The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 9, 1952 PAGE THREE Briefs A CLOUDY, COOLER The cloudy weather continues. Yesterday's maximum temperature was 41 degrees; minimum, 20; at o'clock this morning, 41, Trace of rain. Weather Bureau forecast: Rathcloudy, with a low tonight of 30-, tomorrow, mostly cloudy and not warm, with some rain likely. DEATH OF SISTER Mrs. Mary G.

Roberson and Joha Gilmore, of Lyons Avenue, have bern called to Pittaboro, N.C., because of the death of their sister, Mrs. Charles D. Burns. They accompanied by Mrs. Gilmore and.

Mra Roberson's. daughter, Mr. and 'Mra. Charles M. White WOMEN OF THE MOOSE.

The Women of the Moose hold their regular morting tomorrow night at the Moose Home on West Street beginning at'4 FELLOWSHIP The Men's and Women's Christian Fellowship Circle of the First Chriatian Church will meet tomorrow at 7:30 P.M. with Mra. Abbott Smith, at 2315 Fontaine Avenue. Mr.

G. H. Spicer will lead the program 0 REBECCA CIRCLE The Rebecca Circle of the First Christian Church will: the J.O.Y. roond tonight immediately after the o'clock prayer meeting. 8 TO GIVE STUDY At the regular prayer meeting at the Belmont Baptist Church o'clock tonight the pastor, Dr.

C. Spurgeon Paschall, will give. study of the Menonite: faith. MID-WEEK SERVICE. The mid-week.

service at the Charlottesville Presbyterian Church at 8 tonight will be held in the Annex, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. David M. Burt. STUDENT AID MEETING The Charlottesville chapter of the Virginia Student Ald Foundation will meet 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night at Alumni Hall to elect new. officers, INTERRACIAL CONDUSSION Mra.

Judith Gaines, probation officer for the local Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, will speak to the Charlottesville Interracial Commission tomorrow at M. at the Albemarle County Courthouse." Her tople will he renile delinquency HOSPITAL PATIENT Miss Willa of Waynesboro, la a patient at the University Hospital HAS OPERATION Mira. Edna Thomas, of tory Avenue. is recovering at, the University of -Virginia Hospital after undergoing operation there yesterday. IN HOSPITAL: Wilem 8.

Frame, dall Avenue, 1a under treatment for a heart ailment at the Martha ferson Hospital, PRAISE AND TOWER HOUR The Praise and Power Hour will be held at the Christian and Misionary Alliance Church tonight at 7:30 o'clock, The Rev. -Gordon Cathey will start a discussion on the Book of Ruth. IN HOSPITAL Brice Walton, of Boonesyllle, entered the Martha Jefferson Hospital Monday and expects to be bospitalised for several weeks. ENTERS HOSPITAL Mrs. L.

G. Farley, of Staunton, has entered the University Hospital for observation and treatment, AUTO DEALERS MEET Representatives from the city and county governments and the Chamber of Commerce have been Invited to Charlottesville Automobile Dealers Association meeting tonight at the Monticello Hotel to ace a film on traffic conger- EXPERIENCE and TRAINING qualify us to Serve as We would be Served IRVING FUNERAL HOME IF STS. Two Convicted Of Hospital Thefts P. 1. Autopsy Assistant Given Jail Sentence Two of the five bospital employees arrested in December on charges stealing, possessing, and reselling alcobol from the hospital tories were convicted In Trial, Justice Court morning.

All the defendants are Negroes. Rudolph Carey, assistant. la the autopay department, of 109 Chart: eton Avenue, was fined $50 and given three. month fall term OD charge of selling the alcohol $25 fipe. for stealing it.

Robert Banks, as orderly, of Banks Briet," was found of the possession of the alcohol only. and fined $50, with $40 suspended and a 30-day fall sentence, also suspended A- warrant against him charging theft of alcohol was nolle No conviction was reached on charge of possession of. alcohol against Sumner Barnes, assistant in the autopay department from $16 Anderson Street. Barnes pleaded rullty decision was postponed until character witncises testified charge against him of stealing the was molle The trial of Tommy Rhodes, 340 Street, began 'about on charges of Wiegal possession and on charge of stealing bed clothIng, men's clothing' and pitcher the hospital. He pleaded not culity on both charges, The fifth man, James H.

Love, 329 Dice Street, did not appear to anawer charges of theft and sate of Beatrice Wyatts, No gra of Fourth Street, NW, who was arrested with the other five for of the goods allegedly stolen by Rhodes, was given 90- day jall sentence in Police Court. Chief of University Police Res G. Houchens, who WAS chief. witness for the prosecution, said that the theft of alcohol at the hospital had been going on for several months with a gallon or two missing each week. detective from the Willam Burns International Detective Agency "had worked in the hospital and had attempted to buy alcohol from Lave, he testified.

Houchens said Love refused to sell to the detective but told him to send Robert Banks If he wanted the alcohol The detective sent Banks with $1.25 and rot pint in return, Houchens sold the procedure the men used was to so to the supply room and get gallon of alcohol. They, would give. the laboratory quart' and keep the rent for selling. The five Det cember 13 pa the theft, and selling charges, which in some casca were amended in court this morning. The additional -charge against Rhodes of stealing the bed clothing was reduced from felony to misdemeanor.

James Howard, of Charlottesville was convicted of careless and reckleas driving and fined $5 and had his permit revoked for ten days. He was arrested after his car, which was towing another car, cot out of control on Route 250 cast and nearly struck several passing 1 Calhoun Will Attend State Chamber Meeting Frank H. Calhoun will represent Charlottesville and Albemarle at the Virginia State- Chamber, of Commerce quarterly, board meeting to be held in a Richmond on ary 11.. tion and how, the problem has been solved. in some other cities.

..0. It WITU The Charlottesville chapter of the Women's Christian Temperance! Union will meet at the First Baptist Church tomorrow at 3 P.M. .4. IN HOSPITAL Dan Townsend Jr. of 622, Lorust Avenue, is improving at the University of Virginia Hospital after being extremely Ill.

He la receiving no. visitors. The Perpetual Flame of Friendliness and Service M. C. HILL Funeral Home srd Market), Dial 2-5444 for unexcelled vice within the means of all League Board fir Seek: Action On Central Voters Registrar The board at alrectors of the League of Women Voters of Alb marle yesterday moved to call for action by the membership favoring prescatation and support by State Senator Edward O.

McCue Jr. and Delegates Henry B. Gordon and James F. Dulaney of a bill ting Albemarie County to set up central voters registar for the at 'county residents. The meeting was held at the Chancellor Street af Mra Theddore H.

Evans 'Mra. C. Chamberlain president, pointed out that the League's work in the county during the last five years has revealed an urgeat: need for central trar. The 'present 24 rural precinct registrare, most of them otherwise employed, without and located on taaccessible back roads, have led many complaints from be voters who have found it dimcult to locate the proper registrar. The next meting of the League, which wilt: deal with education standards and general school pollcles, is scheduled for on the afternoon of January Westminster Church.

According to Mia Evani, tion chairman, topics to ed will be: ways to alleviate ent heavy text book cost to parqualifications of good school board members; and recent preposals to current problems Residents Bear With Route To Asked To Hickman, Ex-UVa Work On Grid Star, Named Monticello To NC State Staff City Manager James Bowen Jr. has written residents In the Belmont area asking them to "bear with us" during the construction of the route to Monticello over Avon Street, Levy Avenue, Monticello new Avenue attest and from the construction Avenue of to a point north of the Adore's Crack: bridges Bowen said- today -the contract had been let and he expected work to begin very soon. The city and State are sharing in the cost of the project which will move Route 20 from Monticello Road to Monticello Avenur, The bridge over Moore's Crock is to be widened by the State In the very near future, Bowen aid. Bowen said when the work completed, the streets will be 44 fert wide, will be paved with "blacktop" material and will have curb cutter both "During the construction this project the: residents along this route will he at times. However, this will be compensated in part by the fact that when the work is completed it will be an improved, modern strret, and will our visitora tof Monticello better route and Aner casion- of our city," Bows tter read.

New Bridge Completed At Rio Road Crossing The Rio Road bridge project was the removal of the detour bridge officially completed yesterday with across the Southern Railway. The project, started last summer, replaced a 30-year-old one wooden bridge with a two way concrete Traffic has been using the new bridge for. about a week. The Southern Railway built the bridge, with part of the cost contributed. from Albemarie County's share of State Highway Department funds, Local Call Committee Plans Meeting Tonight The Charlottesville Call Committee will mect tonight at 7:30 P.

M. at, the Charlottesville Preatyterian Church. Miss Martha Boggs, field worker for the State, will be on hand to answer questions about The Call to United Christian Youth Action. Kilroy Jr. BY SEE CAT 3 7 the overcrowding and curriculum.

Mra. George Sheldon will make a report. on the 'Jackson P. Burley High School, including the new course in practical, nursing art up in cooperation with the Univeralty of Virginia hospital, Mrs. William Parson will report progress of the new Athemarle High School en Hydraulle Road.

Representatives of rarious educatian and parent groups have indicated that they will participate in the program and in the question and answer period which will follow. Mra Conway H. Ficklea, of Copeley. Hill, will be present to take care of young children during the meeting. The Arst of the inflation workpa, entitled Sense, Does Your Dollar Maker" wUl be held at 4 on the evening of nary 11.

pt the Thomas Jefferson Memorial: Unitarian Church on Rugby Road. The moderator wilt be Mrs. Arthur M. Smith, of Fendell Terrace, and recorder, Page Brydon, of Chancellor Are. George Elkins Reed, workshop chairman, sald that to participate had been accepted, by 'a 'number el civic This meeting, well the education meeting January 22, open to the public.

Frank R. of Rugs by Avenue, was appainted to the board as publications chairman. RALEIGIE: N.C. Jan. Mike Karmazin and William (Billy) Hickman night were appointed assistant football coachre at North Carolina State College, Their appointments are effective February 1.

Karmazin, 81, former head coach at Fork: Union Military Academy st Fork I'nion, succeeds All Rotella as line coach. Hickman, 20, was named back deld coach to all vacancy left by the promotion of Horace Hendrickson to bead "coach, Hendrickson was named last month to succeed Beattie Feathers head coach. Feathers was given the job of freshman football coach. Hickman, former football star lat Virginia, has been employed by an engineering Arm in Baltimore, Md. for several months.

He terly was an assistant coach Duke and While at Duke he the tomas tion team. A In the attack, Hickman will help Hendi rickron install the offense at State this To Hughes, Gleason Board Named' Orphanage RICHMOND, Jan. -UP Elec tion of a new board of trustecs to administer the affairs of the Virginia Methodist Orphanage here was announced today. The board, consisting of clergy. men and laymen chosen from the Virginia Methodist Conferenre, mect with Bishop Paul N.

Garbrr here on February 13 for the putposes of organizing and transacting other business. Members of the new board include J. Aubrey Hughes and Emmott: Gleason, of Charlottesville. Hughes is superintendent of the Charlottesville District, Methodist Church. Sprouse Returned To Face Break-In Charges Ellis Benjamin Sprouse Jr.

of Crosst, was put in the Alberparle County. jail yesterday afternoon after being turned over to county deputy sheriffs by the Pottstown. Pa. authorities. Sprouse.

will face charges, breaking and entering and grand larceny which grew out of break In at the Crozet Pool Room last September. Watch us for the niftiest, prices in town. Shopping in our store is breeze with four slick, quick service. WE HAVE SOME EXCELLENT BUYS IN USED AND RECAPPED TIRES "NOST ALL SIZES SETTLE TIRES and SUPPLY Co. US.

TIRES RECAPPING 5 ROYAL ONE 1-5''0 PRESTON AVE FOURTH m10 SETTLE ON SETTLE FOR YOUR TIRE NEEDS Whitehead Hits Caucus System May Be First Shot In Bid For Governorship sale RICHMOND, Robert Jan. Whitehead 1 fanned the winds of legislative debate: carly last night with a aperch that General Assemblyman termed "the opening gun in campaign for governor. Whitehead, one of the mast voral of State legislators, wound up and let loose at the Assembly's method of electing judges and appointing committee members, He said the system reeked of politics and "favors tow and criminates1 againat He urg. ed the Incoming legislature, which ceavened today for the 1952 sion, to do away with the present method for picking judges, the fact la that: a caucus system for the selection of judges la contrary to every sound concep. tion of the nature of the judicial office," declared Whitehead.

Jurists la The system, he added, "puts the Judges right up to their nerka in politica, and intraparty Democratic politics. at that. the argument la often adranced that judges are not by popular election because such procedure would involve the purists in politics. But Whitehead said he was "not so 'naive as to believe that judges are out; of politics In Virginia. With rare exceptions I would my the reverse la Whitehend also appealed for more consideration of Republicans and Independents In making committee assignments.

He daid both are excluded from major committee. The Nelson County lawnuaker deliverrd his blast st' an otherwise placid Democratic caucus House members, Opening of Campaign Whitehead, a frequent. critic of the State administration, la regardled likely candidate for nor next year on an Lion ticket. After his address last night, another delegate called it "the opening gun in a. campaign for goverexpected, both Democratic caucuses followed the form sheet in nominating House and Senate ficers, who were to he confirmed by the full chambers today, E.

Blackburn Moore was rechasen House speaker and Hen. Robert C. Vaden of was picked president of the Senates Senate. voted to enlarge from seven nine the method of choosing to Anclude one member from each dional district Named to the committee were: Robert O. Norris Jr.

first district; 8. Stephens, second; Lloyd C. Bird, third: Garland Gray, fourth; Dr. J. D.

Hagood, fifth; Mosby C. Perrow Jr. sixth; Harry V. Byrd seventh; Robert Y. ton, eighth, and at.

M. Long. ninth. Enterprise From Odel Jacket from Carleen which In the ready: signal te approach the bow for passing a line and a new le." The destroyer said the Enterprise was rolling 80 dearers to port -nearly flat on its left side and pitching sharply. At one time during the early morning watchers aboard the Associated Press tug Englishman feared the ship had rolled its' last.

It was almost turned over by a huge wave, but it cased back te its 40 degree list. Rev. Charles Leavell Installed As Ministerial Prexy The Rev. Charles d. Leprell, rector of Grace Church.

Cismont, attire Monday president of the and Ministerial Association the Rev. 1. B. Hall, pastor the Baptist Church. New omrers teak office meeting held da the Dogwood Room at the Univernity Virginia Commona.

Elations were held in lip December. Other new officers are the Nathan students, Byrd, vice-president, miniater and the at Baptiat Rev. William Knox, Presbyterian students, secretary. The Rev, O'Neal, Baptist minister at Yancey Mille, was elected The Rev. David H.

Burr, elected secretary, resigned due to new dutica rondleting with the association meeting time. Mr. Knox was elerted to replace himate The association approved plane for community Revind Version the Old Testament when it 1. fished next fall. The revised.

1 Testament wen published several years ago. Mr. Hall, the Rev. H. A.

Donovan, the Rev. John H. Flachbach, and the Rev. Marvin W. were appointed committee handle the publication.

The Rev; C. Spurgeon Paschall was appointed the representative to the Joint Health Department and the Rev, Wayne H. Bowers was appointed to represent the, association on the community committee of "The Call," sponsored by the Yaith Department the National Council af Churches America. Children's Home Officers' Election To Be January 24 new directors for the Children's A now slate of aficers and seven Home Board will elected January 24 at an open menting In the hoard room of the National and Trust Company, Children's Home tion: provides that a third of the 21-member board of directors must retire: each year, whome terms as directors expire this year are John 8. Battle Jen president, Mrs.

Clark J. Lawrence, frat vicepresident; and aL. A. Early, arere- tary. Officers whose three year terms directors are not complete this year are the Halbert.

second. vice president, Cilium, treasurer, Besides Battle, Mra. and Early; directors whose terms expire are Mrs. Walters, P. Hull, Dr.

William H. Wood, and Mra, Linn Stout. The will at P. and interested persons are invited ta attend. The Children's Home Hoard has obtained the services of a trained worker and expects her to start here sometime In February, Ing with the City and County Wetfare Departments and preparing I report on the need for a children's home bore, Building plans will be deferred until.

ibis can be prepared probably next year some time. Congregation. Of Grace Church Meets Tonight Grace Episcopal Church at Cia mont will hold its annual. meeting of the congregation tonight at 6:30 o'clock at the parish house, The election of four new vestry. men of Walker's Parish for three.

year terms will brid at the meting. Clearance Sale Continues DRESSES 43 LOW $5.00 COATS AS LOW $39.95 SUITS 9 AS AS LOW $19.95 SKIRTS AS LOW $5.00 1 HATS AS LOW. $2.00 Town Country Shop 114 4th Street N. E. 2 Highway Expert Heard By Rotary Speaks On Concrete: Bridge Construction new method of bullding hriders concrete.

construction, used in Europe for sone 30 poura, was explained at the semi- monthly meeting of the Rotary Club st the Albamarie Hotel Inst night by La- Melville, associate enginer, Virginia Council of Highway Investigation and Research, the University, The new method, described bond between sioning wires and concrete, would said the speaker, a saving of 15 to 50 per cont of concrete, while the could be reduced some 50 per cent from what would he need in nary reintorred concrete. "Beaded the savings on materials, priestreaming would thus 1 helpful in reducing dead weight, allowing far lighter foundations, decreasing forming costa by. precasting." Virginia's first bridge the will lorated near concrete span type said Charlottesville, It wIll located on Route 001; part of Garth Road, at the Ivy Creek crossing. The concrete alaba: will be fabricated before being put la place: Highness the construction of her frat bridge, Virginia will be Joining inany of her slater states in phase of efficient and progressive construction," Melville derlared. pro-stressed -bridges are becoming a reality, it la timely to give more tholight to at highway alaba and their patens tlalities to fulfill the needs of mod.

era heavy transportation." A is-minute movie, "Women the Air was shown by Jar Irene. V. WAC WAT recruiting officer for the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia and southern Maryland, who was accompanied by Opl, Sally a new club memher by Charles T. O'Neill and inducted: by the Herbert Donovan was Morland J. McMurry, of the Acme Viable Records Co, Inc, at He to a former member the Chicago Rotary Club In World War I served arrond lieutenant' the Infantry and apent mine months in Russia with the expeditian that landed at Archangel.

Members of the club, voting district governor, expressed their preference for Daniel of the Richmond Only visiting Rotarian night's dinner was Leroy Bowen, of the Lynchburg Club. Greene Bank' Resources Are Highest In History STANARDAVILLE, Jan. -R. N. Carly, president of the Bank of Greene Inc.

rrported at the stork-12 holders' meeting last night that the bank's at the end of the year totaled the eat in the history of the bank, This was $100,000 in: rease over total resourres In About 60 attended the meeting: Re alerted were R. N. Early, president: John J. Morris, vire-presIdent, R. N.

Blevens Jra vice-preatdent; 1. D. Davia, cashler: B. D. a Dougins, following assistant directors: cashier R.

N. and Early, they R. A. Breeden, I. Davia, John J.

Morria, R. S. Parrott, If. K. Shelton, R.

N. Stevens Jr. Company coming? Common Injuries To Be Discussed By State Doctors Common Injuries in general practice will ho terence to he held at the University of Virginia Friday, to which eral physicians of the Commons have bren Invited by the University's department of aedie, cine, Guest speakers for the conference will Include Dr. Edward: D. Churchill, John Homans pries for of surgery at Harvard Univers altyr who will deliver the Charles a.

Tenable Memorial lecture on re sponse of the body to a wound. De. Churchill will apeak at 0 P.M. Everett I. Evans, professor of gery and director of surgical.

relaboratorica at the Medical College of Virginia, will apsak at 1 P. M. on the emergency treatment of the severely burned. Dean Vernon W. Lippard.

al the Univerally of Virginia, wilt open the conference at 2 A.M. Members of the University's medieal faculty. will dive half hour lectures in related topica, and Dr. P., professor of aurory and director of the conference, will lead parel discursions at the close at the morning.

and afternoon sessions. Faculty members will take part Include Dr. William H. Parte er, Dr. E.

Meredith Alrich, Dr. WI. Ham R. Sandusky, Dr, K. Cate Drash, Dr.

J. Hamilton and Gayle All of the conference will be held in the McKim stall auditorium at the Univeralty. meeting will he the and the current series of graduate: symposluma. at the Unto verity of Virginia, which started last fall with conference" on oh stetrics and Jacluded la the series will be a on dierame, later in the year. Obituaries I Mrs.

Almeta Hatcher Turner, aunt of Mra. Linwood H. Warwick, :118 Observatory Avenue this city, the former Miss May Elisabeth Hatcher, of Lynchburg, died day at the home of nephew. Radfard at the age of 102. native of Cumberland County.

the went to Radford In 1002 with her huaband, Thomas M. Turner, who at one time was mayer Radford. They had operated Dudley Institute in Frankfort, pries la moving to Radford, One of Mra. Trirner's proudest possessions was a letter written bet by General Robert Law Has father's farm fi' Cumberland Couns ty adjnined. one 0A which.

the general lived for a time after the War Between the Slates. Are Turare was the oldest Hying of Mary Baldwin When she a student there, was known Staunton Female Institute, A A funeral service will be held at o'clock this afternoon. In Grace Episcopat Church, Redford with. burial in West View Cemetery. NRA THOMAS.

TURNER 1. Greene Lions Club Minstrel Nets $300 Jan. The Greene County Lions Club ed at a meeting last night the Odd Fellows Hall here that the net proceeds of the Lions Minstrel held during the holidays amounted to about $300. The- Liens appropriated $135 be. used to purchase glasses.

for needy children in the county. P. PAR Americas Party Drink! Extra sparkle! Extra Ravori Big, big quart serves six! ale ATP BOTAL CROWN COLA! There's ParT -Pat a Young la re the refreshing full da Mom loves those HIG, RIG quart that Sparkling Water Orange Collins Mixer Grape Ginger Ale Reel ho*r Nehi Bottling Co. Charlottesville, 4.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.