.S. H'lsif, Captain FrederickFilwanla. H. Ik M. S. Htie. Caot. Chauteaunun- -

oia. French Corvette IJmirr, Gol. Curtis P. laukeaand Col. Jas. H. Hoyd of His Majesty staff, Hon.J. L. Xaulakoa and Joseph O. Carter, Esq., Jap-anese Commercial Agent, Daring tbe discussionuf tbe viands Ire the assembled cuests. the ltovalHawaiian Band performed some choice selectionsof music, which added ranch to the pleasure of thewxasKjo. Daring the partaking of the dessert,Hit Excellency M.Sogi. proposed as a toast thehealth of KiTg Kalakaua and the members of theUoyal Family, accompanying the same with ap--

tm proposed the health ot the Emperor and KoyalFamily of Japan. Social converse was then ic- -aaia in nnui luau l". ai, m wmcn time ins juajenyien.


The Kinct settled the vexed qaect ion by crowninghimself.

Tbe eteamer C. 7. sails for Ilonckonj; cm

ThrrfAy at 1 pi ra.

The weather daring the latter part of Uvt week

was rainy, with E winds.

The Etries for the RectU to be heU on the 23d

inst, will close at 5 p. sc of the 19th.

We thank Mr. S. Sigtl, 3Ir. T. G. Thrnm and

Sir. J. M, Oat, Jrn for news favors received.

rVmrtiati'ju race entrance to Park free to nil.

Entrance to Grand Stand SO eta. Tbe tincl showedthrongfa.

His Majesty held an impromrdtt reception at the

Hotel last erening. Vnsie, mirth and minstrelsyprevailed.

A number of leadinc articlM and other roAtter

preparfd for this week's itme is nnavoidably heldover till our next.

Twenty-thre- e criminals were parduned on Monday, so many more scunndrela let Iww to join tbe

eeneral antornalia.

Koral orders established lone ajo by His Majestyare now described in the advertisinc; columns ofthe Government organ. More pap.

The monthly meeting of the Mission Children'sSociety will beheld nextSatorday evening, Febru-ary 17th, at Sir. U. A. P. Carter's residence.

Tbe list of persons present at the coronationrmbliahed in the '. C. Adctrtiitr is grossly incorrect, uuuij oniDca aiTi"iUK jr-juou-u tuat aU.

The local newsdealers were fully occupied onti fitb ins-f- tr the arrival of the Suez, in arranging and distributing the large amount of literature nica came oy uim snaiuw.

Tbe Com well family, as relates to father andon. were badly mixed in a C A, local, no ranch

so that it is deemed nccefaarj to ftate that Mr.Henry CornwelT is the one who is again ill.

Captain Chateanminois and officers of tbe gunboat Umitn and Captain Pearson and officers ofthe U. S. 8. Horfcpw tt were presented to His Ma-

jesty on the 7th inst, by their respective diplomaticrepresentatives,

Luxuries such as beef and poi the sturdy nativecan no longer afford to buy, necessities like anil mn ! ran till niAnara to rrarchasc doKays a medical gentleman who does a great deal ofgood work among the people.

The sale of books belonging to Mr. J. C Gladewill take place on the :th insU, and of the furniture on the "th March. The unsettled weather hascaused Mr. Adams to postpone the sale from theoriginal dates to those now mentioned.

Strychnine seems, to be sold careletely, gettinginto the hands of the public generally. X i dogbelonging to a gentleman residing within tbesnadowoztue i.ji.i.a. uoiiunic wait pmsuuouwith it by some unknown persons lately.

In connection with the prayer meeting at FortSt. Church, this Wednesday evening, there will be

tnfvtinfT of the Slandim; Committee atAll ixrwus desirous of joining the Church willplease meet the Committee at that hour.

The am pi theatre was soaked by the rain of Sunday. In anticipation of another down poor L tons

f mrrmmted iron were purchased Sunday afternoon and a gang of men tret to work rooting thewhole structure. Aueat little additional expanse.

Th&nnveihngof the Statue of Kamehameha infront of the Government lluilding, takes placethis af Icrnoon. In the evening the illuminationof the Palace grounds and fireworks on lnnch- -bowL Saturday the lttnracmg at ivapiojam raia.

The fcleamer V. T. Jloul left San Francisco onthe Ifih boors before tbe $tz,but did not arrive in prt here until after thatveaseL AS tee man nau oecn tuaceu ou uwiiu tun

T. llvl at San Francisco, the delay was annoy- -

That extremely datigtrous break off in the sidewalk at the corner of Kukci Lane the descent of

liieb ltneanMd m hut hearts to palpitate withdread, has been rtmedied by the placing of a set ofsteps at tbe place mot dreaded, by the thoughtfulcontribution of Mr. J. T. White.

We are informed that Hinckley, the man whobrought a charge of against Drs--

Fiteh and ltodirers. and lost his case, has beenoperated nin in San Francisco. It was foundthat there was a iece of muscle between the two

1hc ushers appointed by the Executive Committee, consibting of Messrs. Unger, Simonm, Wilcox,Uobertson, Arnold, Clarke, Henry Smith, Smithies,and Femandea acquitted themselves with creditand beated the audience in the Amphitheatre atthe Coronation in a quiet and orderly manner.

Mr. A. D, Hell, of the San Francbco Meirktml,acknowledges many courtesies and evidences ofgood will from the merchants and planters andresidents generally ot the Hawaiian Islands, andparticularly from the editors of the Giottl V- -

erne twTMr Jrfrfrhsrcana tlieOrtrKWtyi rrw.

A steady down nour of mm, regular coronationweatbtr, delighted tbe town last Saturday andSunday. We Lavo seldom seen bo urny smilingI aCCS OU a Wtl Ut, uui W uuui una I

geant disliked that nineteen men out of twentyfelt glad that the elements bad added their quotato the general disgust.

Tbe 1. M. S. S. Zrdltmtia arrived from the Colo

nies on tbe morning of the ICth inst. in time toallow passengers an opportunity to witness heCoronation. She sailed again for San Francistcoon the evening of the same date taking amongstothers as itauseugers the members of the Jaimnetetjuuassy anu jioo. xi. a. . uirwr.

Messrs. Hoefschlaeger t Co. will fehorth remove

to the building on Queen street formerly occupiedby Messrs. G. W. Macfarlane A Co., and which is

now being renovated for the use of Messrs. Hoef-schlaeger. Messrs. Macfarlane will occupy thelarge and commodious premises almost opposite,on the corner of Fort street, in llcaver Mock.

One of the largest freshets we have seen forsome years thundered down Nuuanu stream lastFriday. Sural and grasses thst had fairly inatlo

ti.;r In tlm krd of the fctrearu were sweptaway in a moment. A gentleman ho was on thebank at the time tne iresnet nppeareu n,wuudon n a solid wall of water betwi ea 6 and 8 ft high.

More drunkenness was seen about the streets

last Monday than the "oldest inhabitant1 can re-

member. Forty eight individuals received freequarters for the night in the cells of the policestation. This number, however, contained but avery small percentage oi ine urunxen; toe wumalong Nunanu street are not to bo described: thesight was sickening and yet heart rending.

The steamer JVotafif towed the schooner Khimh

from Waianae (where she had been beached) intoport here on the th inst. The starboard bulwarksof the schooner are stove in and the whole of thestarboard side oU which she lay, shows considerable chafing, tne copper even ocingcieareu oi paintand shining as ongnt as new. ue vcswi is soouuand tight otherwise and will be soon again in run-

ning order.

The Hoard of Engineers of the Fire Detrimentsettled on the kind and style of engines suitable

for the Department of this city some four mouthsam. after careful and extensive researchesamong the archives of the departments of the fiveprincipal clues, inciriauors uowever seeminglycome to naught, no action having been yet takenhi- tho Minister of the Interior. It cannot be thatthe appropriation for the Fire Department hasbeen useu iar ouier purposes r

The lK 0. Murtvif Arrived in port on the Sth

lust., H days and 21 hours from San Francisco.Captain Jcnks reports that he set his studdingsails the second day out from San Franciaoo andtmt both them and the skvsails on the clipperbark until off Diamond Head. The passengers,amoncst w bom were a unmocr oi lautcs, nave presented Capt. Jenks with n congratulatory letterappreciative oi me speeu oi uii ewei uuu inn uui-

lorm aananesR.

The Japauebo Minister has presented to His Ma

jesty from tho Emperor of Japan, two elegantflower-vase- and to Her Majesty from the Empressof Japan two rolls of Covered silk. He has alsodecorated His ExceUcncr the Minister of ForeignAffairs with the order of the Uisinc Son. f 21 class)rw r. 1 Tintos and ftd- - J. if. I lord with thesame order of the lib class. Col. Geo. V. Macfarlane and Mr. liervev J. lutneev are to receivedecorations of the same order of tbe 5th class. HisMajesty has presented to ills ueeucucy m. augi,a dyiraiian of the Order of the Crown of Hawaii,first class, and to Hon. M. Isibavui and Hon. Mr.Kacbiwaenl decorations oi tue same uruer oi me5th class.

Hawaii.Mr. D. D. lialdwm,Inspector General of Schools,

was in Kobala last week. He left for Hllo onWednebday.

A Kohala correspondent has been given to understand from good authority that one man fromKnit viii vit llonuloiu to attend the Coronation. He will indeed be quite a curiosity wben hereturns.

The Hawaiian Railroad is finished and in goodrunning order, freight and passengers may now belan.Ti.1 mTtrhm in tho District witu neatnesssafety and despatch. The new telephone line liasbeen xuusneu as iar as tue jvuu&i anu.

News of the safety of the $es was quicklyspread throughout the district of Kohala upon thearrival of the JJMfa last Wednesday, all wereindeed thankful to hear of her safety. All thatwas wanted to complete the pleasure was the arrival oi tne mail so long aeiayeo.

Chinese New 1 ear was celebrated in Kohala Inall its glory. The streets and coffee shops abouttown were fall of the mtrry celestials. The nativesas usual were taking advantage of the free displayof liquor and were out on a bpree making nightami aw bblfmaa bv thsur unearthly whooping.The Kohala citizens were glad to eee one or two ofour ucrernmem wucma ituum"", -Unties ox Ue season.

A xrJtBEB of oar citizens are probably unawarethat Captain Pearson of the V. S. S. iref( isthe only gentleman in the American naval servicewho has the right of attaching to hi name theEnglish honor of CB. He was made a Commanderof Bath for very valuable services rendered to anEnglish gunboat when under fire, we believe,from Japanese forts. Capt Pearson is highly ei- -

V hfa nvn Titimi Tift ikuibt. bttt llO ISdoubly esteemed by the friendly nation whose gal-

lant sailors he helped in a moment of peril. Longmay nt wave ;

Macx.The TT. II. IKmomJ, Capt. Hondlett, sailed Fri-

day mornbg from Kahnlui, towed out by theKUttmra Hot, bearing Rev. James M. Alexander andfamily to California.

There are tweire caligraphs in use, or ords red,for MaoL This popular writing machine, is be-

coming infflspensibte for literary and businessmen. Speed, legibility and ease, characterize itswork.

News of the safety of the brought greatrelief to the people of Maui. Flying rumors,anxious fears, stormy weather, created a wide-spread gloom, now happily dissipated.

Baldwin's mill, at Pais, is doing large work onGrove Ranch cane, this month. The yield is veryheavy per acre, and the quality of the juice veryrich. It has scarcely been exceeded in this region,and will be hard to beat.

Chinese New Year's was celebrated, as nsoaL inthese parts, by the splutter of andthe booming of bombs, and general gala da'among tne Chinese among the foreigners,picked-o- p lunches and lenten dinners meanwhile.

Iter. James M. Alexander, after several yearsresidence at Haiku, MauL has left with his familyfor California, where he will again resume the workof the ministry, his health being largely restored.His helpfulness to the native churches, his unceas-ing interest in their welfare, his voluntary workand effort among the Chinese, his ready word andliberal hand, for every good object, will cause himto be much missed. His friends, among all classesare a multitude, and will feel lonesome when heand his family are gone. He ecpects to sail, fromKahului, by the Ih'mrnd on Friday, the iHb, forSan Francisco. Mftysucccmand prosperity attendhim.

Revlewr of tbe Seawiom Laws of 1882-riK-

i.The Tolooie of Session Laws uf the Legislature

of 1S32, is now published, in one hundred andthirty-thre- e pages, containing also the provisionalConvention with Portugal. The following sum-mary of these laws and brief comments may becseful:

1. Mahakuloa and Kaanapnli an Election Dis-

trict. This Act simply declares the law to be as itwas construed by the Government, until the lastelection, when the former law was held to be in-

sufficient.2. Making Mahukona, Hawaii, a port of entry.3 and 4. Increasing the compensation of Repre-

sentatives to $uQ0.Tk Making arson in 2d degree to couaist of burn-

ing a dwelling house by day or night, instead of byday only. Amending Sec 3, Chap. 12, Penal Code.

C Making imprisonment at hard labor, notmerely imprisonment as by evident mistake inChap. X of Acta of 16S0, for assault with danger-ous weapon not highly aggravated and triable byPolice and District Courts.

7. Amending Sec. 978 of the Civil Code, so as tomake all transfer of property void when made byone who is Insolvent unless madenpon a good con-

sideration to n bona fide purchaser httrimr noixaunable roi'se to Mirrt htm to be iHgotrent orhaulrvpt. Merchants will do Weil to consider thischance of tho old bankrupt law, as it must seriously affect secureties taken from those who are inembarrassed circ*mstances. Tbe old law requiredactual notice of, not merely reasonable cause tobelieve me insolvency.

S. Making tue iNorm honaia lMstnct Justice aolice Justice.1). Increases Queen Emma s annuity from fCOUO

to$S,0U0.10. Authorizes the Crown Land Comroisbioners

to convey tbe Abupoaa of Wailukn with the Histherron to Clans bpreckels, and the Minister oftho Interior to grant him a Royal Patent therefor,in exchange fur bis release to the Cora ruLisi one rs'ofall his nht and interest in and to the residue ofthe Crown Lands.

It. Amends the laws for licensing tho slaughterand sale of beef, increasing the number of locali-ties in which snch licenses may bo granted.

iz. lToviaingan annuity ox ?3ju xor j, i a.Kahaleahn. Justice for Ewa and Waianae, as "aged and enfeebled in tbe hervioe of theGovernment" and because no 'irregularitiesM everwere known in his office, and he has "character forhoneisty and reliability."

IX Annuity of $1,200 to Hon. H. Kuihelaui. be-

cause he 'has long and faithfully served tbe Gov-

ernment and no complaint bas ever been madeagainst him,1 and "he is now aged and too feebleta continue in office.'1

11. Annuitvof to s. Kim s widow, as thevwere in tho aervioe of the Government for manv

years, and "great confidence wai reposed in himon account of his honesty and fidelity," and "hislarge'f amily are in needy circ*mstances.'

id. Annwiiy ot cku to Jirs. . auaoiuua, suesing 'm feeble health and destitute.'1C Authorizing a license of a Dance Houhs at

Wailukn.17. Provides that a Circuit Court Term shall he

held on the first Thursday tn September in everyvear, at Waiohino, in Kau, for cases from Puna,Kan, and North and South Kona only, except byconsent of imrties, and that such term need notbe held for not over fire cases to be tried, tbeChief Justice giving "due publication when suchterm is not to be held.

18. Amends tbe law concerning the stopping ofpassportsso that now the pe rson protesting againstthe granting of a passport must make oathspecifically to tbe truth of bis claim or debt, andeven then the passport shall be granted unless suiton such claim shall bo made within ten days afterming oi me protest, jso passport is to ne rexuseato a laborer who bas served out a written contractfor labor, by reason of any claim arising put ofsuch contract.

l'J. Amends the naturalization law, so as to givethe Minister of tho Interior, not as formerly, aloue,but "with the approval of tbe King, superintendence and directum of tbe naturalization of foreigne rs, and adds to tbe former requirements fornaturalization, the requisites that the applicantshall have resided five years In the Kingdom, and"owns without encumbrance taxable real estatewithin the Kingdom.

JQ. Preservation of fruits and preparation oftubicco. "Whereas, the Government should encourage agriculture, including the erection of factorirs for the preparation and preservation of fruitsand for pressing and otherwise preparing tobacco,ana ttuereas,iiis that the Governmentshould import valuable trees and plants for dis--nhntirtn" .rrthr.rirf-- lb - nt tht. In- -

tenor "oat of tbe appropriation for the encourage-ment of ogncnltnre" to devote the requisite sumfor the erection of a factory or factories for thepurposes desigue'd by this Act on application byany person or any company duly incorporated,and undertaking to carry on the specified businessiar a term oi not less man ten ) ears.

Included within this act is "the sending abroadfor varieties of fnuts either in plant or Beeds""trees also which may be of a valuable sort to boprocured and distributed by the Minister of theInterior. were appropriated for tbe abovepurposes.


-- i, uirecis tue .trustees oi tne euecn a uospiiaitonavoutof monevs received as hospital tax tbesum of 200 per annum to be nsed in their dis-cretion for distribution among the various charit-able and benevolent societies in Honolulu for tberelief of sick and indigent foreigners.1

zz. An Ainenument oi tne ueneaiogy acl oi18S0.PUts?10.C00at the disposal of the Ministerof the Interior, instead of KT.000 as by the Act ofisw. iue Miuibiciui eua juienur, u aurebincicuin the manner of expending the sum appropriated,so long as it comes within "the expenses of slidHoard,n whereosnnder the Act of iSbOtbepay ofmembers of Ibe board was restricted to $2 a day."Expenses of tbe board' may include "establishingthe arms and insignia of chief families.

The preamble oi tne Act oi itstuisor. interest.viz: iiereas it is proynieu oy tne u Article oitbe Coutituttou that tbe Kings of Hawaii shall bechosen from the natives of the Kingdom; andw hercas, at the present day it is difficult to ascer-tain who are the chiefs as contemplated by saidArticle of tbe Constitution, and it is proper thatsnch genealogies of tbe Kingdom be perpetuated,and also the history of the chiefs and kings fromancient times down to the present day, whichwould alho ben guide to tbe King in the appoint-ment of Nobles in the Legislative Assembly,therefore, etc. io oe ronuufa.

Col. G. I. Tupman.Colonel and Mrs. G. L. Tupman were passengers

in the Zetthnditt ou their way from New Zealandto San Fraucbeo.

After leaving Honolulu in lb73,CoI.Topraanaaemployed at the I loyal Observatory, Greenwich, formany ye ars, superintending the reduction of theobservations of the Transit of Venus, IcTi. Theseresults were published in 131, in a large volume

a co*kbidlernble portion of which w devoted leHonolulu.

Colonel Tupman was selected by the British gov

ernment to ta ke charge of the recent expedition toN ew Zealand, to observe the Transit of Decemberlost. err successful observations were obtamouat Bumham, near Chrutchurtb, Canterbury, andat many other stations in New Zealand, workingin concert with the head station at llarnhara. Theloneitude operations included tbe exchange of telegraphic signals between Burnham and Sydney,S. fc. W., and Auckland N. where the Americanparty were located.

The plan of observation on this occasion was ona smaller scale than in 2874. when pbotograpbvwas employed at all stations; but in consequenceof the general failure of the photographic methodas then employed, it was not again resorted to,greatly simplifying the organization and equip-ment of the expedition, as well as the work of theobservers.

Thn nlintOTi-anlil- metlutd. as ndontfid bv theUnited States Commission, was rm the contrary,very sncceshful. The principle was entirely different, we regret we cannot ana space, to give extended tlelaiia as to tne workincs of this mtllioa.

Tho American photographic results were notknown in time to take action upon them, otherwisethe method would have been generally employedstrain. The American expeditions were suprjiiedwith the apparatus nsed before, and their observation uavmg Lrceo Kcucrxtiy sacceiui, mere ulittle doubt they will obtain good results again.

mo wnoieoi uieooserviuona maueinioii naenot yet been published, not half of them in fact;but discussing some seventy, made by the Britishobservers, about the Cape, India and Australia,Colonel Tupman deduced the Solar Parallax S'JkThe American photographs yielded the result b otue two resuus oemg oi aoout eqaai vaioc,

The Kins'a Yacht.The yacht which Mr. Thomas Borenson has been

engaged in building for His Majesty, has at lastbeen completed and will most probably be launched weather of coarse permitting. Thevessel is a beautiful specimen of naval architeoturn and if beauty in model denotes swiftness,there is no vessel In these waters that can competesuccessfully with this master work. "Work on theyacht has been from the laying of the keel untilthe nnish under the direct supervision oi alt.Sorenson and this production is a most credcreditable example of the skill of his artisans andthe beauty of his rnodels. The dimensions of thissloop rigged centreboard yacht are: length over all22 ft. on keel 27 ft. beam over all 10 ft 7 in. depthS ft 9 in. She will carrr about three tons of ballast and will draw without centreboard about 3 ftC in., with centreboard down abott 7 fL The.mast u aooui vj it ia icuui,i i ows,1 1 1t ft ifni unrnult a mainsail oI "QCSSe. Of CJH--TO. The bowsprit extends abov vr ootside ofstem, and the jib spreads 100 sqt Itrpof s.

Thewashboard anrroandaji Abttlnocipit isnerljr afoot in height from 1 ,wdingample protection front wind rnnwLET P00forward and lockers at tach to tbr'vagoor

"the usual epiennan stores. falace isImwk, f Vejf fha Tiimil rf thm ISa htS tbeEtOatti and Ions may aba sail.

Who Is Safe.Hmrotxui, Feb. 12, IBS3.

Edttob Gizzttb : I hare been a resident of thiscity for a number of years, am a member of FortStreet Church, and also a member of the Y.M.CXA-- ;am not a drinking man, and have endeavored tomaintain for myself a good reputation. On Sun-day evening, while sitting and engaged in conver-sation with a gentlemen on his veranda, a nativepolice officer came and was listening to our con-versation, the subject happened to be on the meritsof the address of Mr. Edwards, given that eveningat Fort Street Church. The omoer's presence wasnot desirable and he was requested to move on ;for reply- be used blasphetnons language to toetold me he would arrest me, and finally did pullme from my seat on the veranda into the mud,tearing my coat, and calling another police officer,I was marched through the middle of the muddystreets to the police station. There the officerpoke in native to Marshal Parke, and the Marshal

sold to me that the officer charged me with threat-ening to arrest him f The folly of such a chargedid not seem to be appreciated by the Marshal,and although I reported the maltreatment I hadrecived I obtained no satisfaction, the officer wasnot reprimanded, and I was told in a rather threat-ening manner to go about my business. This aim- -

Sle statement of facts is for criticism by ther r. Bines.

iwfol Notices.ForcUhed Roomi en nlte A neat and cosy Parlor,

bitting Iioom and Bed Room can be badbraa earlrapplication at tttn NO. 4 GABDEN LANE.

American Waltham WatchesAwarded Twv Gold Medals. Theenly medsJianard

ed for Watches, Melbourne International Exhibition,ISSO.

Tbe only Gold Medal; als three special and fovart pmes, Sydney, 1ST.

The Gold Medal. Paris, 1WU. Four First Prize Med-als. Phi lads) phis, I9T6.

The neqnaledaoccesi of these Celebrated Watchesha prodDced a hoet of worthless Imitations. Buyerswill observe tbe Trade Mark, "Waltham, Ma.," en-graved on the plate o all Uenalne Waltham Watches.Gold taies are pumped A. W Co lSk or HV-- ,s andMiser eases are stamped American Watch Company,Waltham, Maes, bterllng. Ktfly




Undcrtakca the pnrcaase and shipment of aliklndsotBrltUhandContlnental goodr, except Ardent Spirits,and wlllbeclad toreeeWe Orders, at rates either free cboard at shipping port In tarope, er dellrered ex ship(but with duty for buyer1! account) at Hono'ieltt. SoehOrders may be accompanied by remittance, payablein miuuxu vi can r nncinuj or us mi w upjbsight against conflrmrd credits from llonololn Bankrn,er otherwise, to suit the convenience of bayen.

IlErEBKMK :MEbbRb. WM. G. IRWIN Jt CO., lion pi all.HOX.J.S.WAI.KKK. Hunolnln.THE AURA BANK, (Limited), London.

ttlU Ir


4Jnv dverjiscmcnls,



WILLIAM O. SMITH,W Merchant street

911 It

SITUATION "WANTED.Oi:i5MA T.ATKT.YAYOCXff thwc I.UliiI.,wlfhef a elltution on

omo pUnUtUin as Oreram, or poslbljr Head r.

IIa acted In both capacltfr, for a namber ofears ana is prt'parru in i'ie luntimmnrKc.DeaVa be.)ues hfa own lanrnare, Enctl.h, bnanlsh

andllavallan. rartlea.l.hinstoeonfernaT pleaseor address, A. si. uerman, rare pauora iionie,

The Jarvis Furnace Co.Di;suik to cAr.r. Tin:

bngar riant era and Mill Owners of theHawaiian Islands to their Patent Cane Trath Consam-l- n

Fnrnaces. by which trash can be burned frctb fromthe mill. For partlcnlara, pleae apply to

J tS vOMri,Sll 3m Agcntt, Qocen btreet, Hopftlnln.

PATENT NOTICE.a i'atkxt wasWin:m;AS M. Jarvis, en the 3Nh Janu-

ary lat. by the Minister ot the Interior, under the lawsof this Kingdom, for a Gas and Cane Trash ConinmlngFurnace, this Is to warn all persons ajraiost an Infrlng-me-

of the laid Patent..

'er J. O. Ciirrtu, bcc.t;. llKEW Kit X UOMl'AM,A cent of tho Jaivls iwrnaceCo.

iionoiuia, reurnary ii, jh

Parties Having Claims



Oceanic Steamship Co. LineMiM File Such Claims Previous

to the Sailing of the Vessels

from this Fort, or theywill ho Deharred!

II It WM. O. lit WIN A Co, Aavnli O. feS Co.


Plans and Et!niatcs Fnrnbhed for Works of Construction.

Civil Engincerlngand Surveyingtlfflcr. 13 and 21 Merchant Mreet, ainve

I W lEobertsou tb C'o'a.

P. O. BOX 101, ly

ALBERT a SMITH,Ooxx.X7-oyxxoox- ,

ALL KINDS OF LEGAL WKITIXelS carefully ,uein either English or Hawaiian;

COPVING AMiTU.VNbLATlXG.Laud Court Rceoids eearcbed, for Title- to Land, and

Zr Orders left with Mr. T. U. Thrum, M and WS Merchant blrreL III recrlire prompt attention. !H1 St

xo. ho- Apply to A. A.

t.nllf rr, cor. I'ort and Kins Ms.


ply to

TO LET!Tin: rixi:




Hoisting Engine Boiler1 tJllllIt OltDl.H.


tvjotici; innn:Y ivkki. thattbebuslue-sofMasMB- VI KX Kfc.E A COHotel Mrcet, la mauaeu mc WINAM, and allbusiness transacted for said .inipa..y innt have tbe

lmallullmrlzeil to clgu tne firm name.

Hoaolnln, Febrnary 3d,



Administrator's Notice.

HAVING 1IHKX IllTJaVof the estate of PIO DIAZ

drccaseiUlaluot Nortli Kohala, Hanall; I hereby callnpon all who bare claims as;tintt the aald estate tojresrnt, mciu iriiutH muium iium mu uaic m okHrrvrr lurreil: and all Trrtnani uwlnv nalil staln -

ralled upon to make Immediate payment tome of thei. it. ii., .mroioifirsior.

. February 6tb, an st


HELL TELEPHONE CO.. held on Januarr'sTth. ItSLthe fallowing offlcers were tlected for the ensBingyean

II. A. Wtdcmaun ITcfelilentJ. F. Brown ntC. O. lter.rer bemtary Jt TreasuerE. P- Adams Auditor

op it C. O. BhltUKlL KecrtUry,

,gS a,

Holllster cfc Co.'nnana St and Cm Iert i Mm bant ti


I SECOND-HAN- D MILLHOLLERS SJsS-Ta- lct Castlsrs milh

Spur-Whee- ls & Pinions Complete.Everything in perfect order.

Verr posrerf al foe lu sls aaslas ron4 eaa tots,uuu toas ecr iu ira moaips.

tJ?-- Applr t CASTlfe i COOKE, or toALKXAXllEll t HALDW1X.

sn rila. MscL

'OOjLOGK'A SAU8AGK VS TIXCS.asi aiaana. rrasa aaa ib perrect oraet.r rorMletrnt muistro

Pioneer1' Line




Prom the Cargoes !



Other recent VesselsTil E roLLOWISU

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGPrints of latest style, fast colors ;Blue Denims, White Crodon SheetingHorrocVa Long Clotlis.Uroivn Linen DrillsWaterproof Tweeds, Towels & Toweliaci,Glass Towels, Table Cloths, do. Xapxdni,Pare Linen, Shawls, (irenadines,


Colored Satins, Grass Cloths,Artificial Flowers and Feathers,Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs,Woolen Table Covers, CoPd Satteens t Cm pasFancy. Mixture, Blue and Gray Flannels,Victoria Lawns, Brooks Spool Cotton,Lce Curtains, blue and white:Check Lisladd, Fancy Dress Goods.FancyuTlaids, Kegatta Shirts, Wool JShirta,White and Colored Cotton bbirts,IMot Reefers, India Bobber Coats, Capes and

Leggings,Mens Y hite. Brown and Colored Half Hose,Ijodies Hose. Men'a Beady.Made Clothing,JIenfs Hats, Blue and Gray Horse Blankets,Woolen Blankets, all colors, sizes & weights;

Velvet Carpets, Velvet Hugs, Velvetami Tapestry Door Mats,

SADDLERY !A Full AmnrtmpDt of Gent', Lftdifs,' Girl'

and RoyV SAddlc-s-A few JOCKEY SADDLES,llridlcs, S.tJdlo Cloths, Chaniois Skins,

Sugar BAGS, 20x3(5; Coal BAGS,



CORRUGATED ROOFING,In 8,7, 9, A 9 ft. lcnjthf, (il gnage, Screws Jt Washers


Annealed Fence Wire, Nos. 4, R.C, 7, and Staples,Galv Iron Backets, all sizes;Gnlr Wash Basins, Galv Garden Borderings

and Nettings,Tinned Iron Saucepans, all sizes;Tea Kettles, Beal Jap-i- Blacking,

l'AVlXU BiaCKS,(!.Utl)KX.TH,KSGaixleu Kotkrs, Lftwn Scats and Chairs,Umbrella Standft. Iron ScrawM.Hat Hooks and liails MS TENNIS SETS,Oothcs Ilaskcts, Hand IMskets, Work Itaskcts

Crockery and Glassware,Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Baskets, etc.


Fire Claj, WhilingCliall, Yellow Ochre,

n.ooLxis SlatesLircriol and Hock Salt,

ZINCS. PAINTS AND BOILED. OILS,Worcester Sauce and Groceries

EnglMi, AiiierlcniuV II:iH;ili;m Klaipt3, S, and 7 yards lengths.

TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINSAdmiralty Test sizes: '4, nI Mi



WINES --AND LIQUORSPig Brand Stout, BlaxL Wolfe A Co's ALE, in

pints anu quarts;Bass Ale, in pints and quarts;Fine French Brandies, in bulk and cases;Henueisy's Brandv, and In casesfCases Scotch and IriIi Wbhkeys,Dnplessis Bed Bar" and other Clarets, in cs;Best Sherry, in bulk and cases;Champagne, In quarts and pints;



VERTICAL ENGINE&a &c! Sec. &e.


I" "


- 0





TO LET!rnilAT DUSIIIAUr.K COTTAOKX So 14 School Stmt, asar Fort, eoatala!a foarBoom,, Dfaia: Room aatl Iaatir. Possesaloa to btakra on Jlarca 1st. walre oa ID treatises or to

..J&lll. oik".. rt.WJl So. IS rort Street

NOTICE.noSOLnr, rraacaat Irr, tsc.

XTKlTUUli THE CXFTAXS XOKX--l tbe JLstnu ot the Urill.h Skip ABSBJ-V.L-

wui De responsiBte iot anr ocou euniraciea er tsew srUle fa this port. U. V lUCrAELASE C.TA a Areata Ship Aberaaan.'

CoBsifirnees' Notice.T'lTE BRITISH SHIP ABK11AMAXJL Is nosr read to dlcairze carso. CoaitgaesSFinpleas, call al th. .face ef ta. uderctcaexL par frefatbtand teeelt. enters. O. W. XACrABLAXS Caw

mas Axrau wpABflnmta.


Fireworks ! M Fireworks!The undersigned desires to Inform tho public that

ho has been appointed


ZFor a". 3B. Woostor cfc Co.'s.Manufacture of Fireworks

JZlX San TPvtxxioljaoo,And sill be pleased to reerira OliPEIiS tor any Jurrtrtloq ot the ch sriU

b. filled at the LOWEST KATES.

artle. dfnlrlnx mall ortmfat for pIl orra-In- o caa order 1 B.1, Bxt840 Vox, and o on. nklch b. pr.aj.tlj lanrmt.

110CKETS, Wfc. HTN N


BEXOOLAS, all size. ; vlaia or red. white, bra, :SHTP LIOHTM and ROCKETS,PARACHUTE ROCKETS, airs throsr, oot a

fioatinfr balloon with colored Ilchts.ROMAN CANDLES, aU tire.:

eralUiajtta red. aal


FLORAL Ttrj tfettiw, Urtw at elmtiua feet- -

Mottoes, Letters ami Local Designs Manufctiired to Order.

O- -

Bomb Shells from 4 to 12 inches in diameter, withMortars for firing the same.

?jr Wo nhall km cm hand an a.urtment ol th. PKlVni-lT-. ilrnn.rN ...ISieaal Orders or Desurns will from the Factorr by SalLss VoshIa.

Xlarst Invoice Due 3VTnrola 1st.E. P. ADAMS, Ajrent.

Uouolalo. Febnurr 2d, 1NB. Xlla


. HOE. sj3.IE;I.s.Hob per " Australia," a Lot of

Plushes, Silks, Satins, Moires,Surahs, Laces, and Trimmings,

Especially Imported


Wm me On:rvi:i This Hay !JUT

A.. M. MELLIS', aS"o. lOFort Street.


We Have Just Received Per Aberaman,



Received Beautiful


From "FinPianos, Organs, Guitars,

Harmonlnma, Flntes, rifea. Accord eona. Ilxroonlc. DrsaaM. McWE NOW FCIINISU EVEltV VIECE FOH A ITtX 1IILVS3 U.KSV.



8J0 MO

silllSKY So, UK,

VIAS08 FROM 1 HE WllX CHEU-ES- LS 11UCEORGAN!) Fpit Every of Musical lutraueat Alsmr. aa

ORGANS CHAl'ELTh. Largest AaaurUomt of HutMrnvMsst...


tin Immense Mock (!h;iirs&: icdreemFHrnUiirc


Agents for the Superior' Stove

Baac???. B.lvBaaaaaajigpaas.ass. BKfttBBBHaa

No 211





THE Kind Small iSck.FOR THE











Jno. H. Thachor.IIUNoim II. I JAMJAUT Jlr. l

above Firm oh;ii for Business, ABOUT FEB.

No. Port St.. Near Hotel-- 7rit3a. A- Xslxio


Toilet Articles Fancy GoodsThey will also

SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, fecSsc.Telepnone No. J2SV.









Oa Klaz d Mrtti. nialela.HI tieunton hlf vwa ietoaat aaa (be

sitae ef

Gilbert Wallerm from Jitmarj Itt; UU.

ill In OltBgKTJ- - WALtttt.

FIREWORKSA tarse iad ?plcaiU rvrtB:st caa to a4

it G. F. Wells' Music Store, v or

Pa.bna,una, rauu. Battrrlea,Wheels. Cblaa. Flytr. Beppola.,

Colored Fires,

Romanmsi tu, ek, icAitcrwtm- -


twcsase4 tae tatesot. .r X. ST. Bc. aa. W.S. Ltei la ta. L'SKlXrUBCa.asdaU cults azataat u L st-- ra rwaswr v shuj. a.

n. . avesrxni. illHaanrala, Jasu vn, 1S- - M.K tf

vlricatdlride la lie air Ua






No. 5







Range,uo mat o imieinot


Al 11.l'AIITM;itIIIl' 1

Till-- , lVV

A. Elmor

flio will Lt,

At 113 St.

F.m ot









One ry House,aeatlj ai- ussl TWl l St Ot s.A5fa

Artesian Water Supplied.I" re rarthrauars appl. t.a r oiu.i3ti.iuii.


tte HK to xirnn tiib ii- -T 1 aa4ala aa.Ua aa4 taM. issSsV aaws fas' tar

Massa, laat . .in casxinra. ta. sMtCM saw

xrrsrxorc ari ai zs c3osiaiv3ral ta. M staa4. aaat aral ay a strict attoa tfa. a. MrtasuamiaaMmaniBses.r laoaare. It alUhsMr sNtsslw. w sisi asatTdakea tall 5Ua s an kta. H rXID.

n. . alcrtLA3Em. satci cagraraftsiiT


L EstataUlt.J. atOYE. UsanS, aa naaass UasatMrxta.ina. au shins aanasr iwi Mg.ars herehr awelaasl f flewt ta. saisaaaJ all aaia. attar rtesM. .....StWy

tu a. tsreTtr hasT.a aasi asa aeraea. tastaasa

Exmarr saf srfX. J. sslesfc .'csai estIbftUalav rewaary M. BSC. sua.

.sortA rr ftSm Vr

Tkrs4T, Talk.

dxy ooomliae ef Freak


03TT2M1AT,V OK awnhsa catenae ta

--wtxo ru


Iacla; amlitimgm. Csmmt.

aasst rtirssi sal .

TWlnMtwr,fw,hisia.MSMr ss?fR3aaaa.a Pa. eaira., f tisass... mf'Mt:i0m. mar. r tuaiMter.

Talaaaie leein,Horaes lc CajrMhgM.

Wedaeeilaj, Feanwrj St,At II w. M a.s in.

By CalaUocsus, him Ur CaJl.rOpss W


tnr. at aw

"BESSIE" ami "MCTnC1las, rm k vssiasvaaM-v- '.

Saddle SanaCarrias.

I Phasten.Sets Sinffl Hatmoera,.

at. r. s.araa.Ala.


Oh. WeAnoqiiHy. Xjur. T.


ll rat h uuiHOUSEWil nmNTTWES

It . .

Large Eanisaae Mirrors.inixau tiwi


Jfcfsl asstvaaT SaSaV Waaariaajaajaj ajhss- -maHit

Wit Oak fcmj. mo mm

Variety of Fine Flated Ware,"St in. at. .i naves .as

iroKCELAiN DISNFKvETMlaw mm Hps -- WWr


Walnut and Xsa leUtais...taw i" J- -. vaae-- . av- -

Hair MartreMes,Sprins MattrassaaM,

Walnut Burastn,Table Linen,

Bed Linen,Toilet Furntnrr.

M I rrors, Waahstands,Comrnodo. Iron Table,

Veranda Chair.Common Senee Cnairs,

Chincso Flower Pots and Saner.S.isstlaaW

asaaJa- - .Ise. t aw--

1 Union GaaXaehine. IPS tfaphta

v.iKTin kial rtTtim;tB.

ZDocad"a SucttI II lrir E. tt. HaHTa raarasrr, wt e.

alJI9sU i. V.aa. tk"

P.f ml al.


For Hluminating Far? aaai...X rail . . Jt aT


In Quantities to Sst awt atXaa--sonable Sates.


The Great Success.


'TtaakfW J ir - tnaBiMseaaej1 W1lH(tlaei tW fr V- saM - -

mmm at mK&f

wmmmF&'l'm Tim -- - mm wr a wh faalajr 9t tm- tTW-- ji

Eat" mtmm 0mk'Wk'siw Be.iTei-- - f ivm Ml Simtmm

tf La. - L. r mr- - m m t Smb.

TV ni Wm ftMt t mm - mm fc3

af j I, lint rr r aHWIII atMiWbr TV Ml JB

tTmTmSSfm - aw iip-a- ftl aatm4 Mmw mmm mm iffc " wm Mf

KUUt - mi a "a ta 'arW Mfj mm kt awa m mtm. em

mmXmm n"aWb. ana ifiawiwiniaw''

tmtm 1 Wtas-- jatrw TVaaiPma mm&-nmm-

mi aast mt mm alinirg KWat"iwT umHmK Ma

it. a. aati fl a JtWjjjymm!4m im mm mpmt r tftr aff mv

a mMm ift tMt- - mrnmm, Pmm "W--

aja' ar ewa iT nM-- fta wmM imm mim W

v immr umHimw i 4 aUfct via MvwaaMiaTWM!1 'aa.e.-fl- a

f taa ajiaalao'i. .laxiip-- a' mmk mm, 'ais"i''tttafe--a .rwa Mnaajam 'Tmm

X. O-- O.3m. tfltu. T ar nffsissnat ttML stwslfe?

ai nn.lraHATra ir rntrv. rtaaciar x. t- -,

JU taVy Jpav at At a1Mt)pai aMinjti

t s3g-St- .i.auii,tysaanxWT. -st sjMatsalra aasaaaaasat. nmm

. rsarto. 4. as

tt taaannl - University of Hawaii· 2015-06-02· a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (4)

TnfCTa Jflrrrlandiir.

fue&oW Cae


Awarded GOLB Medal, . - , - . . TS' a v fcjL. vtt 1 - ia 10 ,1m Americanij - "nam it Twf a Jrt" iMSTtcr are a oni- -

. rx. uiJMirBLj roc to andarranrrinrnt- 7T j. fc wader oca f ... m lift Exhibition

.v.- I 1 JAXES SXrra Cinir.31- L'Cicx li.:rn' 01. Exhibition Iw


The Only Gold Medal; also, Two Special andPour First Prizes for "Watches.

ar..- - b.! t.i a.- .dr.. ' Iftirmiliwm Exhibition LunniMiva 1" Ikru ..ot.y.-1!- U AMI MLYEI1U ATI 1!L 11 UnfiTi! of Mertl

JlktOT Mfc!"- - .rtim V rw MOM: F (iMFENSATISG DALUiCKs. 1.1 fcrniimitnm nxi-- i ami llc-a- e or t ai 1.1 iKsrr. t Mini. rMuMM.I TW lalntirAT nlAl .'Jt'rilandl-necialilrntio-

At akarMiiniM4i ui there are several Worthless WatchesMurine mr marks of Waltham Watches. pa a on tte mihic

VW im an owhim aaorl ' ' iik f : Thf?MOffrol.elnaiiBfctari,a&didror

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


JOHN NOTT,At the Old Stand. No. 8 Kaahumanu Street,


PJjTJMBING, in all its branches;Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes:

STOVES AND RANGES1 VL. 1 Kimble, InuoJ ana Laundry tto es,T.;.?,.Tw lVSEnS Orlron Xiclcl Hated Wala .

Galvanized Iron "Water Pipe. aU sizes, and laid on at

Xowcst Rates: Cast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe,

House Furnishing Goods, ail kinds;

hi stu. ivnfidiins.- -

. .. ud. l'rr.,,rw .IraniHvl Inm. Slxyt Conner. Sheet IXJUl,

TWf'n tnCtav H at 1. jBCt- - MarWff Slabs simI ItowH KnanHled Wash Standi

Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers,Publishers, Printers, Book-Binde- rs and

XEWS DEALERS!The Oldest, Largest, and ChcapcsCStationcry Establish-lishmc- nt

in the Kingdom. Keep constantly on hand.

A FHI.L& LARGE Assortment of STATIONERYK-- car All SoHCrlptlOns.

In Our Subscription Departm'tEietcra

an iMiiyifspnw dbpartbekt:We Make All Descriptaon Blank Books,

nTi( rinuiianHBU1 lVwX. BotclHT hrJMIM.rf"rk T(joripl wofllmillnr

HavingaFirst Class Ruling MachineaiiiirMr'-- i tMt vori Uii- - uMIfebust Itfbl; poLru



fV auui- - atxkdatTtef Arrnti haad

"(eiiTom prompt altrctlcaTUtTClHl Kl




fm jnd. mad raefc xn-.- mUi

SiJt Tkf Kawa Attmai IrTALM mil bJLlJ:

larifiniirliiaJob FmlT C.a rut- -

to.rrfcrIfr, MtT aor

31 sitb yi,lI.-ljf- in Cajiftviufc the butt!

ItMkrmi. tl

i i At , n i' - i:



. ka mi' 1 ..i. Vurlc m it. mWu lo p on a FimOrOcrriaii bevt nd




i iLaV I-





c -

Atfc lit t

a n

anj to


Iidif Portable Railway Kails, Fittd uP Elegant style, .the



xargc. itoomy uoitage,Fortarrlr lloarinr to tat. - Lrmm EtAic .n nn

a tmu fcrrond IL Cwamrrrtal Hotel Irtmin,for

Called the "White House."ll raaiiOt urT4 In Ifct Kludtxra (or Cotaiort

wavnuuRw. a ur vruouaa arr spacious andnta Shade Trrr. htraii of RfpccUbltarmay alwart bt tare ol a Chtcrtal Home ibere. A ttia-- TUtoa U rt iurt for the aumlnw of UeOacvta, A FEW OiolIE EOOXS AltE VACANTTrnej alwaj tnodmtr,

MRS. J.T.WHITE.rroprtniw cf thv Wait IIosm "

llanT of mr rcadm lalll mnrnTr Vn Ultitlr a.of Uc LodsllitaiBFonauirct.a4-Joiom- r

ike raclipoa bUWe. vaicb war jnica a ConnntW Bone Wk&a art toaBaccoait, fcS Sm

Gcnrral Jfltrthaniiit.


Offer Tor Sale Hie Carco of (he


C a r d 31a tches,FRANKLIN STOVE COAL!

Huir Mattresses,Double and Single ;

Bale of ExMlsior.


S A.E E S !In tioodorfcrandal Extremely Lew I'ncn.

Washington Chairs,




Basket To jo sDlffrrrat Sljlcr,

Cut Under

Carry-All- s,

Brunnell Top Buggiesalso, run nAiiK

' EDWARD MAY,"Ciscj" 1.22,SI otnrtf.

Kfj of Composition

Grocerers' Wagons !

Democrat Wagons,

Hand Carts, and Ox Carts !

A1.L01-T1I- AIIOYi:

Goods are in an ExcellentCondition.

And mill MW,ta Coinlfii


WILDER CO.Importers and Dealers in





lion ri

Ol' All. HI MIS.





VLSO. Ol X1IVXA Host Complete Stock of




i.ATrvrr.vri ij.EDITS, HINGES,



Scantling ; rianV, surface and roogb

Boarde, snrfaccd and rough; Bittern,Pickctu, Kustlc, Lattice, Claplward.

AI.S041MIKli,Pant and

wiiiti: i.rAD.




Whitewash (Brushes,




A I.1.M7. IX.

or Eastern and California Make.FOR SW.B IX QUANTITIES TO SflT

HAWAIIANFurniture Maniifacton





ise nrssmrsx it'



No Pains will be SparedTO GIVE


Coffins Always on Hand.X ASO SEE.--5 17

wmmx Olazcto.WEDXESDAY, FEBTDARY 14, ISS3.

SttpremVCourt of tlie Hwmliaxi Ilnd.- -

Chables L. ITorKixs vs. Cnrxo Wa irr al.Opinio cf Jndd C, J tit Jury torrnf.

The plaintifl iVb br tills action to recoverpossession of the Isnd on the northeast comerof Xacarra and Kins itreets, Honolulu, vhichhe claims by right of inheritance as survivingheir of Mainae tw) to urbora me same waspanted by Royal ruest o. l.The defendants hold bv a lease from theheirs of James Auitin, who obtained posses-sion of the nremises bv virtnc of an instrumenthereafter to be considered, from the said Mai- -cae, patentee, to uimseu, dalea me znn Jan-nar- y,

1S5I.The plaintiff claims as the'nephew of Mai-na- et

and avers thathe is the son cf Kaiawa (k)and Kahana (w), Kaiawa being the brother ofMainac

It is Tiroved to mv satisfacuon that Mamaehad a husband, KekoVo, who died many yearsago, leaving no issoe. Mainae married again,one Loan, and died in 1&77, leaving no issue,their children dying in the Hfetime of the par-

ents. Lnau thereafter married Kahiki anddied since this action was brought.

Kaiawa Earned Kanana about lue year1S3S. as some witnesses sav, others say later.Kahana died in 16CS and Kaiawa in 1&7S. Allthese parties are native Ilawaiiansof unmixedblood. The plaintiff was born at Kaaa wa,

Oano, in the year 1653, of the wo-

man Kahamx, who is also known as Waakau-honu- a.

Her husband Kaiawa, is proved notonly to have oecn married to her, but to Laveconsorted with her as her husband for manyyears previous to and subsequent to the birth

couple were servants of an Englishman, Chaa.Gordon Hopkins, scn living in the same housewith him in Honolulu, and that the plaintiffreceived his name from him, was supportedand considered by him as his son, which, isstrongly supported by the plaintiff's personalappearance as to complexion and

The counsel lor cieicnaanis urges uiai uioCourt on these facta is compelled to find thatthe plaintiff is illegitimate and not entitled tninherit from Mainae, his alleged father Kai-wa- 'a

sister, relying upon the following:"Tne presumption ol legitimacy may i

rebutted bv circ*mstances inducing a contrarypreBumption." 2 Selw. X. P. 758.

"Where the husband in the course of naturecannot have been the father of the wife's child,the child is by law a bastard, whether thehusband be within reach of access or not." lb.

All the remarks in Selwvn show that theevidence may show that the linsbaud could notby the laws ol nature have iecn lire lamer.

A child bom during lawful matrimony ispresumed legitimate. This may be disprovedby circumitances, as showing the husband tobe under the age of puberty, or laboring undersome other natural disability, or his continuedabsence or other circ*mstances repelling.strongly the presumption or access." 2 u J,Hill'i notes 405. See 1 Phil. Ev. ISS.

"As a reneral rule, the presumption (of lec- -itlmacy) may be rebutted by evidence." Tyleron ejectment p, 493, citing Morris vs. DavicsS CI. and Fin. and Keg. ts. Mansheld 41 u, UCIS.

The doctrine however is clearly set tied thatalthough the birth of a child during wedlockraises a presumption that such child is legit-imate, let this presumption may be rebuttedboth by direct and presumptive evidence; arririntr at a conclusion on iuo Buuiecr, ineiurv roar not only take into their consideration


bilitv of the child born in wedlock beinc legitimate, but they may decide the question ofpaternity to the relative situations ol the parties, lueir nabiis 01 me, moevidence of conduct and of declarations connected with conduct and to any induction whichreason sninrcsts for determining upon theproiiabilities of thecase. " lb. SCI, citing 4 Term35G. 2 Str. 24. Co. Lit. 123 b."

" It is an irresistible inference from all thefacta that the plaintiff is tho eon of Hopkinssen. As a matter of fact a half white child ofnative parents is a natural impossibility. Thelaw allows such a finding of facts to be madeon reasonable evidence, and if such fact isproved, it rebuts the presumption of legitimacy

The leading caso on this subject is Morrists. Davis, 5 Clark J Finnelly 3uu, U&30),

1 rl It 1 .1ijoiu uouemiam was vuaucciiur uuu uiu eminent jurists Lords Lyndhurst and Brougham,sat in me case.

It became necessary for their Lordships toreview the Banbury Peerage case. In thislast named case, certain questions were sent totho Judges of England, the answers toare summarized by Lord Lyndhurst in Morrisvs. Davis as folldwe:

First That when husband and wife havoopportunities of access, the presumption of legitimacy may be rebutted by circ*mstancesinducing a contrary presumption.

" becondiy. mat oraccess, may be proved by means of such

legal evidence as is admissable in every othercase in which it is necessary to prove a phyaical fact.

"Thirdly. That after proof of sexual intercourse, evidence will not bo admitted exceptto disprovo the fact.

' Fourthly, That sexual intercourse is pre-sumed, unless met by such evidence as satis-fies those who are to decide that it did not takeplace." The full answer to the fourth ques-tion is as follows:

" That in every case where a child is bornin lawful wedlock, the husband not being sep-arated from his wife by sentence cf divorce,sexual intercourse is presumed to have takenplace between tho husband and wife, until thatpresumption is encountered by such evidenceas proves to tho satisfaction of those ho arcto decide the question that such sexual intercourse did not lake place at any time wnen,by such intercourse, the husband could according to the law of nature, bo tho father of suchchUd."

The Houso of Lords, in the Morris v Daviscase found as follows : I copy tho head note :"Husband and wife, after living together forten years, and having one child, agree to separate, lhey accordingly alterwarus Jivedapart, but within such distance as affordedthem opportunities of sexual intercourse, thehusband not being impotent.

" Hdtlf that tho presumption of law in favorof the legitimacy of a child legotteu and bornof tho w;fe' during the separation, may be re-

butted, not only by evidence to show that thohusband bad not sexual intercourse with her,but also by evidence of their conduct, such asthat the wire was living in adultery, that sinconcealed the birth of the child from the and declared to him that she never hadsuch child; that tho husband disclaimed aUknowledge of the child and acted, up to hisdeath, as if no such child was in existence;and also, that the wife's paramour aided inconcealing the child, reared and educated it asbit own and left it all his property by will."

In the case before me there was no attemptto show ss of toe husband. I he evi-dence of an intimate acquaintance of the familyis to the effect that durinir the period coveredby a year or more previous to tho birth ofplain ti a, Kaiawa and bis wile lived togetherup stairs in a bouse in which Hopkins seniorlived.

Here, then, not only had the husband andwife opportunities of access from which sexualintercourse is presumed to havo taken place,but there is no evidence even tending lo en-

counter the presumption of such intercourse.rui; UJC UV1UCI1CC Ol LUC aCUl VI ilULIhlfW Bvliiin relation to the child as well as the appearance of the child, do not tend to disprove thepresumption ot sexual intercourse of the hus-band and wife; they ore even quite consistentwith it. These facts rfo tend very strongly toshow that nopkina sen. hud 6cxual intercoursewith the mother, but it is the policy of the lawnot to encourage me admission 01 evidence 01

this cliaracter, and in order to protect the marriage relation, the presumption in favor oflegitimacy must sustained in a case liketbi?, according fo the third answer of theJudges, above cited from the Kamburs Peeragecase, that ' after proof of sexual intercourseof the husband and wife) evidence will not bo

admitted, except to disprove the fact."I can find no case at all approaching the

view urged by defendant's counsel. The apparent mixture ot blood in the plaintiff is afeature in this case which docs not appear inany of the cases I have been able to find. --DatI do not think this is sufficient to rebut thepresumption of legitimacy, theplaintiffliavingbeen born in lawful wedlock, while the hus-band and wife were living together and no ap-proach made towards showing that sexualintercourse between busband and wife did nottake place at any time when, by such inter-course, tho husband could, according to thelaw of nature, be the father of such child.

To go beyond the adjudged cases would pro-mote inquiries into domestic affairs whichwouldbe subsersive of the sanctity of the mar-riage relation and create public scandal.

, To summarize this point, I bold thatphysical fact of the plaintiff

baviDg an admixture ofwhite and native bloodthe fact that is also shown by uncontradictedevidence that his mother and her husbandwere having actual intercourse with each otherat all times, renders the evidence of the plain-tiff's "admixture of blood inadmissible in lawso that the presumption of his legitimacy isnot thereby removed, and be is thereby enti-tled to inherit from Mainae the patentee of thisland.

Z pass sow to the defense. An instrumentis introduced, entitled "An Indenture ofLease," bearing date the 24th January, 1821,between Mainae of the first part and JamesAustin of the second part, by which the party

1 ins nrsi port in ccsaidera&OQ 01 one collar

and for the farther consideration of the conditions and obligations hereinafter specie edand set forth, hath granted and (by) lease, letunto the said James Austin, his heirs repre-sentatives and assigns for the terra of ten yearsfrom and after the 30th day of March 1S58,"

the premises in dispnte, describ-ing them by metes and bounds; " To have' andto bold the above described lot with alt thebuildings thereon and all appurtenances there-

unto belonging, unto th said James Austin,bis heirs, representatives and assigns for thefull terra of ten years from and after the 30thday of March, A. D. 1853, as aforesaid,

or hindrance from the said Mainaeor any other person or persons whomsoeverclaiming by through or under the said Mai- -

ae." And the said James Austin covenants and

agrees to and with the said Mainae that be thesaid party or the second part or his represent-atives or assigns will pay or cause to be paidto the said party of the first part or her repre-sentatives as a rent for the above describedpremises annually, the sum of two hundredand fiftv dollars in eoual monthly payments,beginning in April, 1858, and continuing forthe loll term 01 ten years, ne iucsaid party of the second part agreeing to andwith the party of the first part to pay any taxesthat may be by law imposed on the said prem-

ises during the continuance of said term. Andit is farther agreed and folly understood bythe parties that the said party of the secondpart shall have the privilege at the expirationet this lease, of renewing the same upon theconditions, provisions arid payments as hereinspecified, for another term of ten years or solong as he or his representatives may desireme same upon saia conaition. Ana saia FaroesAustin or his representatives or assims. shalloccupy and enjoy the lot of ground and premises herein conveyed wiuioui opposition ordisturbance for the said term of ten years,with all privilegci and immunities incident toabsolute ownership, he paying for the same asaforesaid, the yearly sum of two hundred andforty dollars in equal monthly installmentsbeginning with April 1858, as aforesaid."(Then follows a provibion for distraint for rentin arrear.)

that at the expiration of this lease tho said lotof ground shall be restored to the said Mainaeor Jier representatives together with all thebuildings and improvements." This lease issigned by Mainac and James Auaun.theirng-natur- cs

acknowledged, and the instrument re-

corded 25th January, 1854.On the back is the following: "Know all

men by these presents that I Luau of Honolu-

lu, in the Island of Oahu, do hereby declarethat I havo always known, approved and con-

sented to the within instrument and do herebyas far as my rights are concerned ratify andapprove the within instrument, this lOlh dayot September, A V, itt?u, his

LTJATJ. Amark.

In presence of H. L.Sheldon:Luau's acknowledgement to the above was

taken 23rd January. 1632.It is claimed by plaintifTa counsel that this

instrument beimr made by a married woman isvoid fib initio; that, it being void it cannot berevived by the husband after tho death of thewife, for the property descended to her heirson her death.

The defendant s counsel on the other handcontends that the instrument in question is notvoid because it was executed by a marriedwoman as her husband expressly ratified it.

Tho law in force in respect to a married wo-

man's control of her lands in 1854 when thisinstrument was made, was the same as at pres.ent:

"The wife shall be deemed for all civil pur- -iKiscs to be merged in her husband and civillydead. She shall not without his consent,


have legal power to make contracts, orto aucnato and dispose 01 prosperity."

laws ol ibltip. 09 and Livil Code section

Various Justices of this court have heldthat a deed of a marriec woman, her husbandnot joining or assenting thereto, is void. Batthe paper in this case is in tho naturo oflease upon which tho husband has endorsedhis express consent and ratification,

I sco nothing in the statute to indicate thatthe husband's ratification or consent must liecontemporaneous with his wife's contract.The meaning is clear that she may make contracts and alienate or dispose or her propertywitn ner uusnand s consent.

The common law method by which a wifecould alienate her land was by fine and recovery by matter of record in open court

Chancellor Kent in ms Commentaries, 2ndBook p. 153. says: "Tho substitute of adeed for a conveyance by fine, has pre'ailedthroughout the United States, as the moresimple, cheap and convenient mode of convey.ancc. The reason why the husband was re-quired to join with his wife in the convey-ance was, that hU assent might appear uponthe race or it, and lo show he was present loprotect her from imposition etc." There issome evidence that Luau the husband ofit.: ' . : jIU ill UUU BUIUVtllUVB iratXYCU IUC I Cllt UUUUher lifetime but I find no receipt of such adate.

Having found that tho instrument underT.hich defendants hold possession is notvoid, I now consider its purport. It createsa valid tenancy in J. Austin for the first tenyears, iromi&t April ib5S to 1st April ltses,and his holding over as a tenant and continu-ing to pay the rent, on tho authority of Camp.bell and Tarton vs. Akana 3 Haw. 571 , boundhim for a full terra of ten years more, underthe clause lor renewal. 1ms additional termexpired 1st April 167S. But the instrumentgives tho party of the second part the privi-lege of renewing for another term of ten yearsor "so long as he or his representatives maydesire the same upon said conditions."

ibis is claimed by tho defendants counsel"to creato a fee, determinable at the pleasureof the grantee, or a baso fee. If a base feewas not created, the instrument is a leaseproviding for extensions of terms of ten years.each new term beginning by actual occupancyand holding over trom the previous terms,Dclcndanla counsel cited cases which arc referred to in the opinion of tho Court,"

In I Taahbnrn H. P. p. 62 we read, "theterm determinable fee seems to be more pen.eric in its meaning, embracing all fees whicharc liablo to bo determined by some act orevent expressed on their limitation to circ*mscribe their continance, or inferred by lawas bounding their extent.'

Plowden uses the followioir lawruatre"Such perpetuity of an estate which may continuc forever, though at tho same time thereis a contingency which, when it happens,will determine tho estate, which contingencycannot properly be termed a condition, batlimitation, may be termed a dcterminable."

Although in the instrument the word "heirs"twice occurs, in the demising clause and inthe habendum clause, thero is a clause thatthe premises shall at the expiration of thelease bo restored to the said Mainae or herrenrescutalivcs with all the buildings and improvemcnte, which would be inconsistentwith the idea of creating a fee of any charac-ter in the land. It seems to me also that bythe event or act which is to determine theestate in a base fee is meant something different than the mere election of the grantee or.his wish to terminate the estate. I cannotrcconcilo the definitions above ctven with thelanguage of the instrument before me. Looking at me whole instrument I am of tho opinion that no estate in fee was intended by theparties, but a icasc-bo- id estate.

Counsel for plaintiff contend that after th1st April 1878, there was a tenancy at willbetween the parties ana win en would dc ter-minated by the death of cither party.

5rlors landlord and Tenant Sec. 333 says"a covenant to let the premises to the lesscoat the expiration of tho'tcrm, without mention-ing any price for which they arc to bo let ; orto renew, upon such terms as may 1 agreedon, in neither case amounts to a covenant forrenewal, bulls altogether void lor uncertainty.Nor will a renerab covenant for renewal beconstrued to imply a perpetual renewal unlessthe words arc expressly to that cflcct; themost a lessor is bound to give on suchcovenant is, to renew for one term only.Covenants for continued renewals are notfavored, as they tend to create a perpetuity.

Inlho opinion of Van Ness J. in Abcelrs,Jiaddif, 13 Johnson 209, where the leasecontained a covenant "to let the lot" at theexpiration of the term created, the ludcc said" the word let is strictly applicable to a leaseand not to a deed in fee : and a lease is forlife or for years, or at will, and always for aless timo than the interest of the lessor in thepremises." The judge held that the covenantwas totally void for uncertainty.

A late Case W. Trans p. Co. of Buffalo vs.Lansing, 49 X. Y. 499 1872 is very instructive.The lease was for fifteen years with a clause,"with privilege of keeping and occupyingsaid lots for such further time after the expi-ration of said term as said party of the ttcomlpart shall choose or tied, yielding and payingtherefor the same rent etc"

This high court per Folger J. held thatwhere before the expiration of the specifiedterm the lessor dies the lessee is not entitledto a" renewal or extension of the lease.

On page 505 the judge says, "and so it issaid, that if one let lands for such a term asboth parties shall please, this is but a lease atwill; because what that term will be is utter-ly uncertain, (Bacon's Ab-- Lease L. B.)That is, as I understand the proposition, thatit is at the time of tho lease utterly uncertainwhat term the parties will please and not thatthey may never please to fix upon a certainterm. For 'the certainty of the continuance ofthe term ought to be ascertained, either by theexpress limitation of the parties at tho timethe lease was made or by reference to somecollateral fact which may with equal certain-ty measure the continuance, thereof otherwiseit will be void."

" Now it ts plain that there is nothing in the

e -

instrument before us which specifies andmakes certain the term for which the newlease was to be given, or for which the lesseewas to enjoy a further occupation after theUIBt 1C3SO HSU CiyilVU. Vl 1 WltiO mtjference to any writing then in being, nor 16

any collateral fact or circ*mstance, thenwhich made it certain "Also from

page 509." " He is not by it before or whenbe begins that occupation to name and specifythe number of years for which he will continueas tenant. But the occupation is to ran alongwithout a determined continuance specifiedbefore hand; and is for its duration, depen-

dent all the while upon his choice or election,unexpressed as to a definite term thereof, sothat it may continue lodehmttly, ana ne ar-

rested whenever he wills.""It is at most a tenancy from year

to year, so long as both parties please; forthe courts do not willingly construe' demises,

here no certain term is mentioned, to betenances at will, and incline to hold them tobe from year to year, especially where anannual rent is reserved."

"Moreover, when certainly of continuancedepends upon matter ex postado, that mattermust occur in the lifetime ot both the lessorand lessee, because no interest passes out ofthe lessor daring his lifetime ; and after hitdeath the naming of years will be too late.In ray judgment the most that the leasecreated, by the provisions under notice, was atenancy from year to year, determinable at thewill of either party upon giving the requisitonotice."

This case is almost exactly parallel withthe one under consideration and is convin- e-

nr. I am aware that there are cases wheretho contrary is held, especially Swsetzer vs.McKenney 65 Maino 225. In this case thelease was for fivo years "and as mach longeras he desires" and the court says, "We feelbound to give effect to the written agreementot the parties according to its tenor ana intent. Ihe stipulation that ho was to havethe rooms asmttch hnger ps A desires was

of the consideration for which he took afiart and paid the $50, annual rent for five

loo case diners irom the 1. casein tnerespect that both parties to tho leaso werealive.

Being at liberty so to do, I adopt the principal of tho X. Y. decision and hold that theease under which tho defendants bold, by

its terms now creates a tenancy from year toyear which by the notice to quit of the 3rdMarch 1662, terminated on the 31 it MarchIS?2 when the year cxDired.

As lue plainull has shown that .Mainae lefthusband Luau surviving her, he or his

heirs would be entitled to one undivided halfof this estate, and therefore iudgmcnt mustbe entered for plaintiff for one undivided halfof the premises mentioned in tho Complaint.

W. K. Castle, for Plaintiff. A. 5. Hartwell,lor Defendants.

Honolulu, February 6th, IS63

$cncra! Jcnhnndise.

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,S3 M wkaiit Street, Honolulu, 11. U


And General Business Office.

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tt taaannl - University of Hawaii· 2015-06-02· a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (5)

Tien nrln- - afar In tbc Wetter tea,I A new world Hood In the mora or tbc tUiIte4j to welcome tbe briTC cd free.

Who rould urrnrh ont ih hurt .1I from the ntmnr, contracted, dear oM land.n cert mc 001 are una ijr a crnn ML

To aianler mace for brin ud famnriAnd here was a chance fat baxra urit

ttdiil-- i

Arrive-- at IatThe Oceanic bteamahip Co. i Eteanier S.,0ap-lai-

IXJi, about vbich venstl so much has appear-

ed Uu Jr in the jonrnala of this city, on account

of her Ions absence, and later on account of the

conflictiaa reports connected "with the date of her

departure from San Francisco, arrived safelj in

port here on the. Hh Inst, and was by alaiKS crowd of Interested spectators nhe filled tho

Pacific Mril Wharf, all caper tc barken to tho

itorj of the TOjaec, by one a ho had " been there."

and many anxioiw and pleaaed to erasp again the

hands of rclatiTM or friends, whose absence had

made their hearts crow fonder. Among those --

tnrnini: and who had enjoyed (?; the rctrocrademoicroenU of the trip were Mrs. J. It. Albert,

A. V Hash. Mrs. Ilenry Hebbard. Mr. andiSrt I). L Vcfbdo. Mr. and Mi V. U Bailey,

Mr.W. O.Smith,Mr. 8. Damon, Mr. H. ,1. 1'oor,

Mr. and Mrs. C S. lUce, Mr. S. hclifi, Mr. fa, M.,.. .ji,m. wIkma arme&rance seemed to belie the fact that Ihey had leen tho subject of somuch aoliclluue ana nunnj. u iuh; '"" "

Captain Dodd kindly Inrnishen the followingBailed from San Francisco on our regular

date, the Sth of January, wind X., moderate

Ti.,rr On UT. ISO. airP. iffelt a heaty shock as if the propeller had struckacainst nomethins, stronR wind hqualls from d

prerailins, with heary sea, prevented propel-

ler Uins eianuned until the neat morning, thenlonnd that two blades of the propeller were Rone.Chief Lncineer also found that the crank shaft.,r., tt norm nn the Hth. as the wmdwas hoadine na,the barometer fallina and therebeins every orpcarance of bad weather to theSouthward, held a consultation and decided to berup for San Francisco. At 2 1' M, wo encountereda terriflo enaall from the southward, accompaniedwith heavy sea, carried away fore topgallant mastand lore topsail yard. On the Wth stalled thebark Captain Mclntyre. as I desired to bereiurtedall ncouanu uibuiwbuithe way back to ban Francisco the daily run fromtholttntothe SOth.was-JOJ.U- ICS, 1. 1M, 1(1.

and MS mill per day. On tho Slst January at C

I'M. dropped anchor in San Francisco bay.about HW tons freight, and when docked

found that two blades of the propeller were gonethird one cracked on the ban-- : also found a

Slwin the crank shaft Vet In crank shaft andpropeller. Came out ofjjock on the ajtlion new

aid sailed in the 31st Uad northerly winds andfairwcalher to jurt. Arriiedln Uonolula ieb.

Captam ioldipeaks in the highest terms of thebehavior and courage of the passengers who were

with him at the time of the accident and the pas--

nentntuniawaru pric.ui VUoau...Yv.. intrhich the captain and officers of the

teased carried her back to San Francisco. Dunnsthe first trip a little stranger came upon Uic scenein the jpersou of a baby boy born to the wife of Mr.

sl M. Damon. Mrs. Damon passed safely throughthe crisis, notwithstanding the dreadful surround- -

and mother and child, in company with tho.Cti arrived back safely in port, at ban Francisco.The Surz will prouaoiv Ban kuiu, .cisoo, Thursday, carrying a mail.

Tae Qoction oi tbe Hour.

Sr. Ijorw, Jan. JOtll. Tbe aajs,Urn Hawaiian treat j cannot be abroKateil, yitliontcroia violation of faith, until September, ISSo, andthat tbe vroeht of arsnraent, from tlio fUndpomtof American interests, i deciaedlj m favor ofmaintaining the convention. A treat "eal ofuonsenae baa been written about tho lusa Klncutbe treatT baa occasioned to our Government.Tho fact ia that it baa been the means of peat"aintonianvof our citizens, and of losa tononeof thenu The owners of ensat plantauons areAmericans. There has been an enormous increasein the Bales of American merchandise to theInland! since tho arrangement was made, and ifthe treaty baa not cheapened sugar in California,let Calif omians look to tho Central Faclflcltail-loo- d

for aatisfaction. It istbatCompanv 's freightrales, not the Hawaiian trcatx, that makes tUBarunuatnrallj dear on the Faanc Slope.

Vuh1!.cton, Jan. 20th.-M- ost of the tine inTbe Hone was pen' peneral debate onUio Tariff bilL ltandolph Tucker of the W avsand Means Committee Bavagelr attacked the bul,eharced the committee with beuu; inadequate tothe task of framins a proper bill, denouncedthe Tariff Commissien and criticised the sugarrchedule. lie said the reduction of duties on re-

fined sugars was at least iO per cent, but the dulyof all sugars that went into general consumption

as positively prolnuitory. iie.cuaracietii fuwilegislation as vicious nau uuju&i, mi,wbole agricultural interests under contributionto a few manufacturers. Kasson delivered astrong speech In favor of Ihe speedy passage of.. . , ,: ,.tl, 11.1 .n. KsIIav

Texas onMills

Ways and had W9 Jrate decrease as J. J

proposedMcKinley replied had

of thethat

eight four Jtinme foreign Anaus AHiuui, m,u

Chairman to make an effort to get Uout

to fix day to consider the bills abrogatingHawaiian treaty and to incorporate Kicara-gua-

Company.Chicioo, Jan. A Washington apicial

Tlxe expression is getting abroad that Cuiusriprcckcls, the San Francisco sugar king, if.becannot ine

an effort uric allTTnitbt KlntM.

j- -r ll.v.i 9nthis proiect was with a great deal of nr tiriif llir nart ofnans, Spreckels has the means in his toremove them. hiaown pennon the royal His

aare such that he could readily affordpay King far more tlian tbe revenues of theislauda yield him.

Quite a of Senators ere asked '

their individual viewB were with tothe annexation scheme, and what kind ofuou such scheme wouia mwi m w uouu,the American people. IngalU said that he waa infavor of annexation, but not in that direction.

thought the States ought to extendfrom the Korth Folelolbe point where the canalwhich is unite the two oceans is to be. Uedidnot believe, however, in reaching out after colo-

nies in the Atlantic or I'acinc oceans. In fact hedid want any colonies. Kellogg did not

there was much in the Clans Spreckels talkabout annexation, did notwould beany benefit to the Stales in anyway. Jones was opposed annexation for thereason that it would interfere with our sugar in-

dustry insaid he did not favor and did not be-

lieve tbe American people would. Maxey saidtK.j.Hunulmflr nf commercial reasons, tbe

theand and on shortest by way of

Suez Canal Europe theI'acinc case of War lie wouldbe invaluable as a naval said thatwhD he did not believe in acquiring so

from mainland, he would probably favorannexation if an opportunityitself. that hewas iufavorl

getting of all the territory our ,

in the'annexation of Cuba, '

and in fact all theteriuory south of States as asisthmus. the gulf tothe American lake. would if had his,

a bad thing.

Rnnx fanl.ErxGirarrEi Can it be that orders were sent to allow tome indrunkennexg Kew Year?children between S and of age noticedinebriated on street of wvrc

from whom snore was .a.,exposed herself shamelessly on the

people vhoa

Corner Kit- .- and Vrt Street, Ilonolala.

AVII-l)i;- VCoctir? Fort and Carre Meet. Honolulu.

Lumber, Paint Oils, Salt and Buildingt ly Material, of tvtrj kind.


Hawaiian Gazette Supplement Feb. 14, 1883,till drink anil drunVen Trill eventually

be exterminated by drink. And is tbepeo.rile who bave tbe freedom(?i Riien tbem bydrunken legislature bny drink.

ITUUUUS mis Ji. utui "Jfrom Wailnkn on his return from the

Legislature, lie said he tatted in Honoluluto what it was like. It was preferred him bysome in authority and to the effectsof it on A hearer interrupted him by

"Yon did not need to taste it; don't youremember when you the end of yoar nosebitten off in drunken row in Knla, you tasted itthen." Jt was rude remark, but true, and madein Rood season, as otherwise the mighthave been led that hadmartyrized by compelling bis tongue totaste the offensite spirit rrior to for a lawwhich would make ram free.

The Augf-a- on Maui.Gazette: Some animadversions having

been made on the truthfulness of "Exponent's1 ex

of the of the ex-- -ecutiveof Mani. --Eiponenr propounds qnery Yield V O lDSi XTlerCnanta Die

is to lielieved ? and it to the I

If the Deputy Clerk to the Sheriff, NotaryPublic partyparty that he is paid rer load by the Goveni-men- t

for hauling road king material, shouldbe dweomfitted it was repeated, trtu in

rittIf same parly informed reliable

that Chinaman who bought awalicence had made a present of nnFhonldhenot be believed, even if the friend didthink it queer and did know that Chinamen seldom

presents 01 sums 01 money uniesa iucj wan jnxact u puu-- . 5an and UtllCr m tllO

nc, aiier me lacis, enmathat present partnership valued atsum was too large to have been given merely toclose the eyes of the executive in to the in-

discriminate of awa, general wouldbe Justified. To carry the Q. K. D. farther, if tbe

ra iraara nf 11 bmldinf inwhich (rambling was on sold and used, ofcount the general would not betaking it for granted that the sum

w.. fni- iha nnrtnsinn nf fhA rimlailt OtbS oftho executive. To suit some folks, the general

not but keep ontheir taxes knowing what they were

smipused to cet for their money.

OAT, & CO,j

f H !Stationers!


News Dealers !l

No. 85 Street,

Have Just Received,EXSTMR. SUEZ,

Photograph Albums,

Autograph Albums,

Promenade Bags,

Wallets, etc.

Christmas New Year's Cards.



Bin sunni!Srrinircr and WUIs of spoke the biU, '

deming the power of to levytariff for revenue, inquurd whether tbe

on Moans diminisbd ttT mm- m a. ,v

tho of with the present I .8 i II H.tariff and that by the Tariff Commission. J

that there been iNUfrom the recommendations I vMorriion stated the decrease amounted tO-- -- . - ,some millions under sugar and millions I , Jt J fj Jj 3under ..,,,.the the

a thethe

CanalSO. rays:


Red RubberStamp Agency!

prcveni ,ouitends to to have tho, Wr will prompt Attrntlun to Received.

tit ,.-J- 1. n 41,a I, , tmitv wm negotiated. J. UAI.Jr.a.ou.

urgednl.ilnn. cm thcliawa

power ,

He could, with tofamily.


number Unlayrl,t regard

arecep- -

a n

Ue United


not be-

lievelie think Hawaii


Logan it






Chinese School


1, Kails,






to supposehimself





Sheriff,informs reliable







carried opiumjmblic

public should think, pav-ing without





plate.FOR THE

Miiaitwiwtreatr. make Orders


Oaktte M-

New Goods




Islands would valuable acquisition I nVTTTTT aO sfXITmfromartbticalttmdpoint. lliey are, he i Trl

tdiortest between this country and Chinathe route

the and hastcoat. In


far thethe prescn- -

tedof withinreach. He

the West Indiea andthe far the

He wanted be agreat He he














36 ncs

otherTUB OF


route Xl If V

TO ltr.llll .Ml THIS



King" St.way auoul it, get posmxuou 01 iiu, uuu

States and colonize the negroes of theSouth there. He that the climate wold ADexactly suit them.

Quite number of other Scnatora wuespokento on the subject, and wliile variety of Q p OTl OtOPe,were the waa VjJUCtxlthat the of the



tbe license the matter ofon

12 years wtietbe 1




thethe the


2T thefor his


lui,,. v

itr uui i;t tossTriephone Xo. H. 9OT

P. DE X.A NUX,Surveyor and Civil Englnoor.

Wl Ht.ooliilB rost Office.


MrrcL,Tinsmiths Plumber,

Ware,Mtntty Tinware,




THE INDIA BICE MILL, S. F.,Has Reclucccl Rates

For Hulling and Dressing Hawaiian PaddyTO

FIFTY CENTS PER 100 POUNDS,probability crookedness in m

XilCC trOXXIho be



U.a a







buyer, trouble.

lOO lbs. No. Clean PaddyGuaranteed.


FORMITY CLEANLINESS OF PACKAGES, command Dealersequivalent, ine genera tranciSCO JlarKetS






Committeecompared JJJli








S., not tlio butBETTEB IIATES tlian tho Product tlio Hawaiian which, as

delivered Markets mora or less STAINED ULUAGED

CONDITION.Consignments of Paddy Solicited,

WM. GREENWOOD)HONOLULU, Proprietor India Rico Mill. Fran.

rV. WATEB HOUSE,make Ubcral ConstsmuenU Faddy to

THE GRAND OPENINGOne Price Mechanics Bazaar,


O-D- AY j O-D-AY


Gents' Youth's and Boy's CLOTHING,

General Assortment of Furnishing GoodsReceived Ex Steamer Zealandia.

More Cases lo Conic and "City Sydney.1'

f3r ItUMESIBUn Tho Price is PLAINLY on from

which there is 110 deviation.

PURCHASERS $5.00 orcr, FEUDISCOUNT, Boot Accounts

Store open from to p.m. Saturday Even'g.

W. LEDERER,Manager,

Silver Silver Silver !

coxxslsnaxtxexxfCASES HOLIDAY GOODS Has Been Received


of:sUversilver plate CaVo

T?lZh pes Jienaea uouer ivibuts,D!6hcs--j

silver Plato

Hawaiian a af"Vsaid..on 111













opmions ISt.expressed


Will well repay care-


J. T.CSJJlrtri

... .. . nrtVT-TTF- .

es ft


ot t w iv a. u: p.p. ly

eWAddrem m




.r 1 1 la- -

" "


ic, Ac,

A Book for theA of lo all

a oi iae

to tbe ft ToUl

. Ute ofthe m. and to tie

). o. a.i

;,..luid 2elera Im

, Tin, Sheet Iron Leep eonon hand a fall of

and Lead India Jr.e At.

position.the J







AND in

of rnlo, isat those in AND


T.Who will Advances on of Han

or Tin:

Cor. and Sts.,





TO To tuo of or TIIREKNo Kept.

is--r is




amount CENT

6 a.m. 8 till 9

! !

43 OF by




24 pes Meriden plate24 pes llcriden Baskets.tabuvcti0 3reriacQ rut0

Hcridea Goblets,




30 pes Meriden plate Spoon

pes JlcridcnSC pes Jlcridcn plate Vases,48 pes Meriden plate Cnps;45 dox Meriden plato Rings,CO doz Meriden plato Dessert

Forks, Ac


Book Iatcmt Bradera.Enlacauj llooc limes.


Dfrolcd Adrocacr Abttlnesceoil &acll lleUirm

EaStted and nonpllal by

Oil Lectarcr GrandIJjtt. gjner.





AGO IK TINS,Tor halebr


IUujf and CopperMwrtment iainlard Iron Kmc










J. L.035


FISHBL, OITheLeadingMillineryStoreNew Goods

J.T.WATEMOUSECorner FORT and streets.


GLENGABER andarrivals,










Assortment of :

Handkerchief Doxcs,Assortment of Glove Boxes.Assortment of Desks,Assortment of Work Boies,Assortment of Ladies ToiletAssortment of PhotographAssortment of Traveling Necessaries,'Assortment of Leather Card Cases,Assortment of Shell Card Cases,,Assortment of School Bags,

01 Iiadics mining bcits,Ac., Ac., Ac.

Bargains can be expected, as these Goods haveto be sold; bring they may bring,

account of the "want of room.

Atthe Leading Millinery Store











CHAS. FISHEL,ruasrn tout isd iiotei. ktk- -

IDLB GOSSIP.rrilKHG IS XOIDLECOSSIP 1IOW- -JL crrr. taat lh nedmlca will take Portraits la

any yle or lews to crdft la the heft ityle of theraoiocnpaic an, ana on ue roost fimotiiBMlcrai

I tintltU idle cOtp which Fiji he will sot try toI pleaw." irh alwiTS wai aad will be wllilBf ta please

eretywe who can b mlted, tad Bcrer treated anvonewot of tbt aattneTtrwIIl treat anrene othenriaethan Inn proptr manner. Do not Hattra tnrwtip.lretrometMi-eelorjore- tlrtre Is alwx two fidiaMory. (TO 3a) U. L. CHAE.

RAISINS AND CU11RANTS.and Fasti Cnmnt. In A and 1CU

paefcaseii, sew and frr&. To tjale far926 BotUSACV.

MoUldlngs, Brackets,Window Frames,

Blinds, Sashes, DoorsAnd all kind, or WoodOfk Flalih.

Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing J





FROM BREMEN,Conslitlnsln part of at follow! :

A Lorgc Assl. of Dry Goods,

Denims l.ruwn and Wliite CottonsDrills Ticking, Turk J lteJ acn

Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualitiesltcpr, CobotircA, Alpncas, Italian Cloth, and

Dress Goods,8CCII AS

Fancy Frlnts, Twoi.tjr-Fl.- c t?wt Slylfslrtnt(Hl teens, l'om;Ki Joans 1'laidsJS(liufibanis, Victoria Ijiwiw, Satin tStripesFancy Striped GrenddEnett,White hilk Japanew, Twills, SergesPoplins Satin and Moire,ltlack and Colored Velvets

FINK SILKS,ltlack. Oiwprain, Fancy, Coloml and !tny.

liarefje, Crepe, Ac,

TAILORS' GOODS:Ilockskins Diagonals CordsSerges Silesias Doetikins CaMiroeres lc.

Splendid Asst. of Shirts,(Woolen, Hticd. Calico, Hickory, Denim, Ac.)

Merino and Cotton Undershirts,White Itoaom Shirts Ac,Socks and Stockings HandkerchiefsFoulards Gloves


Fine lilack Cloth Frock Coats and FantsHockskin Sacks lanta and Suits,Felt, Mohair, Drill. Flannel Saeks and Tantslloys Shirts and Children's JacketsMonkey and Sailor JacketsI. It. Coats and Leucines Carpet Slippers.miK ami i. umureiias ana Farasols

ancy and TTaTeline Shawls

White and Fancy limits.Felt Itagsand Itrossels Carpeting,

BL iVK Xvli:rrS :Horse Itlanketa, White and Fancy BlanketsFancy Striped Woolen, two sizesScarlet, Orange, White Woolen, 3 and 4 point,Threads Tape, Elastic, Scarfs Ac,Silk and Velvet KibbonsKuttons for Shirts Coats I'ants Dresses

PKRFOJ1EUY, FLORIDA WATER,Gennine Kan de Cologne, Labia's ExtractsToilet Soaps l'hilocoiue. Hair Oil, CombsMirrors, Lookiug Glasses FipesI. K. Halls Harmonicas lUauk HooksAlbums Leaf, Jewelry, Watches


Extension, Ana, Dining ltoom and FarlorChairs, Settees t

Saddles Calfskins Girths Stirrup Leathers,

ORATES OF ASSORTED CROCKERY,Containing Hates Caps Teapots HowlsChambers Hice Dishes and MakersDemijohns 3 and S galls ; Sample UotUesVase and Glassware, Manila and Tarred Hope,Hemp and 1. 1U 1'acking, Coal Uaskets.

Sugai4 d3 Rico BagsOf nil sizes and qualities

Coal Hags, Gunnies Twine, liarlaps,Woolpack and Twilled Sacking, Limn Hose,

GROCERIESSardines in half and quarUr baitsH. and 1. IttVuits Salt in jarsCastor Od in Tins Stcarine Candles, 1, 5 and 6,Matches Coooannt Oil, Wash Hlne,Hnbbuck's Linaeed Faint Oil, It White Lead,White Zinc Faint.


Ds Laage fils and Fuutclleau Hrandy, andother brands

Itnm, Gin, SL Fan! Ale and Forter,I'ort Win-- . Sherrr. Khino Wine.rineanuDry Heidseick ilononolIe, Ctu Farre,G. II. Slarara A Co., Sparkling Hock,Moselle, Ac, Ac

German and Havana CigarsHated Ware Spoons Forks Cruets T Sets

Cops Ac.

HARDWARE:Focket and Hatcher Knives SciKsorsSheep Shears N'eedlea. Spoons IMtsSpurs. Galvanized Hasins Hoop Iron,Keg Itirets HammersYellow Metal and KailsBabbitt Metal, Sugar Coolers.Iron Tanks Clariners Ac ,

Portland Cement.Fire Clay, Ulackxinith CoaL Fire Bricks.Tiles Fmpty IUrrcU, Oak itoats Ac

Ordrri from the otber Itlaoda cartfallyattended toey


ice. cresam!TV.TK.K.

tnrncdA. HAItT HAS JL'bT UK.

from n rnscltco, and ha opened an

Ice Cream





THE ACTOR UOlsr. Voir,, nut Droi. hartreaoTtrd"TllEII!'IXp PARtoltS," and theireoaihlned ertaellthmeati are now the flnnt la thlaCltjr. OKU) lUKT BEOS.. Proprietor!.

Fruit Prcscrvii

Pine A.ppleBPut Up in Cans, 2 lbs. each.

Tall la reallj ADELICIOCK I'BCIT aad

Carefuly Prepared. ForSale at Wholesale

ad Retail,acil VTBOU.SStrir,Aealt.



xuniA'TURK mil Machinery lomrmm faTeeaele term..a. jACucn. .treat forth!ij

tt taaannl - University of Hawaii· 2015-06-02· a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (6)

noxnj.The counsel for defendants urges that the

Court on these facta is compelled to find that

LATEST FOREIGN NEWS.By the arrival of the Oceanic steamship Sutz

news dates to the 31st of January have been receiTed. Herewith we present a condensed sum-mary of news cleaned from the files of papersreoeired and which corcr an luttnm of eight daysthe last foreign news published by us bearine datoof the 23rd nlU

Poff and Barrett, the murderers of ThomasBrown, were executed Jan. 23d, at Tralee, Ireland

Deaths from starvation are occarinc on theInland of Innifimurray, Ireland.

McPberaoa has been elected United States Can-tor by the New Jersey Lecislstare.

An ice bridge formed at Niagara Tails Jan. 22J,and hundreds of persons creased in safety.

Santo Domingo and Xlnyti are threatened withinvasion by Gaillermo.

The contributions at Philadelphia for the Euro-pean flood sufferers amount to W.000 marks.

A trial is progressing at Orange, Vs., before ajury composed entirely of negroes.

Anna KUze Bray, the English authoress, is dead.The Northern Pacific Railroad Company a swert

that their road will be ready for business by

Charles Delano, of Congress, diedJan. 'Sid, in Springfield, Mass.

The death of Lord Castletown h announced fromLondon.

The whole central portion of Nicolaiff, Kossia,has bven destroyed by fire.

A cablegram from Wiesbaden annoanccs thedeath of Flotow, the composer.

The Toledo (O.) e has been burned.Loss, i5,000; insurance $1X,WQ.

The lirewers and malsters of New York haveplaced 42,000 marks in the hands of the Presidentof the lteichstag for the relief of the cofferer inGermany.

O'Brien, ediior of Vmittd Jrttaml, has been elec-ted to the British Parliament.

Eugenie left Paris, it having beenhinted to her by the authorities that her presencewas undesirable.

A committee of the California Ijegislature is in-vestigating the affairs of the Hoards of Pilot andllarbor Commissioners at San Francisco.

An explosion at the llisdon Iron Works in SanFrancisco killed one man and fatally woundedanother.

A number of vessels arc overdue at San rranracn.In San Francisco Mexican dollars arc que d at

cHZ'Pi cents.The situation in France continues critical.The bill to abolish the whipping of persons con--

Ticien or tnuruer in ice second uegree wis ieonuueu iu uie ueiaware Asscmniy.

The cold snap has produced widespread destitu-tion among the poorer clashes of Virginia.

The theory that the Tehachapi catastrophe wascaused by seems to bo well rstab--

iranod.Princess Louise left Charleston, S. CJfto.lMth

on tne Uicto,

James Patrick, Sr., the oldest journalist in Ohio,is uena. ageu vi.

The dispatches indicate that the Fenians are atwork again, and have adopted the dvnamite policy.

A lot of 53,000 United States registered 4 percent, bonds sold in San Francisco, Jan. I'Uh, at

An increased number of detectives and spieshave been placed around the Czar's Winter Palaceai du reier&Durg.

It is hoDed that the French crisis mar be tidedover without a complete disruption of the Ministry.

Among the victims of the Cimhria disaster wasDora Henninges, known as a prima donna undertoe name ox June, xrarane.

Dr. W. F. Carver declines to shoot with Bo"gardus for the world's wing-sh- championship,. butwin snoot lor coin.

There are fSLTSSftk. or 2S tons of silver coinin ma oan r rancisco &uo-- 1 reaxury.

The remains of Gustavo Dora were interred inthe cemetery of Pere La Chaise. Alexandre Dumasuenvereu me orauou at me grave.

Muldoon defeated lianer iu a wrestling match atou lAAua ior n Hue.

A fire in the Sforza Czarini Palace did damageto the amount of $30,000, A portion of th familyurcoiTvs was uesiruycu.

The magistrate condnctiog the inquiry into thecase of Pnnce Napoleon states that sufficient caoseis not suown xor i oncer proceeumgs.

The Bothscuilds have placed in Europe at SO nBrazilian loan of tfXXi00i at 4 per cent, interest.

The special committee of the French Chamberof Deputies adopted a proposition to deprive allmembers of royal families having remained inFranco of political right and to prevent them frombelonging to the army.

The German bark A'lntt 2Vnr .UelUrt wentashore at Mumbleshcad, Wales. A lifeboat wasbent to the rescue of the crew, but six of them weredrowned.

The Marquis of tame visited Congress Jan. SMliand was received by the members. In the eveningthe President entertained him at dinner.

The Timet says : The resignation of the FrenchCabinet exhibits a catrstrophe which threatens thepolitic! arrangements of the country and rendersthe HUbatituUon of a more powerful Ministry amatter of exceeding difficulty.

The Portes reply to Granville's circular requeststhe Conference to reassemble.

Hilly Edwards, champion, in answerto Foi's challenge, says in the New York IlemM .

I will bet Fox, or any one else, $r00 that Mace can'tknock me out in four suuare rounds on any even-ing two weeks from date at the Madison SquareGarden.

A placard was pobted in a public garden in SUPetersburg, enjoining people to avoid the placesfrequented by the Court, lest they should be hurtby anything that might happen.

Garfield Learned, senior member of the firm ofLearned, Thompson A Co. publishers of the Slipp3 JJt of Boston, died at hi house in WentNewton, after a brief illness, age 73.

At meeting in Paris of the French CabinetFalliers was appointed President of the Connedand ad interim Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The ceremony of electing an Archbishop ofCanterbury took place at the Cathedral in Ixndon.Jan. :9th.

The .WH (imMR Gazttle points out that theEmperor William recent letter to the Pope wascuiinlenugned by Bismarck, thus proving that theletter was not simply a compromise, but is a docu-ment of political importance.

There is renewed doubt a to what Ministers willretain their posts under Falliers, in the new FrencuCabinet- -

A Wail from Lahaina.Editos Gizxttis Scvexal weeks ago w e noticed

jui article in the columns of your paper, a part ofwhich ran somewhat as follows: MInLahaina,where no license has been granted for sellingliquor, all is peace and quiet."

We were much surprised as our eyes fell uponthe vords, end strove to fancy by vhorn they couldhave bea 'penned. Certainly it must have beenthe opinion of some person who is a stranger tothe town; or. if a resident, one of the officers of thetaw; aa mil other inhabitants of TrHim, I think,are painfully aware of the fact that Satnrdaynightsand Sondaya here, are anything but peaceful andquiet.

Beport has it that within the last six months,two natives in this vicinity have fallen into adrunken tdumber from which they never awakened.

Possibly our home is in an unfortunate localityin this respect; but be that as it may, from ourveranda we often see sight and hear socnds,thatconvert what otherwise would be a quiet Sabbath,into what we imagine such days must be in local-ities where ever) third house is a drinking den,' A few days ago two drunken men one of whomheld a six months old infant, were talking, whenone called msclhtr an tmrJeasant name. The masQua "offended immediately arose, dropping thebabe upon the ground as ne did so. and attackedthe offender. During the A?A which followed,Some one kindly earned off the little one for protertian.

Th South Sea Islanders as well as natives, arefast becoming drunkards. Bum of nativefactor I presume is the cause of much fighting

One Sundav evening not lone aince. ve chanoodto pass a man and woman, the man drunk, andposebty the woman as well, accompanied hy apoiwemaa. As ve neared them we noticed thatUm wcEaan'waa using pTofaaevvuIgar IazEa0e,evWeaHy farfi of anger. The poheenaa wt

of ground eball be restored to the said Mainaeor Jir representatives together with all thebandings and Improvements." This lease is

atwl UnMltiilin I hair ic- r-

good enough to say " Hu&h, hush! and try to keepher quiet until we bad passed.

y our celestial neighbors have been cele-brating their Happy New Year," and we are in-

formed that the town is full of drunkenhumans of both sexes and all colors; though as we,like the leading officer of the police here, happento be a great home body, and see but little of whatgoes on about us ve repeat this merely as hear-say. One thing however, is certain: some movemust shortly be taken, or the streets of Lnhainawill not bo safe to be found in, Saturday nightsparticularly. We have heard of but one arrestfor drunkenness being made in the town daringthe last six months; and n effort whatever seemsto be put forth to close the dens where ram issold.

The state of leprosy here, is also something fbat our theme is intemperance, so we

win reserve tne poor leper ror some rutnre occa-sion. A BrSIDEXT.

Native Press.From (be Ilavwit a Jjii.I, 13. j

Tue Auditoh Gextjul. Since the appointmentof Auditor General to the present time, there havecome to our knowledge many great evils to be made public.

The nation through its Kcpresentatires greatlydeiircd a person of independent, honest nud trust-worthy character as the one fit to fill the position.and when the law was thought of the man for theplace was also thought of. But the man who was

that time was entirely rejected by the deliberatesentiment of the people, and cast out ns one weMcwhen htrenrth was the creat requisite. And. inproportion to hi weakness is the weakness of hisccts ana ine periormnnco oi ms uciie.

From close observation of his nets tince he hasbeen in office, we can not see that he is nt alldifferent from what tho Ministers with him to be,and he simnlv approves of some of the extrava- -

expenditures; and for this reason theSnt will repent of their having passed the appro-priation for his ample salary seeing ho docs not

carried oat iu this weak manner, and if this manis to retain the office, then it were better that thelaw eliould be done away with by the next legislature.

A?aiu, up to the present time he has kept nobooks appropriate' to his important office, hemerely eigns his name to the bills, that is all hedoes in retarn for his 3,000 a year. Oar moneyis wasted.

We can see no reason why this man should bethrust iuto this office (though we have onr ownopinion of the reason whvl: possibly he is a friendand business councillor of the premier, and if notthat, perhaps he has some hold on him.

Wo have no objection to hira as a man, we aremerely looking to inegoouoi me puono service,in toe uesire to nave jusuce uono.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,FORT STREET, Honolulu. II. I.

Frcth Groceries, tod Provisions of all Until on hnOuna rcccifru rcfjminy irom Europe iuu .mmcanwhich will he told at lite lowest market rites.

Good delivered to at) parts of the cly fiee of charge.W lnd urdere vollclted, and prompt attention


HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEI.mlnstrnctrdbyJ C liLADE, Ee., to


His Handsome Residence,roii.vEi: or juiin a i.ii.iha m.

This Property is in the HealthiestPart of the City.

IU facilities for drainage are perfect, piaranteeinj

romraanda a delight fnl view of the city and harbor, aawell a the coast line from Diamond Head to (he WaU-ua-


Tlie Main Housp U Larc ami is




Hotandeoldwatrrffllaldflalathe lUth lloums. Inboth titorlet. lias It alco laid on, with over fifty hcht,Ihroorh t hi- whole house, with Elegant Chandrllrrs inthe principal moms.

On the matu floor will be found a Lare Parlor andPinlns Room. Mttlng lioom. Hall, Ioqnllo ltoom,ClilMren'n Hlnlncltoom. IUth Hoom.Tiro nedroora.CJoet. I"ntry.To and Kitchen, attachnjto the Mala ltaildinfr, but under a separate roof.

On the pecond floor, Mhlch la resched byaconTealentftairway from the hall, are To Ijir? 1W room s, ;

fie jrootl tWdroomr, Veranda Itoom. llathKoom and Hloset, The Main llon?e Is auont W feetfront and J feet depth. The Kitchen If convenientlyarnnced, ftltha Flnel'ooVln; Itanse, tlh hot waterattachment.

On the rrnnnd are Two Cot tare, with Veranda, anda well ballt Mablo, wlib acenmmodationa for threohwe and carriage, and three rooma for errant.Therelial-o- a mall bnildiny for the (la MachineThe Ixl t 333 on J odd btreet and about fkt feet on Linns rurei.cvmiunincan area oi arret.

llrtlea dlrln" toTUIt tn Pmnftipan !

upon application to Xr. Adami. A portion of the purchafe mnneT can remain on mortat-fo- on ottwoyears. Apply to

i- j, .nct r


THE riiOritlETOl! OF THE

NIULXI SUGAR MILLItrllerins that tltrrv U vncnttlTstnl LAND, on

It- - Unr or the IIaalUn lUilioad

In the District of Kohala,THAT t. Iin

Profitably planted in Cane,it rpwrd ttttlxt rojMMon9 tot

to (from,

Ground at his Mill.KohaU. lla.all. IW gaih. last KM 3m


Covering Boilers, Scam PipesETC ETC

Saves 25 porCcnt. of Fuel- -


"Sir Ar.nU.



ALSO . . ..

iiomp OordasoUf Afiltrifan and Iia!IaK Vanarartmr-.-

Itossla F.o!t Uopv.Manila Bolt Hope

freiziar. MarBa. nocilis. '

ptrn7arn. and IUrdla-All of lkh will U a.ild aalov aiofrrrd r Mbrtpartita, la aaj unaatlrj ilalrtd


NOTICE !ON ACCOUNT OF IMIKSSUrtE OFMr.A.3I.3IEUJS lamaprlkd toaelirtiT cat, 'i; ' m Ihna on It on WEDXES- -

--- .. . .sif s.mriami.

Beins at liberty so to do, 1 adopt the prin- - I

cipal of the X. Y. decision and hold that the I

lease under v,hch the defendants hold, by I

itm torm now prfal...-tfnanr- from vnar In I

E. O. Hall & Son Californiai) i:i.tit* in

Hall'sSteelPlows FurnitureCnttina from5tolSinchM:inaJp for them hy

theMolIno Plow Co.


IMPLEMENTSof . u y d rrpUon notded on these Mandc,




all ktnda;TAINTS AXD OILS-- ot nil timU;LUIIIIICATING OILS-b- cst stock in tbo Hiatttt;KKItOSESK Noonday A Lnatral;BILVElt 1'L.ITKD WAliU-tr- om liccd t llarton;SOUD SILVEI1rOWDEltS nil kinds, from Cnla. lWder WorksC.UdilAOG AXD MACHINE l!OWS-sllsii- es;

HARDWAREA Splendid Assortment;

LKATIIEIi Of All lUwirintious;Onr Good are or the lc?t qnalttT? arc lnht

for cash; ire aliraja new. For particulars, Te referourenftomen and Fill ENDS to CUR NEW DESCRIPTIVE

CATALOGUE, wbKh wo 111 a nil to any one nnoo appllcatTon, or call and xamlnr onr Splendid block of Good

AT OUR WAREROOMS, corner of Fort andMD;r-treclf-, Honomlu. mT

LAINE & GO.Ilmr rniiliill) oti hniiil,

Xjctigro QuantitiesOF

Hay and Grainof all kinds, which m offt r to partharrs at the

Lowest market ratesOar Stock ia renewed tr eh arrlTal

from thu Coast


r. aiie '1!Kpahi:i

to Grind CS-rctli- a.

of all ktnda at BDf Umr.

;i:m:hii. a i; i:ts ioi: tiii:Pacific Mutual Life Insurnnce Company,


State Investment Insurance Company,OF CAUFOMNIA,

Hoover Telephone, the Simplest, Best,AND CHEAPEST NOW IN VE.



Has Received, Per Late Importations,X Larc- an! Vam-- Aftortmcnt f

ODtlcctl Goods,ij,cUcli SLootios UUs. iti

OT 3D BLRIn (.i.l.t hilt t r and rian-- Wan- and .f tin


iWatchesrrom ih Fai ti n of U. Sift?: Approt

.ilXitir- - CMd ani Mirer.

CURIOS From All Parts of .Oceania.Si; C LL AND EXA5IIXE JIT STOCK. ly


Washing Made Easy,By the KALAKAUA AI.

Washing1 Machine !

I'a nteu and M ana tin ami bj thr

Hawaiian Washing Machine Han'fg. Co

Should yon im jinrl KrtliM to rr rlL

Orl this Kachi&rAnd hair so far.

It trill pay for HcelT In less than a, year.DY

13. O. ULiill V Som,Cor aud Km? stmu. llaaelalo. II. I .

Toithon ill ordT- - thoeM br addreoi. (aa lj j

$50,000 IN BONDSFor Salo.


CoedA ot theOXOUEA SrRLR CfiVMvv Iat A rail tbU Vill Hfe tbe litrrhsiw nli n mi ImnoBm, frrf Gbrmi meet Tax. Tt.CarlUi iJockof jthe Conptar la $aW.U: aid the viol ajaooet of '

la thrwr jtart acd jajl ;a four jfr froa date. UkCooobj stlacbrd at 7 per ceaU faniasda calf --reared the tnt and only manxzp on the vbOprotwrtT vt the Compaaj. Ay larihct targrnariaarivfiT4 rettnHa-t- h 1WJ nr the mriitr. m hfarcJrd W 3. U Ar.TlN. Eq, at Pagan- - C.


Company'sjsria-- STORE !

Kos. 56 & 58 Queen Sts.

Xrxt l)onritoIaoiiIr Hall.

New GoodsPEB.

Stmr. SuezKIc:uit Parlor Suits.

Prima N'oril lleilroom .Set.

(Juilo a Xi'ir St.vle:

4ni;ilic Thins Tor rinntatlona;

Woven "Wire Mattresses,

Hair k Spring- - do.,

Curly Hair do.,

Hair and Feather Pillows,

Mirrors,Sheets, and

Pillow Cases,

Excelsioi and Straw Mat-

tresses, and





The Lowest Prices !

E. P. ADAMS,Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.

a. ftV

Hx S. Sta.


REGATTAto nr. ii i:i.i i

Thursday, February 22, 1883,

' OVMEMIXi. l I r Jl sin i. p

L & &1.-- Coronation Purse-- Prize 8100

Yacht Race Free to all.2. Kalakaua Purse Prize 8125

Barge Race Free to all.3 Kapiolani Purse Prize 8100

Gig Race Free to all4. Liliuokalani Purse Free to all

Canoes using five paddles.

5. Diving Contest Prize 825.Partlc fntrtttuez tor ttjr Rr?aru arr ri

qarttcd t Irari tar naiat of ihrlr lloau aa4 t'olonJicfora th t of Fetmurr la J K KOnEItTSON

rrlUl. a&d othxr laT. rmaUm appcrtalnlnc toIU Rrcarta. roajr b. ..buinnl in ap.liril, u jISOBEETSON


J. U. Kawalnul,Capt. A. Fuller,J. W. Robertson,

Regatta Committee,


leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu.WOKK lTXIs.II Ell IX

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink. or Oil.

Photo. Colored &.C.

The Only Complete Collection orIsland Vltwj,

Cnrlnsltle it.Kodornto-- a m


l!y the Suez I am in Itrctipt,

At the California Furniture Co.'s Sim,


Upright Pianos!.Mannrictnrnl hy Carl KocnIch,

PiT'ilcn, ami Errt(ialilrr. X. V.

Have Now Been

In 4n Frni--- a 4


0XTJilALF()Ji21 Vllb.

Have Given Perfect Satisfaction

"4Bi eonftdrntly r"rmiiit u it m

A SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTand will narratit iVm ft. ( i ,


arr maniifattaiTtl m N ittk

SIXTEEN THOrsAXDOf These Instruments

Are now in UseTo. HOEMM , (.auleii ri im

Combine all the latest and Best

liuprovomonlw,Patrtt NtUMlc ArtlM Krunr i ,

AralTp Amn? i. .,

I"nlTi'.'tiiin of S.un--


" l" - (TTIlilS t BAY I.,,!, taiMlTEB

STEINWAY PIANOS,SoW.II Kaun i., All liirMu-ii- i W ;

rami-1- . TW Spkadid Io,ir,.iII THE nnn KATES.


111SAMUEL NOTT,Plum m jtg,




Lamps, Chandeliers,AXI)


C XrV IIUK'K,rOKT hTEEET Opri, "W J. . A i .

T O Kol.nt


AX- T-

HORSE-SHOEH- ESTAiUSMMOIT,Sft W KIi Stmt, tw (root ,,,.

W T.I.aWHhH tmr, Oirrkaye Ttiati and tf

pririag; toi Work ofXrwy

WHO omk Axt n annitoc r.m

tt taaannl - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · a on s rays are coDccctratcd in a rciierlor. LliU C3 Kfc LUC CaUJC S LUC BUUa BUU a erttcal boiler, settio the motive steam caw - [PDF Document] (2024)


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